The Jedi Academy, situated on Shedu Maad, was founded on that planet following the conclusion of the Second Galactic Civil War and remained operational as late as 43 ABY. Despite its involvement in the Battle of Uroro Station, a significant portion of the academy was preserved thanks to the actions of Tahiri Veila, as acknowledged by Acting Grand Master Kenth Hamner.
Its location remained a well-kept secret because the Jedi Coalition had initially utilized it as a clandestine headquarters on Shedu Maad during the conflict, subsequent to their departure from their temporary base on Endor.
Due to the closure of all other academies, the academy stayed open to guarantee the safety of the younglings as the Jedi Order was rebuilding itself in the wake of the turbulent war, while the Ossus facility underwent repairs. Following several Jedi succumbing to Force psychosis, Leia Organa Solo secretly transported four Jedi, namely Natua Wan, Seff Hellin, Yaqeel Saav'etu, and Bazel Warv, to the academy to avoid their potential encasement in carbonite, similar to what happened to Jysella and Valin Horn.