Council of Elders (Klatooinian)

The governing body of the Klatooinians was known as the Council of Elders. Their authority was limited to the internal governance of Klatooine, as the Hutts maintained dominion over all Klatooinian activities beyond their home planet.

Situated around the Fountain of Ancients, a naturally occurring formation within the Derelkoos Desert and held sacred by the Klatooinian population, was the Council of Elders' palace. This location also acted as the focal point for the Klatooinian faith, which honored gods referred to as the Ancients and espoused the belief that age equates to strength.

Selection of Council members was determined by age, accumulated experience, and success in a sequence of debates. These debates were intended to evaluate their comprehension and interpretations of Klatooinian mythology and established cultural practices. Council members held their positions for the duration of their lives, or until they became incapable of performing their required responsibilities.

