Anyul was a Human female with blonde hair, who came into existence on Kesh during the year 20 ABY. By 44 ABY, she had achieved the rank of Sith Saber, and at that time, she went with High Lord Sarasu Taalon's strike force to Dathomir to join forces with Luke Skywalker with the goal of eliminating Abeloth. Within the fleet, she was stationed on the Starstalker, serving under the leadership of Captain Vyn Holpur. Not long before the Sith's mission alongside Skywalker commenced, Taalon instructed Leeha Faal to obtain wintrium samples from the Fountain of Ancients located on Klatooine, an order that Faal then relayed to Holpur. Holpur and the Starstalker's crew then executed the mission, with Anyul and another Sith Saber named Marjaak making an attempt to gather samples from the sacred Fountain. Even though Klatooinian guards interfered, the Sith were successful in taking samples, but their escape was thwarted by the Hutts, who were obligated by the Treaty of Vontor to safeguard the Fountain. Later, Holpur and his entire crew received a death sentence for their actions.