The Galactic Federation of Free Alliances versus Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker versus The Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, alternatively titled Alliance case Y0043-17014, concerned a legal dispute between the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances and Luke Skywalker, where Luke faced charges of putting a population at risk through recklessness. The proceedings occurred within the Ninth Hall of Justice situated on Coruscant. Presiding over the case was Zudan, a Falleen female acting as judge, while Nawara Ven, a Twi'lek, served as Skywalker's legal counsel. Shortly after the session began, Skywalker entered a guilty plea.


Luke Skywalker

The judgment against Skywalker stipulated that he be exiled from Coruscant for a duration of ten standard years. In addition, he was required to temporarily step down from his role as Grand Master of the Jedi Order, designating Jedi Master Kenth Hamner as the acting Grand Master. Skywalker was prohibited from visiting or nearing any Jedi Temple, Jedi Order School, or other Jedi Temple facility within a one-light year radius of his location. Furthermore, Skywalker was barred from establishing any Jedi Order Temple, Jedi Order School, or similar Jedi Temple facilities, and from interfering with any enterprises bearing structural or organizational resemblance to these entities. Should Skywalker violate any of these restrictions, he would face imprisonment in a maximum-security prison belonging to the Galactic Alliance for the remainder of his ten-year exile.

A pardon could be granted if Luke successfully convinced a board of inquiry that he had uncovered the underlying causes of Jacen Solo's reign of terror during, and in the lead-up to, the Second Galactic Civil War. This board would be composed of a representative from the Galactic Alliance Judiciary Branch, the Galactic Alliance Medical Association, and the Galactic Alliance Armed Forces. The Office of the Galactic Alliance Chief of State was responsible for selecting each of these members. Following this, the case was brought to a close.


In the year 44 ABY, following a Jedi coup against Chief of State Natasi Daala that resulted in the Jedi taking control of the galactic government, Skywalker's sentence was reversed. This allowed him to reassume his position as Grand Master and return to Coruscant at his discretion. Nevertheless, Skywalker chose to remain on Nam Chorios to confront the dark side entity known as Abeloth and safeguard the galaxy. However, due to the revocation of his exile, he was able to participate in combat alongside the Jedi during Operation Shieldfall.

