Eramuth Bwua'tu

A Bothan male named Eramuth Bwua'tu (a male) from the Bwua'tu family, was a highly regarded and prosperous attorney renowned for his unwavering defense of his convictions. He was also the uncle of Galactic Alliance Admiral Nek Bwua'tu. In the year 44 ABY, Bwua'tu served as the legal representative for former Jedi Tahiri Veila during her trial against the Galactic Alliance. This trial stemmed from the assassination of Admiral Gilad Pellaeon during the Second Galactic Civil War. He was known as a just attorney, and his primary legal tactic involved appealing to the emotions of the jury. He belonged to Club Bwua'tu, an organization that included himself, his nephew Nek, Wynn Dorvan, and Padnel Ovin. This group was dedicated to exposing various conspiracies designed to create widespread chaos across the galaxy.


Career as a lawyer

Eramuth, hailing from the prestigious Siberian Botanical Bwua'tu family, achieved victory in every case he argued. His reputation was built on his sophisticated and traditional approach, coupled with his exceptionally courteous demeanor. While his quirks were well-suited to him, every aspect of his presentation—from employing old-fashioned manners to charm juries to feigning sleep during a prosecutor's witness examination—was meticulously planned. He only accepted clients when convinced of both their innocence and his likelihood of winning. Around the time of the Second Galactic Civil War, he chose to retire to academia. He found great satisfaction in imparting his wisdom to future generations, believing that his intellect improved with age.

He had previously faced prosecutor Sul Dekkon in at least one case. When Tahiri inquired whether he had won, his response was a confident "naturally."

Representing Tahiri Veila

Natasi Daala's Galactic Alliance brought charges against Tahiri Veila, a former Jedi who had become the Sith apprentice of Darth Caedus, for the assassination of Admiral Gilad Pellaeon. After the court rejected Nawara Ven as her representative, and Mardek Mool admitted his inability to handle the case, Jaina Solo, Jagged Fel's fiancee, persuaded him to ensure Tahiri received adequate legal counsel. Consequently, Eramuth agreed to take on the case.

Initially, Veila was taken aback by Eramuth's eccentricities, such as his preference for hard copies using Flimsi, but she quickly developed trust in his judgment.

Eramuth aimed to evoke empathy from the jury towards Tahiri, helping them understand the experiences that led to her fall under Caedus's influence. This strategy was highlighted by the dramatic appearance of Dab Hantaq, an Anakin Solo look-alike, while Tahiri testified. However, the prosecution presented surprise evidence that undermined this effort: a recording of Pellaeon and Veila just before his death. Eramuth made every effort to block the recording's playback and demanded a more thorough analysis of it.

During the trial, Lydea Pagorski, a communications officer aboard the Bloodfin, testified that Veila murdered Pellaeon to facilitate the Moffs' alliance without resistance, naming her as his new chief of the empire. Eramuth, intending to address the judge as a lawyer, refused to accept this account and discovered that the Grand Admiral's death recording had not been monitored. Pagorski falsely claimed that Veila stayed with her lover Liyn, a member of the security unit, during the war. Determined to uncover Pagorski's motive for lying, Eramuth presented military data storage, obtained from Jagged Fel, requesting evidence including a recording. After the recording revealed a conversation between Caedus and Veila, Eramuth accused Lydea of providing false testimony in the murder trial.

Following an incident at the prison, Eramuth addressed the court before the next hearing, seeking to ensure his client's acquittal. He based his defense on the argument that they had been intentionally lured to a location where the former Jedi was attacked. Later, he accompanied Veila to the courtroom and requested a brief recess to confer with her. Despite Tahiri's belief that Bwua'tu had secured key victories, the Bothan explained the presence of even greater challenges. Moreover, the Galactic Alliance's acquisition had fueled negative sentiment towards the Jedi, viewed as a significant betrayal. After the break, Bwua'tu reassured Tahiri quietly, expressing confidence in winning her freedom. However, Tahiri, unwilling to risk anything for her lawyer, apologized.

Subsequently, Eramuth sought to improve his client's conditions, as the Jedi could offer no assistance. As he prepared to present a presentation that would help Veila avoid the death penalty, the former Jedi sensed danger, urging Bwua'tu to take cover on the floor. Shortly after, the institution was attacked by the bounty hunter Boba Fett, who aimed to eliminate the deposed head of state. While Bwua'tu remained unharmed, Tahiri seized the opportunity to escape captivity. Eramuth was shocked by his client's escape, which nearly overshadowed the shame of the case. While on the run, Veila considered returning to Bwua'tu, but she worried about the potential repercussions for her lawyer.

Against Corruption

Following the trial, Eramuth Bwua'tu remained devoted to his nephew, spending extended periods at the admiral's bedside until he regained consciousness from his coma. He inquired about his nephew's well-being and summoned Rynog Asokaji's adjutant, who informed him of the change in leadership within the Galactic Alliance and the slave revolts. Together with Wynn Dorvan, his nephew, and the new head of state, Padnel Ovin, they established a secret intelligence service known as Club Bwua'tu, with the goal of uncovering government conspiracies. Shortly thereafter, Eramuth provided comprehensive information about Tahiri Veila, while Dorvan entertained his nephew. He later visited Leia Organa, who was imprisoned after the Jedi left Coruscant. With the intention of assisting in a potential court case, he met Ovin, who assured him that all charges would be dropped. Nevertheless, he spoke with the Jedi and informed her husband that Leia Han Solo was planning their liberation with the club.

After the Liberation on Coruscant, he attended the Jedi Council meeting, providing information to the Jedi Council. He initially proposed an attack on the capital, but the Jedi convinced him otherwise, to which he agreed.

