Armand Isard Correctional Facility

The Armand Isard Correction Facility functioned as a civilian prison located on Coruscant from the initial days of the Galactic Empire, spanning through the era of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, measured in time.


Constructed from black synthstone, the facility exemplified early Imperial era architectural styles. It was a solitary, towering structure, adjoined by an exercise yard, which was, in turn, enclosed by a meter fifteen-high wall. Each of the four corners featured a tower, equipped with sniper nests and powerful spotlights.


The prison derived its name from Armand Isard, who was the inaugural Director of Imperial Intelligence. Jaina Solo stated that Ysanne Isard, his successor as the head of Imperial Intelligence, bestowed the name. This action stemmed not from remorse, but from a dark and twisted sense of humor.

Following the New Republic's capture of Coruscant in 6.5 ABY, the facility retained its original designation, even with its links to the prior regime. It later endured numerous subsequent invasions, as well as the terraforming of the planet carried out by the Yuuzhan Vong.

After being encased in carbonite by the Galactic Alliance, Valin Horn was brought to the Armand Isard Correction Facility in 43.5 ABY.

Seff Hellin, afflicted with the same ailment as Horn, launched an unsuccessful raid in an attempt to liberate Horn. This attempt, however, led to Hellin's capture by Darkmeld.

