Rokari Kem, also known as Roki Kem, was a freedom fighter. She was a female Jessar from the planet Qaras. After a victorious slave rebellion against the Minyavish on her homeworld, Qaras joined the Galactic Alliance as a member. Subsequently, Kem was chosen to be her planet's representative in the Senate located on Coruscant. However, by then, the dark side entity known as Abeloth had taken control of her. Following the murder of Padnel Ovin, Abeloth utilized her powers of persuasion and Kem's widespread appeal to influence members of the Lost Tribe of Sith. She then won the special election to become the next Chief of State. With Kem, as Chief, under her influence, Abeloth and the Lost Tribe held dominion over the Galactic Alliance. Abeloth's occupation of Kem's body was causing it to break down quickly, as she lacked Force sensitivity and was unable to withstand Abeloth's immense power. During the Liberation of Coruscant, Kem met her end at the hands of Wynn Dorvan while in a trance, allowing Abeloth to access the Jedi Temple's computer system.