
The Starstalker, a ChaseMaster frigate of the Corporate Sector Authority, served within the armada of the Lost Tribe of Sith circa 44 ABY. Captained by Vyn Holpur, this vessel was a component of the force under the command of High Lord Sarasu Taalon. This force was dispatched to form an alliance with Luke Skywalker for a mission aimed at eliminating Abeloth, a dark side entity, located in the Maw. Following a brief stop on Klatooine, Taalon opted to leave behind two ChaseMasters, specifically the Starstalker and the Winged Dagger, to rendezvous with Lando Calrissian, who was providing an asteroid tug to aid in traversing the Maw.

Subsequently, Holpur received directives, relayed from Leeha Faal, Captain of the Winged Dagger, originating from Taalon. These orders instructed him to procure wintrium samples from the sacred Fountain of Ancients situated on Klatooine. The Starstalker and its complement beset the Fountain, which was protected by Klatooinian guards equipped with primitive weaponry. However, Hutts soon appeared to support the Klatooinians, launching an assault on the Starstalker and capturing the Sith crew. Subsequently, the Sith faced trial, where Holpur and the entire crew of the Starstalker were found guilty of desecrating the Fountain and sentenced to death.

