The Jessar were a sentient species who originated from the planet called Qaras. In the year 44 ABY, the Jessar, under the leadership of Rokari Kem, initiated a rebellion against the Minyavish species, who had enslaved them. The Jessar were renowned for their commitment to pacifism, and they managed to topple the Minyavish government in a swift, almost entirely peaceful takeover that occurred in a single night (this was only after years of trying less violent options). Following this, Kem enacted a law that prohibited any acts of revenge against the Minyavish; however, she later compelled them to depart from the planet, as she felt it was crucial for both species to gain self-understanding independently. After Qaras joined the Galactic Alliance, Rokari Kem was chosen to represent the planet as its senator. Abeloth targeted her after observing her interview on the HoloNet, where the dark-side entity perceived the profound affection the Jessar held for Rokari, even referring to her as "Mother". This species was depicted as humanoid, characterized by delicate limbs and hands with three fingers. Their skin tone was a light blue, and Rokari was noted for possessing large, expressive green eyes and hair that was a blue-green color.
The Jessar held the conviction that words possess tangible, physical influence over reality, and their language lacked a term for falsehood. Consequently, the Jessar were considered to be entirely truthful, and during the revolt, slaves chose to remain silent rather than utter lies to their Minyavish overlords.