A Bothan Jedi Knight named Yantahar Bwua'tu, a male, served within the ranks of the New Jedi Order during the year 44 ABY.
Yantahar Bwua'tu, a male Bothan who was Force-sensitive, had a connection to Admiral Nek Bwua'tu of the Galactic Alliance. He had risen to the rank of Jedi Knight in the Jedi Order by the time that followed the Second Galactic Civil War. In the year 43.5 ABY, several Jedi began to suffer from a Force psychosis, which created friction between the Order and the Galactic Alliance. Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker, the exiled Grand Master, encountered a Sith Tribe. The Jedi Council desired to dispatch StealthXs to assist him, but Kenth Hamner, the interim Grand Master, opposed this plan, fearing it would instigate a conflict between the Jedi and the Galactic Alliance. Ultimately, Hamner was relieved of his duties and confined to his quarters by the other Masters, who then proceeded to implement the plan to launch the StealthXs.
Bwua'tu, along with Vaala Razelle, an Arcona Jedi, was positioned outside the hangar of the Jedi Temple. Hamner broke free from his confinement and confronted Bwua'tu and Razelle, but they denied him access. Hamner asserted that permitting the StealthXs to launch constituted an act of treason against the Galactic Alliance, and—upon learning of Bwua'tu's relation to Nek Bwua'tu—attempted to exploit his emotions regarding the Admiral's recent comatose state to weaken his defenses. Hamner then launched an attack on the two Jedi, overpowering them and rendering them unconscious. Inside the hangar, he engaged in a standoff with Master Saba Sebatyne when the Jedi refused to halt the launch, and in the ensuing skirmish, Hamner met his death and the StealthXs were able to launch.
Following the Sith takeover, Yantahar participated in the Jedi infiltration of Coruscant. He and Yaqeel Saav'etu, another Bothan Jedi, were detained by soldiers of the Galactic Alliance on suspicion of smuggling spice.