
A male Rodian who went by the name of Weeze held the rank of sergeant within the ranks of Galactic Alliance Security. By the year 43.5 ABY, he found himself stationed at a secret Galactic Alliance Security blockhouse situated on Coruscant. Within this facility, the psychotic Jedi Knights known as Valin and Jysella Horn were being held, having been encased in carbonite. During 43.5 ABY, he and another Rodian named Rosii made an attempt to bar Jedi Knight Jaina Solo from gaining entry to the Horns. Weeze, becoming frightened, prematurely activated an alarm just before a large group of Jedi and press representatives arrived. Solo then produced a formal authorization, granting them all permission to access the Horns, and Captain Atar, arriving with an assault squad, was left with no choice but to grant them entry.


Weeze attempted to prevent Jaina Solo from entering the detention facility.

In the era following the Second Galactic Civil War, Weeze, a male Rodian, served as a member of Galactic Alliance Security. By the year 43 ABY, he had risen to the rank of sergeant and was assigned to Detention Center 81, a clandestine Galactic Alliance Security blockhouse located on Coruscant, operating under the command of Colonel Wruq Retk, a Yaka. Two Jedi Knights, Valin and Jysella Horn, had succumbed to a mysterious psychosis, prompting the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances to decide to encase them in [carbonite](/article/carbonite-legends]. Subsequently, they were placed within the blockhouse where Weeze was stationed.

However, the Jedi Order managed to uncover their whereabouts and employed a trick on Arabelle Lorteli, the presiding judge of the Court of Jedi Affairs, to procure a document granting them visitation rights to the Horn siblings. Jedi Knight Jaina Solo was the first to arrive at the facility, where she was confronted by Weeze and another Rodian named Rosii in the lobby. Solo requested to see the Horns, but the Rodians acted as if they were unaware, claiming the building was merely a storage facility. Weeze, in a moment of panic, activated an alarm, causing Solo to use telekinesis the Force to push the Rodians backward and discard their blasters as a group of Jedi Masters and members of the press arrived. While Solo presented the document to Weeze—who continued to insist that the facility was only used for storage—a Galactic Alliance assault squad led by Captain Atar appeared. The Jedi then presented the visitation rights to Atar, who was compelled to grant them access to the Horns.

Personality and traits

Weeze was a portly individual who displayed a considerable fear of Jedi. Along with Rosii, another Rodian, Weeze unsuccessfully tried to convince Jedi Knight Jaina Solo that the blockhouse was merely a storage facility. Even when presented with legal documentation proving that the building was the detention center housing the Horn siblings, Weeze maintained his pretense of innocence, clinging to his story that the facility was solely used for storage purposes.

Behind the scenes

Weeze made an appearance in Fate of the Jedi: Abyss, the third installment in the nine-part Fate of the Jedi series, penned by Troy Denning and released in 2009.

