Court of Jedi Affairs

The Court of Jedi Affairs represented a legal body established in 43.5 ABY by Natasi Daala, the Chief of State of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, with the purpose of adjudicating legal matters related to the Jedi Order. Its primary function was to address the unexpected emergence of a mysterious psychosis affecting numerous Jedi Knights, although it also managed all other legal proceedings pertaining to the Jedi. This court was presided over by Arabelle Lorteli, a Judge of the Zoolli species, personally selected for the role by Daala herself. However, following Lorteli's authorization of a visit to Valin and Jysella Horn by the Jedi, who were in the company of Corran and Mirax Horn, along with several reporters, which nearly resulted in a significant public relations crisis for the Galactic Alliance, Daala removed Lorteli from her position, and the court's operations were temporarily suspended.

