
A Human captain named Atar (a male) served within Galactic Alliance Security. He led a Security squad in 43.5 ABY, aiming to apprehend the psychotic Jedi Knights Bazel Warv and Yaqeel Saav'etu. However, Imperial Head of State Jagged Fel, along with Jedi Knight Jaina Solo and her parents, Han and Leia Solo, had already taken the two Jedi into custody. Atar disclosed his warrant for Warv and Saav'etu's arrest, but Han and Leia delayed him by going back into the Jedi Temple. Fel and Jaina then departed in Fel's limousine, exploiting his diplomatic immunity.

Later, Atar was present at a clandestine Security blockhouse. A group comprising Jedi and media personnel arrived to see Jysella and Valin Horn, the carbonite-encased Jedi Knights. Sergeant Weeze raised an alarm, alerting Atar to the Jedi's arrival. Despite arriving with a substantial Security force, the Captain was compelled to grant the visitors access to the Horns, as they possessed a legal document that guaranteed their visitation rights.


Warv and Saav'etu

In the era following the Second Galactic Civil War, Atar, a male Human sporting a thick moustache, served in Galactic Alliance Security. By the year 43.5 ABY, he had risen to the rank of Captain and was in command of his own squad. During that time, several Jedi Knights began to suffer from a mysterious illness, leading the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances to decide to address the issue by encasing the affected Jedi in carbonite. When Yaqeel Saav'etu and Bazel Warv succumbed to the psychosis, Jaina Solo, Jagged Fel (Imperial Remnant Head of State), and Solo's parents, Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo, swiftly apprehended them outside the Jedi Temple's speeder entrance.

Drawn to the commotion, Atar and his squad arrived. As Fel, Han, and Jaina escorted Saav'etu and Warv inside the Jedi Temple, Atar's squad surrounded Fel's limousine, upon which the incapacitated Warv was concealed. While his men held Fel's driver, Baxton, at blasterpoint, Atar confronted Organa Solo. Despite her denial of any knowledge of the events, Atar presented an image on his datapad depicting Warv atop Fel's limousine. Fel and the Solos returned, and the Head of State ordered Atar's men to stand down. Atar admitted his unawareness of the limo's ownership by Fel and cautioned the Head of State against interference. Fel countered that he would only allow Atar to proceed once his men released his driver and vehicle. The Captain complied and then revealed a warrant, signed by Arabelle Lorteli, the Head Judge of the Court of Jedi Affairs, for the psychotic Jedi's arrest. Han and Leia sought to gain time by retreating into the Temple and securing the gate, while Fel and Jaina quickly departed in the Head of State's limousine.

As they left, Jaina mockingly waved at Atar. Enraged, Atar ordered their departure to be prevented, and a Galactic Alliance Security assault speeder obstructed their path. The Security officer in charge of the speeder refused to yield, but Javis Tyrr, a journalist, soon arrived. Solo discovered that Tyrr was employing a Lovolol cleaning droid to infiltrate the Temple and gather intelligence on the Jedi. Atar then arrived and assured the Jedi that Tyrr would not engage in illegal activities. Despite Atar's reluctance to allow them to leave with the droid, he complied with Fel's request for passage.

The Horns

Later, a group of Jedi used a trick to manipulate Lorteli into providing a document granting them visitation rights to Valin and Jysella Horn, two psychotic Jedi previously captured and encased in carbonite by the Galactic Alliance. Led by Jaina Solo, the Jedi arrived at a secret Galactic Alliance Security blockhouse and demanded access to the Horns. Sergeant Weeze activated an alarm, alerting Atar and other Security officers to the situation.

Upon Atar's arrival, Solo presented the document granting visitation rights to the Horns. The Captain claimed a lack of authority to grant access, but Saba Sebatyne, a Jedi Master, countered that he lacked the authority to prevent them and questioned his belief in Galactic Alliance Security's adherence to Judicial Center writs. Atar asserted their adherence to the law, and after Sebatyne declared the Jedi's intention to begin their search, he offered to escort them to the Horns. Forced to permit the Jedi's entry, he instructed Rasher Ke'e, a Bothan lieutenant, to restrict access to the Horns to the Jedi alone, excluding the press. However, the Jedi circumvented this order, ensuring media access to the Horns as well.

Personality and traits

Atar prioritized his Security career and the capture of psychotic Jedi, viewing them as a threat to the Galactic Alliance. He also displayed courtesy towards Head of State Fel, fearing the consequences of a diplomatic incident. However, he was easily provoked, threatening Jaina Solo and only allowing her departure with the cleaning droid due to their presence in an Imperial diplomat's vehicle, considered Imperial property. Despite his often aggressive demeanor, Atar was cautious, attempting to delay the Jedi and press from accessing the Horns, recognizing the potential trouble for the Galactic Alliance.

Behind the scenes

Atar's character was conceived by Troy Denning, the author of Star Wars, for Fate of the Jedi: Abyss. This novel was the third in the nine-part Fate of the Jedi series and was released on August 18, 2009.

