The revolt known as The Liberation occurred on Klatooine during the year 44 ABY. Thousands of years prior, the Klatooinians and the Hutts established a pact. According to this pact, the Klatooinians would eternally subject themselves to slavery under the Hutts, contingent upon the Hutts safeguarding the Fountain of Ancients, a revered wintrium spring located on Klatooine, from any potential harm. This agreement persisted for numerous years. However, by the period following the Second Galactic Civil War, a growing sense of discontent began to emerge among many of the enslaved Klatooinians.
In the year 44 ABY, a coalition comprising Sith and Jedi made a stop on Klatooine as part of their combined endeavor aimed at the Maw. Although they soon moved on, two Sith warships stayed behind and desecrated the Fountain of the Ancients. The Klatooinians sent out a plea for assistance, prompting the arrival of the Hutts, who then detained the Sith. However, this occurred after the Fountain had already sustained damage, with allegations of wintrium samples being stolen. The Sith were subsequently put on trial and sentenced to die for their actions. Simultaneously, it was determined that the Hutts had exerted their utmost effort in responding to the threat against the Fountain, thereby upholding the treaty despite the damage inflicted. Unfortunately, this verdict was delivered too late, as a widespread rebellion had already erupted across the planet, with the Klatooinians staging a complete uprising against their Hutt overlords.
Approximately 25,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, the Klatooinians entered into the Treaty of Vontor with the Hutts. This agreement committed them to perpetual servitude to the Hutts, in return for the Hutts' commitment to protect the Fountain of the Ancients, a sacred wintrium Fountain situated on the Klatooinian home planet Klatooine. For millennia, they served the Hutts, but, by the era following the Second Galactic Civil War, growing dissatisfaction was felt by numerous Klatooinians. In 44 ABY, a contingent of Sith arrived on the world alongside the Jedi Luke and Ben Skywalker, preparing for their collaborative mission to the Maw. Upon their departure from the star system, the Sith High Lord Sarasu Taalon opted to leave behind two of his warships to rendezvous with Lando Calrissian, who was providing an asteroid tug to assist in navigating the Maw. However, the true objective of these vessels was to pilfer wintrium specimens from the Fountain.

The Sith aboard the ChaseMaster frigate Starstalker violated the Fountain. The Hutts were immediately alerted, and Klatooinian guards fought the Sith, but the Sith managed to take samples of wintrium from the Fountain before being stopped. Calrissian and Jedi Knight Jaina Solo arrived in-system and were asked by Klatooinian Chancellor Darima Kedari to mediate. The Sith Leeha Faal falsely claimed that the attack was solely the idea of Captain Vyn Holpur of the Starstalker. Calrissian and Solo disbelieved her, but lacked proof. Holpur and his crew were convicted and sentenced to death, and Calrissian and Solo decreed that the Hutts had not violated the treaty, despite failing to protect the Fountain. The Hutts' resources were insufficient to fully protect the Fountain due to damages during the Yuuzhan Vong War. Still, the Hutts had done everything they could, so Calrissian and Solo were forced to uphold the treaty, condemning the Klatooinians to further servitude.
The decision was too late. Klatooinians had begun to riot and revolt, resulting in a full uprising. It became violent, with battles in Klatooine's cities. The revolt gained galactic attention, including that of Galactic Alliance Chief of State [Natasi Daala], who was concerned by the chaos from anti-slavery uprisings. Reporter [Madhi Vaandt] for The Perre Needmo Newshour was to cover the uprising as part of her series on slavery, but [Blink], a Bothan, told her to go to Blaudu Sextus instead, where another revolt had begun.
The Klatooine uprising was first shown in Christie Golden's Fate of the Jedi: Allies, the fifth book in the Fate of the Jedi series.