Baxton, a male Human from the Legends continuity, functioned as the pilot for the Head of State of the Imperial faction, Jagged Fel's limousine. In the year 43 ABY, he accompanied Fel on a trip to Coruscant for the Unification Summit, a meeting of representatives from the three major galactic governing bodies. Baxton later found himself present when Fel apprehended the psychotic Jedi Knights named Yaqeel Saav'etu and Bazel Warv. Following this, he faced a confrontation with troopers from Galactic Alliance Security, led by Captain Atar. However, Fel utilized his diplomatic status to persuade Atar to release Baxton. Subsequently, they departed in the limousine, accompanied by Jedi Knight Jaina Solo. Atar, feeling thwarted, gave the command for an assault speeder to obstruct their path. Fel instructed Baxton to request passage from the speeder's commander, but the officer declined to yield. Baxton engaged in a heated exchange with the officer, but Fel, again invoking his diplomatic immunity, compelled Atar to order the Security troops to clear the way, enabling Baxton to drive them away.

A broad-shouldered Human male, Baxton was in the service of Jagged Fel, the Head of State of the Imperial Remnant. He went to the galactic capital Coruscant alongside Fel in 43 ABY for the Unification Summit, a series of talks aimed at unifying the Imperial Remnant, the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, and the Confederation. In this role, Baxton operated as the driver for Fel's limousine, a particularly long and heavily armored luxurious speeder. Around this time, some Jedi Knights started exhibiting a mysterious psychosis that led them to believe everyone they knew had been replaced by imposters. The Galactic Alliance decided to address this issue by encasing the affected Knights in carbonite.
In 43.5 ABY, Baxton was present when Bazel Warv and Yaqeel Saav'etu, both Jedi Knights, succumbed to this psychosis. Fel, Jaina Solo, a Jedi Knight, and her parents, Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo, quickly subdued them outside the Jedi Temple's speeder entrance. Warv, after being struck by tranquilizer darts, fell onto Fel's limousine, causing significant damage to the roof. Fel instructed Baxton to remain silent about the incident. While Han, Jaina, and the Head of State concealed Saav'etu and Warv inside the Jedi Temple, Organa Solo and Baxton stayed outside by the limousine. There, a Galactic Alliance Security assault squad under the command of Captain Atar confronted them. Atar ordered several of his troopers to surround the limousine, while four others held Baxton at blasterpoint. Atar questioned Organa Solo, who denied any knowledge of the situation. Upon the return of Fel, Han, and Jaina, the Imperial Head of State promptly commanded Atar to have his men stand down. The captain, fearing a diplomatic incident, complied and ordered his men to release Baxton and the limousine. Atar then requested that the Solos hand over Warv and Saav'etu, and upon being shown a warrant for the arrest of the two psychotic Jedi, Han and Leia decided to stall for time by reentering the Temple and closing the gate. Fel and Jaina then entered the limousine, and Baxton drove them away.
Frustrated by his failure to capture the Jedi, Atar instructed a Duros lieutenant to prevent the limousine's departure. The lieutenant's forces, in a Galactic Alliance Security assault speeder, blocked their exit. Baxton suggested to Fel that they simply drive over them. However, Fel instructed him to simply ask the Security troops to let them pass. Baxton exited the limousine and confronted the Duros officer, requesting that he move aside. The officer refused, and the two quickly became embroiled in a heated argument. Javis Tyrr, a journalist, soon arrived, and it was discovered that he had been using a Lovolol cleaning droid to infiltrate the Temple for his weekly show, Javis Tyrr Presents: The Jedi Among Us. As Baxton and the Duros officer continued their argument, Atar arrived and reassured Fel and Solo that Tyrr would not do anything illegal. Fel then requested permission to leave, but Atar insisted that the Head of State first hand over Solo and the cleaning droid. Fel, however, called Baxton back to the limousine as Solo reminded Atar of Fel's diplomatic immunity, revealing that as the cleaning droid was now inside the limousine, it had become Imperial property. Forced to comply, Atar ordered the Duros to move the assault speeder, and Baxton drove the limousine away.
Baxton showed great loyalty to Fel, even going so far as to lie illegally to a Galactic Alliance Security officer to protect his Head of State. Furthermore, when the Duros lieutenant refused to move his speeder to allow them passage, Baxton became easily agitated and engaged in a lengthy argument with the officer.
Employed by the Imperial Remnant, Baxton functioned as a professional driver. He accompanied the Imperial embassy to Coruscant to drive Fel's personal limousine throughout the Head of State's stay. Baxton had confidence in both his driving abilities and the limousine's durability, suggesting they simply drive over the assault speeder, believing their armor could withstand the speeder's fire. Baxton also carried a T-21 light repeating blaster.
Baxton's initial appearance was in Troy Denning's 2009 novel, Fate of the Jedi: Abyss, which is the third book in the nine-part Fate of the Jedi series.