Vyn Holpur

Vyn Holpur was a male Human from Legends continuity, who served the Lost Tribe of Sith as a Sith Saber. Within the Lost Tribe's fleet, he held the rank of Captain aboard the Starstalker, a ChaseMaster frigate. He was under the command of High Lord Sarasu Taalon and was part of the strike team dispatched to Dathomir. Their objective was to coerce Luke Skywalker into an alliance, aiming to eliminate Abeloth who was located in the Maw. Skywalker suggested using Lando Calrissian's asteroid tug to navigate the Maw effectively. Consequently, the Jedi and Sith decided to await Calrissian's arrival at Klatooine. Eventually, the allied forces departed to await Calrissian near the Maw, leaving Captain Holpur and the Starstalker behind with Leeha Faal and the Winged Dagger. Taalon instructed Faal, who then relayed the order to Holpur, to retrieve wintrium samples from the sacred Fountain of the Ancients on Klatooine. Holpur led his crew on this mission, encountering resistance from Klatooinian guards. Despite securing the samples, the Starstalker was attacked by Hutts summoned to protect the Fountain. The Sith were captured and subsequently faced trial, presided over by Calrissian and Jedi Knight Jaina Solo, who had recently arrived in the star_system. Faal falsely claimed that Holpur and his crew acted independently, a lie that Holpur corroborated. Despite seeing through the deception, Solo and Calrissian lacked sufficient evidence to convict Faal, resulting in only Holpur and the Starstalker's crew being found guilty. As a result, Holpur and his crew were sentenced to death.

