The Fountain of Ancients was a truly magnificent and naturally occurring structure situated within the Derelkoos Desert on the planet Klatooine. The Klatooinian people held this location in high regard as a sacred place. They interpreted it as an embodiment of strength gained through longevity, and as a testament to the importance of both perseverance and patience. Within the Klatooinian belief system, it was regarded as a divine offering from their gods, called the Ancients.
Once the Klatooinians were subjugated as servants to the Hutts, the Fountain of Ancients was sometimes referred to as the Fountain of Hutt Ancients. This alternate name was used to pay tribute to those whom the majority of Klatooinians believed to be the Ancients.
The Fountain was positioned inside a depression shaped like a bowl. A fissure at the center of this depression penetrated the crust of Klatooine. Wintrium in liquid form would bubble up from this fissure and become exposed to the arid desert air. Over a span of ten millennia, the wintrium would gradually cool and contribute to a constantly evolving glass-like "sculpture". This sculpture bore a resemblance to a plume of water that had been frozen in time. Even the most world-weary spacers considered the Fountain to be a breathtaking and beautiful spectacle.
Serving as both a religious and political focal point for Klatooine, the Fountain of Ancients was located near the palace from which the Klatooinian Council of Elders governed. Given its status as a sacred site dedicated to the Ancients, the Council decreed that the area surrounding the Fountain must remain unchanged, exactly as it was in ancient times. Consequently, the use of modern technology was forbidden within a kilometer radius of the Fountain.
During 44 ABY, the Sith ChaseMaster class frigate named Starstalker attacked the Fountain under the orders of High Lord Sarasu Taalon. The Sith forces encountered minimal resistance and easily overcame the Fountain's defenses, effortlessly defeating the Klatooinian guards who were equipped with primitive weaponry. The Sith Sabers Marjaak and Anyul, though with considerable effort, successfully extracted wintrium samples from the Fountain using their lightsabers. However, a Hutt task force arrived in the system shortly thereafter and seized both the Starstalker and its sister frigate, the Winged Dagger, subsequently bringing the crews of both vessels to stand trial.
Despite the fact that the Captain of the Starstalker, Vyn Holpur, had carried out Taalon's directives, which had been passed down to him from Leeha Faal, the Captain of the Winged Dagger, the two judges presiding over the trial, Lando Calrissian and Jedi Knight Jaina Solo, lacked sufficient evidence to prove Faal's involvement. Consequently, they were only able to convict Holpur and his crew for the desecration of the Fountain, sentencing them to death as punishment. Furthermore, even though the Hutts had failed to adequately protect the Fountain, Solo and Calrissian acknowledged that they were still struggling with limited resources in the aftermath of the Yuuzhan Vong War and had exerted every effort within their means to safeguard the sacred site. Regrettably, their judgment was delivered too late, as a violent uprising erupted across Klatooine, with the Klatooinians rebelling against their Hutt overlords.