Sothais Saar

Sothais Saar, a male Chev, held the rank of Jedi Knight within the New Jedi Order. Subsequent to the Second Galactic Civil War, he authored a detailed report concerning the prevalence of slavery throughout the galaxy. Shortly thereafter, he succumbed to a psychosis induced by the dark side entity known as Abeloth. Subsequently, Saar was apprehended and confined within the Jedi Temple for observation. In 44 ABY, Luke Skywalker successfully executed a mission that resulted in Abeloth's defeat, thereby instantly curing Saar's psychosis.


Sothais Saar, a male Chev, functioned as a Jedi Knight within the structure of the New Jedi Order. Following the conclusion of the Second Galactic Civil War, he undertook an extensive investigation into the persistent practices of slavery both within and beyond the territories governed by the Galactic Alliance. Saar conveyed to the Jedi High Council his opinion that the Order's efforts to suppress the slave trade were inadequate, particularly within Hutt Space. To finalize his report, Saar provided the Council with his complete document, entitled An Inquiry on Surviving Slavery Practices in the Aftermath of the Second Galactic Civil War, which was available in the Temple Archives. Kenth Hamner, serving as the interim Grand Master, dismissed Saar following the report's presentation, directing the Knight to the office of Wynn Dorvan, an aide to Natasi Daala, the Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance, located at the Senate Building.

Force psychosis

Upon arriving at Dorvan's residence, Saar commenced reiterating the information he had previously presented to the High Council, with the intention of securing support from Chief Daala. Midway through the meeting, Dorvan found it necessary to excuse himself in order to attend a brief meeting in Daala's office, returning shortly thereafter to discover Saar asleep. Upon awakening the Jedi, Saar abruptly formed the belief that Dorvan had been replaced by an imposter. However, wishing to avoid alerting the individual to his awareness of the deception, Saar maintained silence as they proceeded towards the building's main entrance. Dorvan then discerned that Saar had contracted the same enigmatic madness observed in other Jedi, and promptly alerted Coruscant Security as Saar fled the Senate Building.

While fleeing across the expansive Senate Plaza, Saar attempted to seek refuge within the under-levels, aiming to evade those he perceived as impostors. However, his escape was thwarted by the encounter with Cilghal, a Jedi Master and healer. As he approached her, he concluded that she, too, had been replaced by an impostor. Recognizing Saar's condition, Cilghal was compelled to subdue him in a brief duel. Expediting Saar's return to the Temple, Cilghal admitted him to the Temple infirmary and initiated a study of his condition. With the assistance of Shul Vaal, a Twi'lek healer, Cilghal tended to the injuries she had inflicted upon him. In her subsequent report, she observed that he exhibited no augmented Force abilities, a characteristic that had been noted in other infected Jedi, only the paranoia and hostility that had been common in all of them. While Jaina Solo, a Jedi Knight, prepared to relocate Saar offworld to the Jedi academy situated in the Transitory Mists, the civilian hangars of the Jedi Temple were subjected to an attack by Mandalorians acting under the orders of Chief Daala. Although Saar remained unaffected by the attack, his relocation offworld was rendered impossible.

Following Daala's appointment of Han and Leia Solo as Alliance liaisons to the Order, she submitted a request to Grand Master Hamner for the transfer of Saar. Hamner agreed, stipulating that Saar would not be subjected to carbonite encasement, as had been the case with Valin and Jysella Horn, and that the Order's healers would retain the ability to study him. However, this exchange never materialized.


Subsequently, when Luke Skywalker and his Sith allies defeated Abeloth, the dark side entity responsible for inducing the psychosis, Saar's psychosis was instantly alleviated. Cilghal entered his cell within the Jedi Temple detention center, where he expressed his embarrassment regarding his actions, acknowledging that—despite his awareness of the symptoms and the precautions to be taken, the psychosis had, at the time, appeared rational to his mind.

Saar, along with fellow Jedi Turi Altamik, were escorted to the front steps of the Jedi Temple, where Thalleus Tharn, Daala's chosen doctor, conducted an examination. Upon Tharn's declaration that the two Jedi were cured, Daala terminated the Mandalorian siege of the Temple. However, she declined to release Valin and Jysella Horn from Galactic Alliance custody.

Shortly thereafter, Saar was dispatched by the Jedi Council to Blaudu Sextus alongside Avinoam Arelis in order to facilitate mediation in the Octusi revolt. Upon the arrival of the two Knights, they discovered the Mandalorians engaged in the massacre of the Octusi at Arari and intervened. During the engagement, Saar and Arelis breached a building where Madhi Vaandt, a reporter, and her crew had been concealing themselves and transmitting live images of the Mandalorian slaughter. While Saar arrived too late to prevent Vaandt's death, he succeeded in disabling and apprehending her murderer, the Mandalorian commander Belok Rhal.

Saar was subsequently selected as one of four Jedi assigned to Klatooine with the purpose of guaranteeing the Galactic Alliance's and the Jedi Order's support for the Klatooinian uprising against the Hutts and the planet's subsequent entry into the Galactic Alliance. He piloted a trainer X-wing to the planet, with Raharra Lapti, a Klatooinian Jedi Youngling, occupying the second seat. Upon landing on the planet, Saar joined Kyp Durron, a Jedi Master, Bandy Geffer, a Jedi apprentice, and Lapti in accompanying Leia Organa Solo, a Jedi Knight who had been assisting with the negotiations for a peace settlement, to a formal ceremony commemorating the arrival of the Jedi team and Klatooine's accession to the Galactic Alliance.

Personality and traits

Saar was unusually tall for a Chev, and maintained his black hair in a short style, with brown tips. He frequently favored stylish dark robes, a departure from the more traditional garments favored by the majority of Jedi. A Jedi Knight characterized by a robust character and a focused intellect, Sothais Saar was renowned for his unwavering convictions, his dedication to the eradication of slavery, and his remarkably uninteresting demeanor. Despite his extensive knowledge of the subjects he studied, his reports proved tedious even to the Jedi Masters of the High Council.

