Lydea Pagorski

Lydea Pagorski was an officer in Imperial Intelligence, a Human female who served under Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon during the time of the Second Galactic Civil War. During the Trial of Tahiri Veila, she was summoned as a witness by the prosecution, specifically Sul Dekkon; however, her testimony was proven false. This was achieved by defense attorney Eramuth Bwua'tu who used surveillance footage to discredit her, leading to the prosecution requesting she be remanded to await her own trial. After the trial concluded, she stayed on Coruscant until Abeloth took over, at which point she was selected and absorbed to become one of Abeloth's host bodies. Using Pagorski's body, Abeloth bypassed Jagged Fel's blockade against Natasi Daala. She then utilized the Force to assist Daala in the Imperial Remnant's general election. While in Pagorski's body, Abeloth captured Tahiri Veila, but Boba Fett intervened and freed her. During the fighting that ensued, Veila and Fett used Thermal detonators to eliminate Pagorski.

