Jedi supervisor

Jedi supervisors, alternatively referred to as observers, were positions established through an executive order. This order was enacted by Chief of State Natasi Daala two years following the conclusion of the Second Galactic Civil War. This followed the trial and subsequent exile of Grand Master Luke Skywalker from both the Jedi Order and Coruscant. Daala believed it essential that every Jedi be monitored by an agent representing the Galactic Alliance.

Immediately, requests were disseminated throughout the galaxy, seeking individuals with prior interactions or experiences involving the Jedi Order or its members. Those who responded were promptly assigned to shadow either a Master/Padawan team or an individual Jedi Knight during their missions. While barred from residing within the Jedi Temple, the newly appointed Grand Master Kenth Hamner designated a small lecture hall near the Jedi Temple Great Hall as a waiting area. This space allowed the supervisors to establish desks and gather information regarding the whereabouts of their assigned Jedi.

The executive order also included a "Guilty By Association" provision. This provision mandated that non-Jedi Force-users also be monitored by an observer. Consequently, Tahiri Veila, a former Jedi Knight and Sith apprentice, voiced concerns regarding this measure, resulting in the assignment of Trinnolt Makken as her observer. Veila challenged the matter in court, where the Court of Justice, led by Chief Justice Uved Pledesin, ruled in her favor with a nine-to-three vote. Their conclusion stated that possessing significant power did not inherently necessitate supervision. As a result, the clause was revoked.

Shortly after the raid on the Armand Isard Correctional Facility, Nawara Ven, a Twi'lek, initiated efforts to overturn many of the laws restricting the Jedi Order, a movement that was supported by the Courts. Among the measures repealed was the appointment of observers.

Known Jedi supervisors

