Kaara, a Human female and Sith Saber of the Lost Tribe of Sith, was the sibling of Vran, who was also a Saber. During 44 ABY, Kaara, along with Vran, served as part of the crew aboard the frigate called Starstalker. Their mission involved the capture of Abeloth, a Force-entity. During a stop on the planet of Klatooine, Vyn Holpur, the ship's captain, dispatched multiple Sith, including Kaara, to the planet's surface. Their objective was to procure wintrium samples from the Fountain of Ancients, a natural formation. The local forces responsible for guarding the Fountain fought back against the Sith intruders, resulting in a conflict where Kaara met her death.

Sometime before the events of the Second Galactic Civil War, Kaara, a Force-sensitive Human female, was born on the isolated planet of Kesh. Similar to her brother, Vran, she became a member of the Lost Tribe of Sith and eventually attained the rank of Sith Saber. In 44 ABY, Kaara and Vran were chosen to be part of the crew of the frigate Starstalker, a ChaseMaster class ship. This ship was part of a fleet intended to collaborate with Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker on a mission to the Maw. The Maw, a treacherous cluster of black holes, was the location of the dark side being known as Abeloth, whom they sought to neutralize. Following their meeting with Skywalker, the Sith fleet journeyed to Klatooine, where they awaited the arrival of Lando Calrissian, a friend of Skywalker's. Calrissian was expected to provide them with a ship capable of facilitating their navigation through the Maw's dangers.
While in orbit above Klatooine, the captain of the Starstalker, Vyn Holpur, received instructions from Sarasu Taalon, the High Lord leading the Sith fleet. The Sith Lord desired wintrium samples from the Fountain of Ancients, a natural landmark on the planet. Kaara, alongside her brother and fellow Sith Sabers Turg, Marjaak, and Anyul, utilized a skiff to reach the Fountain and begin collecting the samples. However, they were promptly attacked by Klatooinians, native inhabitants defending the Fountain. Due to a prohibition on modern technology within a one-kilometer radius of the Fountain, the guards were armed only with archaic weapons, leading Kaara and her comrades to underestimate them. This perception changed when Kaara was struck by an acid missile that began to corrode her armor and flesh. Despite the intense agony, Kaara died without uttering a sound.
Kaara found amusement in Turg's remarks about the archaic weaponry of the native defenders of the Fountain of Ancients on Klatooine, as she and others tried to obtain wintrium samples. This amusement did not diminish her blasterfire accuracy, but she was surprised when an acid missile hit her. She suffered greatly, but Kaara died silently, which was considered behavior befitting a Sith Saber. Like Vran, her brother, Kaara had black hair and blue eyes.
Kaara wore full armorweave for protection during the Fountain skirmish, and she also used a blaster rifle.
Kaara was a character in Allies, the fifth novel in the Fate of the Jedi series. Christie Golden wrote the novel, and it was published in 2010.