Yaqeel Saav'etu

Yaqeel Saav'etu, a Bothan Jedi Knight within the New Jedi Order, was a female who brandished a lightsaber with an amber blade.


During the Yuuzhan Vong War, she was kept safe as a child at the Shelter, a Jedi installation situated in the Maw, where she developed a close friendship with Jysella Horn. The Bothan showed herself to be a loyal and helpful friend to Horn, who was dealing with a difficult period due to her brother, Valin Horn, having recently been diagnosed with a Force-related illness that made him believe everyone was an imposter. Consequently, he was frozen in carbonite. Saav'etu belonged to a close-knit group of friends that included Bazel Warv, Valin Horn, and Jysella Horn.

Saav'etu and Warv were at a tapcafe across from the New Jedi Temple when they saw Jysella Horn tossing civilians across the Processional Way. They rushed out to intervene, but the two Jedi were attacked by Horn, who used the Force to anticipate their movements. After slashing Warv in the chest, Horn fled, only to be captured by Galactic Alliance Security forces shortly thereafter. Jedi Master Cilghal and other Jedi arrived on the scene quickly, escorting Saav'etu and assisting Warv to the Temple for healing and an after-action report.

Leia Organa Solo later wanted Saav'etu to escort her family to the Coruscant Livestock Exchange and Exhibition, but the Bothan was off-planet at the time.

The Bothan developed the psychosis as Saav'etu and Warv were walking back to the Temple via Fellowship Plaza. Warv, attempting to calm her and guide her into the Temple through the southern speeder entrance, received assistance from Han, Leia, and Jaina Solo, as well as Imperial Remnant Head of State Jagged Fel. They used tranquilizers on her, but Barv also contracted the psychosis and had to be stunned as well. The two Jedi were then hidden within the Temple as a Security force under the command of Captain Atar arrived with a warrant for their arrest. They were successful in preventing the forced handover of Warv and Saav'etu.

Subsequently, a mission was launched by Han, Leia, Jaden Korr, and Avinoam Arelis to extract Saav'etu and the other psychotic Knights from the Jedi Temple. They were attacked by Mandalorian Supercommandos, but with Warv's help, they managed to defeat them. Saav'etu, Warv, and the other psychotic Knights were then placed in a FloatVan that transported them to safety. Not long after, Saav'etu, Warv, Natua Wan, and Seff Hellin were smuggled offworld by the Solos and taken to Shedu Maad in the Hapes Cluster to avoid the Galactic Alliance.

In 44 ABY, Saav'etu and the other Jedi experiencing the mysterious Force psychosis were freed from their delusions following Luke Skywalker's first battle with Abeloth on Abeloth's planet. Zekk and Tekli brought them from Shedu Maad to the Jedi Temple. Saav'etu led "Team Saav'etu" in the rescue attempt of Jysella and Valin Horn. Disguised as exterminators, the team used foam coating to conceal the facility's cam bubbles and then breached the outer walls using thermal detonators. Inside, the team found thousands of prisoners frozen in carbonite alongside the Horn siblings. Despite strong resistance from Galactic Alliance Security forces, the Horns were successfully rescued.

Saav'etu and Yantahar Bwua'tu found themselves in a difficult situation on Coruscant when they were discovered by a Sith, Captain [Suhale], forcing Warv, Hellin, and Vaala Razelle to pose as spice smugglers to save them. Both Bothan Knights managed to escape. Later, Saav'etu encountered a mysterious, tattooed stranger in Fellowship Plaza. She sensed the dark side within him and attempted to arrest him, but the stranger defeated the Bothan in unarmed combat. Before leaving, he only said to her, "Not yet, Jedi. Abeloth first."

Behind the scenes

In the excerpt from Fate of the Jedi: Omen that was included in Fate of the Jedi: Outcast, Yaqeel's family name was initially Saavis. However, this was changed for Omen, where her last name is given as Saav'etu.

