Vaala Razelle, hailing from the Arcona species, achieved the rank of Jedi Knight within the ranks of the New Jedi Order. Back in 44 ABY, she was assigned, together with Yantahar Bwua'tu, to safeguard the entryway to the Operations Hangar situated in the Jedi Temple. This was during a time when the Jedi were getting ready to launch a StealthXs strike team to provide assistance to Grand Master Luke Skywalker in his dealings with the Lost Tribe of Sith. They encountered Kenth Hamner, who the Jedi Council had recently relieved of his duties as acting Grand Master. Hamner argued that Razelle and Bwua'tu were engaging in treason by permitting the StealthXs to launch. When Razelle and Bwua'tu stood their ground, Hamner incapacitated them. Despite this, Hamner failed to stop the starfighters from taking off. Afterward, she participated in the Jedi's operation to liberate the planet of Coruscant from the infiltrating Sith Tribe.
Vaala Razelle, a female and Force-sensitive Arcona, had earned the title of Jedi Knight within the New Jedi Order by the year 44 ABY. During that time, the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances and the Jedi Order were in conflict due to some Jedi Knights succumbing to a Force psychosis. Simultaneously, exiled Grand Master Luke Skywalker had discovered a new Sith Tribe, prompting the Jedi to dispatch a StealthXs strike team to aid him. However, the Galactic Alliance Sixth Fleet remained in orbit above Coruscant, prepared to intercept the Jedi fighters due to concerns that the strike might target the Galactic Alliance.

Following a disagreement between acting Grand Master Kenth Hamner and the rest of the Jedi Council, Razelle, along with fellow Jedi Knight Yantahar Bwua'tu, were stationed just outside the Operations Hangar entrance in the Jedi Temple while the StealthXs prepared for launch. Hamner, having been confined to his quarters after the Council's vote of no-confidence in his leadership, managed to escape and confront Razelle and Bwua'tu at the hangar. Razelle began to reach for her comlink, but Hamner employed the Force to knock aside her hand. He insisted that permitting the StealthXs to launch constituted an act of treason against the Galactic Alliance, but neither Jedi Knight responded.
When Hamner failed to address either Jedi by name, Bwua'tu provided Razelle's. Hamner apologized, and upon learning that Bwua'tu was related to Alliance Admiral Nek Bwua'tu, he attempted to exploit the connection. When Bwua'tu remained steadfast, Hamner made one last request for them to step aside, but Razelle suggested he return to his quarters. Enraged, Hamner suddenly attacked them, incapacitating Razelle with a punch to the sensitive area between her eyes and subduing Bwua'tu with a blow to his jaw. Nevertheless, Hamner failed to prevent the launch and died in the process.
The Jedi Order later left Coruscant in an effort to lure the Sith Tribe into a trap. Razelle was among the Jedi who spearheaded the efforts to liberate Coruscant from the Sith. She journeyed with Jedi Knights Bazel Warv and Seff Hellin—to evade the Sith agents who had infiltrated the planet, Warv posed as a renowned wrestler, Hellin as his manager, and Razelle as the manager's assistant. As they proceeded through the immigration inspection line at the Galactic Center Spaceport, they noticed that two nearby Jedi, Yantahar Bwua'tu and Yaqeel Saav'etu, had aroused the suspicion of Sith Captain Suhale.
Razelle and Hellin tried to keep Warv moving, but he refused to abandon his friends. Much to Razelle's dismay, Warv disregarded their pleas and seized several cases of spice from a group of four Ishi Tib smugglers by pretending to be their contact. Razelle and Hellin quickly understood his plan and helped him take the cases. Warv promised to meet them at the rendezvous point, and he successfully tricked the Sith into believing that Saav'etu and Bwua'tu were simply spice smugglers.
Vaala Razelle was dedicated to the Jedi Order, standing up to Kenth Hamner when he declared her actions as treason against the Galactic Alliance. When Hamner apologized for not knowing her name, explaining that it was difficult to recognize all the Jedi, she simply nodded, accepting his explanation. Razelle recognized the threat the Sith posed to the galaxy and refused to let Hamner into the hangar, even suggesting he return to his quarters. Hamner grew angry after she called him "Master," insisting his title was "Grand Master." However, when she began to apologize, his attack cut her off.
During the early stages of Coruscant's liberation, Razelle objected to Warv's desire to interfere with the Sith inspecting Saav'etu and Bwua'tu. She felt a last-minute change to the plan was a bad idea and would draw attention to them. However, when she recognized Warv's plan to convince Suhale that her suspicion of the two Jedi stemmed from them being spice smugglers, she assisted him in commandeering the spice.
Razelle was short for an Arcona—her head only reaching Hamner's chin—and had bright green eyes that revealed she had avoided addiction to salt, unlike many of her species.
Vaala Razelle, an Arcona, completed her training as a Jedi and achieved the rank of Jedi Knight by 44 ABY. When confronted by Kenth Hamner, she sensed his impending attack and attempted to warn Bwua'tu, but it was too late. Hamner used the Force to disarm them and quickly knocked them unconscious. For the mission to free Coruscant from the Sith, Razelle and the other Jedi studied how to conceal lies and their Force presences from the Sith who had infiltrated the planet.
Vaala Razelle made her first brief appearance in Troy Denning's Fate of the Jedi: Vortex, the sixth book in the Fate of the Jedi series, released on November 30, 2010. She later had a small role in Denning's Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse, the ninth and final Fate of the Jedi novel, released on March 13, 2012.