Club Bwua'tu

Club Bwuat'u was a secretive organization operating within the Galactic Alliance government, alongside other well-connected and knowledgeable beings. Their primary goal was to expose the various conspiracies that appeared to be driving the galaxy toward complete chaos. Its members included Nek and Eramuth Bwua'tu, as well as Chief of Staff Wynn Dorvan, acting Chief of State Padnel Ovin, Lando Calrissian, Han and Leia Solo, and several others. The group also attempted to recruit Qaras Senator Rokari Kem; however, they were unaware that Rokari Kem was actually Abeloth, who used the Force to murder Padnel Ovin while he was addressing the Senate.

Club Bwua'tu played a significant role in the planning stages of the Jedi operation to liberate Coruscant. Knowing the Jedi would return to reclaim Coruscant, the Sith began taking control of key administrative roles, such as immigration posts and high-ranking positions within Galactic Alliance Security and the Galactic Alliance Department of Justice. However, Club Bwua'tu initiated the infiltration of Coruscant by teams of two or three Jedi. They later aided in the liberation alongside Galactic Alliance Marines who were loyal to Admiral Bwua'tu.

