Hagamoor 3

Hagamoor 3, a moon orbiting the planet [Antemeridias], was situated within the boundaries of the Imperial Remnant by 44 ABY. During that year, it functioned as the base of operations for the scientists responsible for engineering the nanovirus strain designed to target the family of the renowned bounty hunter Boba Fett. Furthermore, Abeloth, a dark side entity that had assimilated the form of Imperial Lieutenant Lydea Pagorski, journeyed to the Remnant. Her purpose was to spearhead Admiral Natasi Daala's offensive against Head of State Jagged Fel during the inaugural Imperial election. Abeloth established her headquarters on Hagamoor 3, where Tahiri Veila, a former Jedi, located her under Fel's orders. Veila encountered Fett, who had located the scientists but was subsequently ensnared by Abeloth. They cooperated to achieve their respective goals: Fett sought to gain deeper insight into the nanovirus and explore potential remedies, while Veila aimed to eliminate Abeloth's physical manifestation in Pagorski's body.

