The desecration known as The Violation occurred at the Fountain of the Ancients, situated within the Derelkoos Desert, during the year 44 ABY. At this time, the Lost Tribe of Sith had recently formed an alliance with both Luke and Ben Skywalker for a mission targeting the Maw. They made a short stop on Klatooine. While present on Klatooine, Sith High Lord Sarasu Taalon discovered the existence of the Fountain of the Ancients, developing a strong desire to control it. Eventually, the Jedi and Sith made the decision to depart from Klatooine and wait outside the Maw for Lando Calrissian, who was expected to arrive soon with an asteroid tug to assist in navigating the Maw.
Taalon opted to leave behind two ChaseMaster frigates, the Starstalker and Winged Dagger, commanded by Vyn Holpur and Leeha Faal, respectively, ostensibly to await Calrissian's arrival. However, their true purpose was to acquire wintrium samples from the Fountain. Faal communicated Taalon's instructions to Holpur, who proceeded to execute them. Holpur, leading his crew aboard the Starstalker, launched an attack on the Fountain. The Sith encountered resistance from Klatooinian guards who were only equipped with primitive weaponry; one of the Sith, Kaara, was swiftly killed. Despite this, the Sith succeeded in obtaining the wintrium samples. However, several Hutts arrived shortly thereafter, compelled by the ancient Treaty of Vontor to safeguard the Fountain. They launched an assault on the Starstalker and surrounded the Winged Dagger, capturing the Sith and placing them on trial. Darima Kedari, the Chancellor of the Council of Elders, requested that Calrissian and Jedi Knight Jaina Solo, who had just arrived, act as mediators in the situation.
Solo and Calrissian consented to mediate, and during the subsequent hearing, Faal asserted that Holpur and his crew had acted independently, without orders. Holpur, despite being shocked by this act of betrayal, supported her fabricated story. Calrissian and Solo were aware that Faal was lying, but they lacked the means to prove it. Consequently, they could only convict Holpur and his crew of violating the Fountain. As a result, Holpur and the entire crew of the Starstalker were sentenced to death for their crime. Solo and Calrissian also declared that, while the Hutts had not successfully protected the Fountain, the Treaty of Vontor had not been violated because the Hutts had responded as quickly and effectively as possible under the circumstances. Despite this judgment, a widespread uprising against the Hutt rulers began among the Klatooinians across the planet. Calrissian, Solo, Faal, and Faal's crew subsequently reunited with the remaining Sith and Jedi outside the Maw to continue their mission.