Dab Hantaq, originating from Coruscant, was a male Human. His career path led him from being a documentarian to holding the position of Alliance Marshal with responsibilities as a Jedi supervisor.
During the Yuuzhan Vong War's second year, when he was only twelve years old, the deceitful New Republic Senator Viqi Shesh manipulated him into resembling Anakin Solo. This was done to confuse Leia and Han Solo and to abduct their son, Ben Skywalker. Shesh promised Dab, who was then using the alias "Tarc Kether," safe passage off of Coruscant for his mother and sisters as compensation for this deception.
The scheme, however, was unsuccessful. Following the Battle of Coruscant, Dab and other Coruscant refugees found themselves on Hapes, where he attended Anakin Solo's memorial service. Subsequently, he was hired by Wolam Tser and Tam Elgrin to work as a holocam operator.
Sixteen years later, specifically in 43 ABY, the Galactic Alliance assigned Dab to the role of Jedi supervisor, tasking him with observing Jedi Knight Jaina Solo during her missions. She found this assignment irritating, as his appearance constantly reminded her of Anakin Solo. Dab also confided in Jaina about his long-standing infatuation with Tahiri Veila, dating back to their first encounter during the Yuuzhan Vong War. Despite Dab's feelings, Solo cautioned him to avoid Veila.
Later on, in 44 ABY, Eramuth Bwua'tu requested Hantaq's presence in the Ninth Hall of Justice within the Galactic Justice Center on Coruscant during Veila's trial. Bwua'tu's intention was that Veila's reaction upon seeing Hantaq would garner sympathy from the jury. Veila was both shocked and distressed by this tactic. Nevertheless, Bwua'tu's strategy proved effective, as the jury displayed greater empathy towards Veila.