Lost Tribe of Sith emergence

The Lost Tribe of Sith's rise to prominence signified the re-entry into galactic affairs of the descendants of the Sith hailing from the planet Kesh, following a period of millennia spent in isolation. Back in 5000 BBY, the dreadnaught named Omen crashed on Kesh, and the survivors of that incident went on to establish the Lost Tribe. Because they lacked the means to communicate with the wider galaxy or repair their vessel, the Tribe found themselves confined to that world until the arrival of a Sith Meditation Sphere referred to as Ship in 41 ABY. Ship facilitated the Tribe's departure from Kesh to execute attacks on various ships, which were then scavenged for components to mend the Omen and seized for deployment within the Sith fleet. By 43.5 ABY, the Tribe detected the presence of Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker through the Force, prompting Ship's forced departure from the Tribe due to the influence of the dark side entity Abeloth. Consequently, the Tribe dispatched a strike team under the command of Lady Olaris Rhea with the objectives of retrieving Ship and killing Skywalker. The mission resulted in failure; Ship remained under Abeloth's control, and the only survivor of the strike team was Rhea's apprentice, Vestara Khai.

Lord Viun Gaalan spearheaded the operation to recover Khai, who had sought refuge on the planet Dathomir. Gaalan captured several dark side-wielding Nightsisters from Dathomir, but Skywalker, alongside his son Ben, and the Force-sensitive Dyon Stadd compelled him to retreat. The Jedi took Khai into custody, but before their departure from Dathomir, they were intercepted by a Tribe fleet led by High Lord Sarasu Taalon, who proposed an alliance aimed at confronting Abeloth—who was inducing psychosis among the Jedi. The alliance endured until their battle with Abeloth, at which point the Tribe betrayed the Jedi, attempting to seize the entity. Nevertheless, the Jedi survived, and Luke Skywalker seemingly eliminated Abeloth. The Tribe then renewed their alliance with the Skywalkers to gain further insights into Abeloth, but upon discovering that she had, in fact, survived, the alliance once again dissolved.

Subsequently, the Tribe pursued the Jedi and Abeloth to the moon Pydyr, where yet another battle resulted in Taalon's demise. Shortly thereafter, Sith Saber Gavar Khai orchestrated a project to thwart the fulfillment of a vision that Taalon had experienced, foretelling a Jedi queen capable of preventing the Tribe's ascent to power; however, the scheme ultimately failed. Concurrently, Gavar Khai led Operation Shieldfall with the aim of either killing or capturing Abeloth and eliminating the Skywalkers on the planet Nam Chorios, but the Jedi emerged victorious against the Sith there. Following this, Abeloth feigned an alliance with the Tribe and journeyed to the Kesh capital city, Tahv, where she attempted to assassinate the Sith Grand Lord Darish Vol and proceeded to obliterate the city itself. As she fled, numerous members of the Tribe, led by Khai, defected and joined Abeloth's fleet; however, Khai was soon after killed by his own daughter.

The Jedi then departed from the galactic capital of Coruscant on a mission to destroy Abeloth, which ultimately proved unsuccessful. Meanwhile, the Tribe infiltrated Coruscant, but Abeloth killed Vol and coerced the Tribe present on the capital to aid her in becoming the Galactic Alliance Chief of State. The Jedi returned to liberate Coruscant, killing High Lord Ivaar Workan and several others before the Tribe retreated into the New Jedi Temple at Abeloth's command. The Jedi's attack on the Temple had been foreseen by Abeloth and initially failed, resulting in Abeloth's capture of Vestara Khai and Ben Skywalker. She attempted to persuade them to transform into beings akin to herself—known as the Ones—but they killed Abeloth, while her other physical manifestations were also killed. Concurrently, the Tribe on Coruscant were finally forced from the Temple, pursued throughout the planet, and ultimately defeated.


Back in 5000 BBY, the Sith dreadnaughts Omen and Harbinger were tasked with acquiring potent Lignan crystalslightsaber crystals composed of the scarce Lignan ore—for utilization by the Sith Empire during the Great Hyperspace War. However, they were ambushed by the Jedi Relin Druur and Drev Hassin, and in the ensuing skirmish, both Sith ships attempted to flee into hyperspace. As the Omen's hyperdrive was engaged, the two ships collided, diverting them from their intended course. The Omen emerged from hyperspace in close proximity to the remote planet Kesh, where it crash-landed within a mountain range. The vessel's communications systems were rendered inoperable, and the world—inhabited solely by the technologically underdeveloped Keshiri species—lacked the resources necessary to rebuild the Omen. Consequently, the Sith survivors of the crash assumed control of the world from the Keshiri and established a new Tribe, governed by a Grand Lord and a council known as the Circle of Lords. They designated the city of Tahv as their capital and constructed a Sith Temple atop the preserved wreckage of the Omen.

The emergence

A new armada

Vestara Khai, during the Sith Tribe's first mission offworld

The Lost Tribe remained isolated on Kesh for over 5,000 years until the era of the Second Galactic Civil War, when, in 41 ABY, the Sith Meditation Sphere Ship located the Tribe. Ship apprised the Tribe of the events transpiring in the galaxy since the Omen's accident, including the Sith Empire's defeat in the Great Hyperspace War, the downfall of another Sith Order, and the resurgence of the Jedi Order's dominance in the galaxy. Consequently, the Sith Tribe resolved to employ Ship in the reconstruction of a completely new Sith armada to serve the Tribe in an invasion of the galaxy.

During the initial mission, Ship transported High Lord Sarasu Taalon, Lady Olaris Rhea, Lord Ivaar Workan, Sith Saber Ruku Myal, and Rhea's apprentice, Vestara Khai—Khai being the first individual on Kesh to have been contacted by Ship—to assault a Damorian s18 light freighter and salvage it for components to commence repairs on the Omen. They ambushed the freighter, massacred the crew, and transported the vessel's parts back to Kesh. The Tribe persisted in its attacks on various vessels, leaving no survivors, until the Omen was successfully repaired, at which point they redirected their efforts toward capturing intact ships. The Tribe also constructed a spaceport for their fleet at Tahv, and by 43.5 ABY, the armada numbered over two dozen vessels.

In that year, the Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker established contact with a potent object, the Codex, which amplified his presence in the Force. The Tribe then opted to dispatch a strike team to eliminate the Grand Master in order to pave the way for their invasion. However, while that plan was under consideration, Ship's will was overcome by Abeloth—a formidable dark side deity who periodically destroyed civilizations throughout the galaxy—and the Meditation Sphere abruptly abandoned the Tribe. Consequently, the strike team was tasked with tracking down and recovering Ship before killing Skywalker.

The strike team

Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker

The strike team embarked on their mission aboard a captured warship, the Eternal Crusader. To the Tribe's astonishment, Ship permitted Vestara Khai—who accompanied her Master, Rhea, and several others on the mission—to track the Meditation Sphere. Despite the Tribe's suspicions of a trap, they resolved to proceed with their task regardless, and ultimately arrived at a planet in the Maw. There, a contingent of the Tribe descended to the planet's surface to retrieve Ship; however, they were unable to locate the vessel, and the planet's perilous flora and fauna began to inflict casualties on the strike team's ranks. Soon, the Sith also encountered Abeloth, who claimed to have been stranded on the world for the past thirty years. While feigning assistance to the Tribe in their search for Ship, she actually compelled the Meditation Sphere to remain out of their reach. At one juncture, Abeloth attempted to employ her control over the world to drown Rhea, but Khai successfully rescued her Master. Following the incident, Khai was able to discern Abeloth's true, distinctly more alien form beneath her apparent Human appearance. The strike team continued shuttling down reinforcements from the Eternal Crusader until the warship was completely emptied.

Meanwhile, Sith Master Yuvar Xal had grown dissatisfied with Rhea's leadership and planned a coup against her. However, before he could execute it, Abeloth finally permitted Ship to return to the Sith, as she had learned of the presence of Skywalker—as well as his son, Jedi Knight Ben Skywalker—aboard the space station Sinkhole Station in the Maw. Abeloth instructed the Sith to capture the Skywalkers and transport them back to Kesh. Ship then transported the surviving members of the strike team—which had dwindled to approximately fifteen Sith—to the station, where Rhea reverted the objective to eliminating the Jedi. They ambushed the Skywalkers, but their attack went awry. Xal attempted to execute his coup amidst the fighting, resulting in his and his apprentice's deaths, along with the rest of the strike team, with the exception of Khai, who managed to escape to the planet Dathomir.

The alliance

Driven by a desire to ascertain the identity and origin of their dark side assailants, the Skywalkers tracked Khai to Dathomir, where they discovered her under the protection of the native Dathomiri Witches, who—unaware of her Sith origins and intentions of betrayal—had integrated her into their Clan. Meanwhile, Khai had sold the vessel in which she had escaped in order to transmit a hypercomm message back to her homeworld, informing the Tribe of the strike team's destruction and her survival. She also arranged for a group of local darksiders known as the Nightsisters to meet with members of her Tribe and exchange techniques, although her true intention was for the Nightsisters to be captured by her Tribe.

Luke Skywalker and Gavar Khai

Lord Viun Gaalan led a contingent of Lost Tribe members to the planet's surface to capture the Nightsisters and retrieve Khai, but before he could depart with the Sith apprentice, the Skywalkers and their Force-sensitive ally Dyon Stadd arrived and attacked the Tribe. Gaalan was compelled to flee without Khai, who was subsequently captured by the Jedi. Her treachery exposed to the Witches, they banished Khai from their Clan. However, as the Jedi transported her offworld, they were confronted in orbit by a substantial fleet of ChaseMaster frigates commanded by High Lord Sarasu Taalon. To the Jedi's surprise, Taalon proposed an alliance to venture into the Maw and confront Abeloth—who had been inducing a psychosis among the Jedi Order's Knights. The Skywalkers were reluctantly compelled to agree, despite their distrust of the Tribe—indeed, the Tribe planned not to kill Abeloth as Taalon suggested, but to capture her for their own purposes and then eliminate the Jedi.

In order to maintain some degree of leverage, Luke Skywalker persuaded Taalon to allow him to keep Khai aboard his own vessel, the Jade Shadow—despite the fact that Khai's father, the Sith Saber Gavar, was among Taalon's forces—as well as to rendezvous with his friend, businessman Lando Calrissian, who could assist them in navigating the Maw. They agreed to meet Calrissian at the planet Klatooine; however, while there, Taalon became captivated by the planet's wintrium Fountain of the Hutt Ancients, and he ordered two of his vessels to obtain a sample of the wintrium. They desecrated the sacred fountain and were swiftly captured by Hutt forces; the crew of one frigate was sentenced to death, while the crew of the other was permitted to go free. Nevertheless, the Violation, as it was known, precipitated a crisis between the Klatooinians and the Hutts—who were bound by treaty to protect the fountain—and ultimately an uprising against the Hutts. The uprising went on to inspire several other slave revolts across the galaxy.

Meanwhile, the main fleet had departed Klatooine, as both Taalon and Grand Master Skywalker had begun to feel restless, and Calrissian—who was accompanied by Jedi Knight Jaina Solo—caught up to the fleet just outside the Maw. Luke Skywalker convinced the Sith to stop first at Sinkhole Station, because that was where he and his son had first encountered Abeloth shortly before the strike team's ambush. However, upon their arrival they found that it had been demolished. One Sith vessel flew too close to the wreckage and was destroyed, despite the efforts of Calrissian and his asteroid tug. The fleet then moved on to Abeloth's planet, where Vestara Khai and Ben Skywalker—both of whom had flown in Ship before; the latter during the Second Galactic Civil War—sensed Ship's presence, and the allies landed to search for Abeloth.

Jedi Knight Jaina Solo

Luke Skywalker led Taalon, Gavar Khai, and Lost Tribe Captain Leeha Faal to the realm of the Force known as beyond shadows to try and locate Abeloth. However, while there, Faal fell into the Depths of Eternity—from which no one could be saved or retrieved—much to Taalon's fury. Soon afterward, Skywalker saw his deceased wife, Mara Jade Skywalker, in the Lake of Apparitions, and she convinced him that they had to leave the realm immediately. Meanwhile, Vestara Khai tricked Stadd, who had recently fallen prey to Abeloth's psychosis, into believing that she and the Sith were on his side, and she released him from his captivity aboard the Jade Shadow. The Jedi and Sith tracked Stadd via a homing beacon placed on him by Vestara to a cave, where they found him near death. He awoke and revealed that Abeloth had begun to drain his life energy, freeing him from the psychosis, and that she had fled down a tunnel upon sensing the allies' approach.

The allies found Abeloth and attacked her, while Jaina Solo piloted her StealthX starfighter in combat against Ship. During the battle, the Sith finally turned on the Jedi. Nevertheless, Ben Skywalker was able to hold off Gavar Khai in combat while the elder Skywalker fought Abeloth and the rest of the Tribe attempted to capture the entity. Despite the Sith's efforts, the Jedi Grand Master defeated and appeared to kill the entity; and Ship immediately fled from Solo. The Sith and Jedi then agreed to temporarily reinstate their alliance in order to investigate more into Abeloth and her origins. Calrissian, Solo, and the entire Sith fleet were sent offworld, leaving just Taalon, the Khais, and the Skywalkers to investigate. However, the Sith sabotaged Calrissian's asteroid tug, sending it on a course toward the gaseous Ashteri's Cloud rather than the galactic capital planet Coruscant. An s18 light freighter and three BDY crew skiffs crewed by Sith forces entered combat with Solo in her StealthX, but she managed to hold the Sith off long enough to flee with Calrissian into hyperspace. Upon Solo's return to Coruscant, the Jedi High Council scrambled to respond to the Sith threat, but contention between the Jedi and the Galactic Alliance Chief of State Natasi Daala delayed Jedi reinforcements from launching.

Pool of Knowledge

Ben Skywalker

The uneasy alliance soon learned that Abeloth was not truly gone; she had taken control of Stadd's body in addition to her own. Therefore, Grand Master Skywalker had only eliminated one of Abeloth's physical forms. Nevertheless, losing a physical manifestation weakened Abeloth, and she lost her grip on the Jedi Knights' psychosis on Coruscant. However, the Skywalkers and the Tribe were mistaken: the being they believed to be Stadd, left on the Jade Shadow to recover, was actually Abeloth. By the time they returned to the ship, she had already vanished. Their search for her proved fruitless, until they finally consulted Ship, who directed them to the Pool of Knowledge, a potent Force nexus. Unbeknownst to them, Ship had once again fallen under Abeloth's sway. Despite the Jedi's reservations, the Sith insisted on locating the Pool. There, Taalon saw a Jedi queen upon the Throne of Balance in the Pool. Fearing she would hinder the Sith's rise to power, he demanded the Jedi reveal her identity. They refused, and a duel quickly erupted. No one died on either side, and the Jedi escaped. However, during the conflict, Taalon leaped into the Pool, and subsequently began transforming into a being like Abeloth. Meanwhile, Abeloth herself had returned to the Sith and Jedi ships, seized control of the Jade Shadow, and fled the planet.

To spy on the Jedi, Taalon and Gavar Khai decided to punish the younger Khai and dispatched her. They instructed her to feign an attack by them as punishment and to pretend she was trying to escape. The elder Skywalker discerned the ruse, but agreed to take her along regardless. She and the Jedi tracked Abeloth to Pydyr, where the young Khai managed to send a message to her Tribe, revealing Abeloth's location. Taalon and Gavar Khai swiftly arrived with a large Sith force, and Taalon offered the Jedi another alliance, promising to eliminate Abeloth. Luke Skywalker knew Taalon merely sought knowledge about his transformation, but the Sith's superior numbers forced him to accept. During the ensuing battle, many Sith perished due to illusions projected by Abeloth. Vestara Khai, knowing she could not allow a second Abeloth to exist, killed Taalon. Abeloth escaped again, though the Jedi eliminated another of her physical manifestations.

The remaining Tribe members attempted to capture the Skywalkers, and when the Sith discovered that the young Khai had killed Taalon, they accused her of betrayal. She chose to aid the Skywalkers in escaping the Tribe's forces, and they fled as a large wing of Jedi StealthX reinforcements arrived after finally launching from Coruscant. The Jedi arrivals overwhelmed the Tribe forces, and Vestara Khai and the Skywalkers immediately resumed tracking Abeloth. The entity set up an ambush for them by a group of smugglers at the space station Meliflar Station, but it proved unsuccessful. Khai secretly messaged her father when they finally located Abeloth on the planet Nam Chorios, and he led the Sith fleet to the planet in Operation Shieldfall. Shortly before the operation commenced, Sith Saber Tola Annax led a contingent of Sith planetside to ambush the Jedi. Annax's two attacks failed; but the Tribe soon afterward located Abeloth at a pumping station in the town of Crystal Valley.

Vestara Khai

Simultaneously, Gavar Khai had developed the Jedi Queen project, tasking a Tribe group led by Saber Querdan Dei with hunting down and killing the Jedi queen Taalon had seen in the Pool of Knowledge. The Tribe discovered that Tenel Ka Djo, the Queen Mother of the Hapes Consortium, bore a striking resemblance to the Jedi queen, and they plotted to assassinate her to prevent her from giving birth to the queen in the future. However, they initiated their plan while Djo was on a diplomatic mission to Klatooine, and the prophesied queen, who had actually been born years previously—Djo's daughter, Allana Solo—disrupted the project. The girl stalled the Sith long enough for her adopted mother, Jedi Knight Leia Organa Solo, to arrive. Organa Solo engaged Dei in a duel and killed him, and the Jedi Queen project was temporarily halted.

On Nam Chorios, the Tribe finally attacked Abeloth, who was already weakened from contending with the Jedi. The Jedi had defeated the entity by forcibly withdrawing one of the beings she had previously consumed from her, after which another of her consumed victims committed suicide. The Tribe then surrounded Vestara Khai and the Skywalkers, but before they could kill the Jedi, the young Khai killed a tsil—a sentient [crystal](/article/crystal-legends]—resulting in a massive death convulsion in the Force that incapacitated all of the Jedi and Sith in the area. She and the Skywalkers recovered before their Sith assailants, and they fled the pumping station. Meanwhile, the Sith fleet, under Gavar Khai's command, was ambushed by the Jedi StealthX wing, which had been hidden in the system at Grand Master Skywalker's orders in anticipation of the arrival of Sith reinforcements. The Jedi forces, including Jaina Solo's Gray Squadron, Jedi Master Kyle Katarn's Gold Squadron, and the supporting White Squadron, once again easily defeated the Tribe. Gavar Khai was forced to retreat, and Abeloth narrowly escaped from the Jedi in Ship.

Devastation of Tahv

Afterward, Abeloth contacted Saber Khai and proposed an alliance with him to overthrow the Jedi. He agreed, and after consulting with Grand Lord Vol and the Circle of Lords on Kesh, they approved the idea as well. The Sith planned grand celebrations in their capital city of Tahv to commemorate Abeloth's arrival; however, Khai found his loyalties torn between Abeloth's and Vol's political maneuvering even before the festivities began. Upon Abeloth's arrival planetside, she participated in the arranged festivities; however, that evening, she resolved to launch an attack.

Kesh's capital city, Tahv

She appeared to Grand Lord Vol in his sleep and attempted to assassinate him. However, she acted too hastily, allowing him to penetrate her mind. He discovered her profound loneliness and craving for adoration, and he mentally dueled her, telling her that she was unloved. Abeloth's assassination attempt morphed into a desperate struggle to escape Vol's grasp, and she finally broke free, leaving Vol weakened and in excruciating pain. He quickly instructed his aide, Revar, to help him to his ship and to warn the Tribe of Abeloth's betrayal, but it was too late. Anguished and enraged, Abeloth unleashed wave after wave of destructive dark side Force energy upon the city of Tahv in her torment, killing thousands of its inhabitants and leaving the city in flames and ruins.

Abeloth swiftly moved to escape in the Meditation Sphere Ship, but as she took off, several other frigates also launched from the spaceport. Gavar Khai, aboard his flagship, the Black Wave, finally decided to abandon the Tribe and join Abeloth. He ordered all vessels to cover Abeloth's retreat, and he commanded that any who refused or failed to respond be shot down. Now officially part of Abeloth's fleet, the Black Wave protected Ship long enough for it to escape into hyperspace. Afterward, the Lost Tribe was compelled to abandon their devastated capital. Though weakened, Vol survived the destruction and prepared for the next phase of the Sith's invasion of the galaxy. The Tribe forces under Abeloth's command served to distract the Jedi while she recovered. Gavar Khai and nine Sith Sabers under Abeloth's command found the Skywalkers, Jaina Solo, and Vestara Khai on the planet Dromund Kaas. After the Sabers were all killed in the ensuing duel—including Gavar Khai at the hands of his daughter—Annax was appointed commander of Abeloth's fleet. Following her father's death, Vestara Khai officially joined the Jedi Order under Luke Skywalker's tutelage.

Infiltration of Coruscant

Galactic capital planet Coruscant

Meanwhile, several Sith forces began to undermine the government on Coruscant. High Lord Ivaar Workan infiltrated the Galactic Alliance Senate disguised as Senator "Kameron Suldar" and quickly gained influence. Numerous Lost Tribe members infiltrated various strategic positions within the Galactic Alliance, while others simply arrived on the planet in preparation for their takeover of the seat of government. Concurrently, the Jedi Order departed Coruscant at Luke Skywalker's command, who stated that the Jedi needed to distance themselves from governmental affairs following their strained relations with the recently ousted Daala administration. He made the Order's departure a highly public event, ensuring that the Tribe interpreted it as a signal to initiate their plans. Unbeknownst to the Tribe, he and the majority of the Jedi Order were embarking on a mission to the planet Upekzar to eliminate Abeloth and Ship, allowing them to then focus on the Tribe—who would be gathered on Coruscant—and defeat the Sith all at once. However, the Jedi walked into a trap set by Abeloth—the entity had left Tola Annax on Upekzar as the focal point for a powerful Force explosion. Some Jedi were killed, though most managed to escape. During the mission, Vestara Khai killed Jedi Knight Natua Wan to ensure Ben Skywalker's survival, an act that made her realize she could never be a Jedi.

The Tribe indeed took the Jedi's departure as a signal to advance their plans, and began sending Sith into the Jedi Temple. Simultaneously, they arrested Organa Solo, the last Jedi on the planet. Workan reported to Vol that their plans were in motion; however, he also revealed that the new Senator Rokari Kem had hinted that she knew the truth about his identity—unbeknownst to the Sith, Abeloth had consumed Kem and come to Coruscant in the Senator's guise. Vol responded that he would come to Coruscant and kill Kem himself, and the Sith would then execute the final stages of their plan to seize control of the galaxy. However, when Vol arrived and attempted to assassinate "Kem," she overwhelmed and defeated him. Still disguised as Kem, Abeloth then contacted Workan and showed him the Grand Lord's head, ordering the High Lord to meet with her the next day.

She commanded Workan to initiate a vote to replace the current interim Chief of State, Padnel Ovin, with herself. Workan called for the vote, but Ovin stalled with a lengthy speech—unbeknownst to the Sith, he was enacting a plan to give Chief of Staff Wynn Dorvan and other Jedi allies time to free Organa Solo from her imprisonment. Finally, Abeloth used the Force to cause Ovin to collapse, and he quickly died. Using her powers to influence the Senators, Abeloth was able to win the vote, and she rose to power as Chief of State. She then confronted Dorvan, who had been captured by three Tribe members following Organa Solo's escape, and revealed her true form. Soon after her rise to power, Abeloth—calling herself the "Beloved Queen of the Stars"—also assumed the title of Grand Lord of the Tribe and commanded the Sith on the planet.


Once the Tribe had established themselves within the Senate, they began to seize control of other important administrations. Suspecting that the Jedi would soon return and infiltrate their way back into Coruscant, the Sith positioned themselves as immigration inspectors. However, Vestara Khai had foreseen their move and warned the Jedi—who indeed returned to liberate Coruscant—and the Jedi practiced concealing their lies and Force presences so the Sith would not detect them. The Jedi's efforts were further aided by members of Club Bwua'tu, a secret government organization led by Admiral Nek Bwua'tu and his uncle, Eramuth. Meanwhile, the Tribe on Coruscant served under Abeloth, who remained disguised as Chief of State Rokari Kem. Abeloth ordered High Lord Korelei to torture Dorvan in an attempt to extract valuable information about the Jedi, but he withheld the important information he possessed.

Tenel Ka Djo

The Jedi arrived aboard the starliner Plain Lady, deceiving the Tribe inspectors on the vessel. As they passed through the immigration inspection stage in the Galactic Center Spaceport, Sith Captain Suhale grew suspicious of Jedi Knights Yantahar Bwua'tu and Yaqeel Saav'etu. However, three nearby Knights, Bazel Warv, Seff Hellin, and Vaala Razelle, helped Bwua'tu and Saav'etu escape the Tribe by pretending to be simple spice smugglers in league with the two. Afterward, in an attempt to generate anti-Jedi sentiment, the Tribe disseminated news that the Jedi were running a spice cartel. Meanwhile, elsewhere in the spaceport, Sith Master Ruku Myal recognized Vestara Khai, despite her disguise. When Myal activated his lightsaber, nearby Galactic Alliance Security troops assumed he was a Jedi and opened fire, and Khai killed the Sith Master with his own shikkar—a glass dagger. The Jedi then sent a message across the HoloNet, demanding the Sith surrender or face death. The Tribe refused to surrender, and the Jedi carried out numerous targeted assaults across the planet, killing nearly 1,000 Sith. Among those killed were Master Jestat Vhool, who was posing as a Galactic Alliance Security Superintendent; Saber Kayala Fei, who was an announcer for BAMR News; and Ivaar Workan, who was killed in a duel in his Senate office. Still, some of the targeted Sith did manage to escape, such as Lady Tela Rovas, and about 5,000 Lost Tribe members remained alive on Coruscant.

Meanwhile, the Tribe launched a wing of Skipray twelve-jays to the planet Ossus to ambush the Jedi Academy there. Leia Solo and her husband, Captain Han Solo, along with Hapan Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo and Jedi Masters Tionne and Kam Solusar, led the evacuation effort to save the Jedi Initiates and their families and transport them to the secret Jedi base on the planet Shedu Maad in the Hapes Cluster. Four wings of Hapan Miy'til starfighters helped defend the evacuating craft, but the transport Sharmok 718 was boarded by Tribe members and planted with a baradium bomb. The Jedi and Hapan forces recognized that the vessel was behaving oddly and realized that the Tribe had boarded, but when the Hapan Volgh Squadron opened fire, the Sharmok exploded with a three-kilometer radius, killing all those aboard and destroying Volgh Squadron. The Jedi realized that the blast had been intended to kill Tenel Ka Djo, whom the Sith still believed could be connected to the prophesied Jedi queen. During the mission, Allana Solo also had a vision of the nest of Barabel Jedi Knights Tesar Sebatyne, Wilyem, Zal, and Dordi being attacked, and their younglings being killed. Despite her earlier promise to the Barabels to keep the nest's location in the Jedi Temple a secret, she reported her vision, and the Solos traveled back to Coruscant to tell Jedi Knight Warv, who also knew of the nest.

Battleground Coruscant

Since the Jedi's advantage on Coruscant stemmed from their knowledge of the planet and the Lost Tribe's positions, Abeloth and Korelei sought to shift the fighting into the open, where the Tribe—who greatly outnumbered the Jedi—could easily prevail. However, when Abeloth ceased torturing Dorvan and appointed him an aide to help her rule, he convinced her that the Coruscanti people would not submit to Sith rule so readily; in reality, he hoped to protect civilians from being harmed by preventing the fighting from taking place in public. At Dorvan's suggestion, they instead agreed to withdraw all Sith forces into the Jedi Temple, where the Jedi would be forced to confront them openly. After they pulled seventy-five percent of the Tribe on Coruscant into the Temple, Jedi Master Saba Sebatyne led several Jedi Knights, including Izal Waz, on a relentless hunt for the Tribe forces who remained outside. The Jedi and Club Bwua'tu recognized that the Sith withdrawal was a trap, and thus planned to launch an assault on the Temple from thirty points, hoping to draw the Tribe out to the perimeter while Luke Skywalker deactivated the Temple's shields and the rest of the Jedi on the mission—who would take secret entrances into the Temple's center—could drive the Tribe to the exterior of the Temple.

Master Corran Horn

The Galactic Alliance Marines, commanded by Admiral Gavin Darklighter, initiated their attack, but the Jedi in the Temple were ambushed by numerous Tribe members who were aware of their plan—Abeloth had anticipated the Jedi battle plan and prepared the ambush. During the battle, Vestara Khai was knocked unconscious and captured by the Lost Tribe, and the Tribe forced the Jedi to retreat. Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker and Jedi Master Corran Horn discovered that the computer interface they had hoped to use to override the lockdown of the Temple had been disabled, meaning that the Tribe had known about their assault well in advance. In the meantime, Abeloth had grown powerful enough to manifest multiple physical forms simultaneously—one as Chief of State Kem, one as the Imperial lieutenant Lydea Pagorski, one as the Temple's central core computer itself, and one as Lady Korelei.

As the assault outside the Temple continued, inside the building Dorvan successfully stole a hold-out blaster from Sith Master Tsiat. Then, when Abeloth—in the form of Rokari Kem—entered a trance, he shot the body multiple times, killing it. However, Abeloth quickly arrived on the scene in her true form and stopped Dorvan from committing suicide. Meanwhile, Jaina Solo and the Skywalkers, along with Horn, his children, Valin and Jysella, and Solo's astromech droid, Rowdy, made their way to the Temple's computer core, where they hoped to lower the shields. Jysella found Dorvan in the core, but Abeloth kidnapped Ben and trapped Valin in an airlock. Jysella managed to rescue both her brother and Dorvan, but since Abeloth controlled the computer, they were unable to complete their objective.

Meanwhile, Vestara Khai had regained consciousness and fled from the Tribe, but she was eventually cornered by High Lord Sashal and a group of the Tribe. Khai—who had recently deduced the identity of the Jedi queen, Allana Solo—told Sashal the girl's identity in an attempt to convince the Tribe that she was still on their side. Sashal then gave her a detonator and told her to complete her mission to kill the Jedi queen, revealing that the hatchway through which Khai had hoped to escape had finally opened, and Allana, Han, and Leia Solo were outside, along with Warv—with whom the Solos had met regarding Allana's vision. Khai threw the detonator, which connected with the Solos' ship, the Millennium Falcon, but failed to kill Allana. In the ensuing combat, Warv was killed and the majority of the Tribe were slaughtered, but the three Solos escaped.

Abeloth's destruction

Allana Solo, the future Jedi queen

Abeloth, taking the guise of Pagorski, journeyed to the territory of the Imperial Remnant, intending to sow discord by aiding Admiral Natasi Daala in her bid to win the inaugural Imperial election. Simultaneously, the Jedi and their allies shifted their strategy to focus on the destruction of the shield generators to facilitate the deployment of Void Jumper marines. Corran Horn, Jaina Solo, and Luke Skywalker successfully eliminated one of Abeloth's manifestations, which had taken the form of Lady Korelei. Concurrently, on the planet Hagamoor 3, Abeloth's body, disguised as Lydea Pagorski, met its destruction at the hands of former Jedi Tahiri Veila and bounty hunter Boba Fett, acting under the orders of the Imperial Head of State Jagged Fel. Consequently, the Jedi managed to disable the Temple's shields, granting the Void Jumpers access to the interior. In the meantime, Han, Leia, and Allana Solo engaged the Lost Tribe in battle within the Temple, eventually encountering Jedi Knight Zekk, the Hapan Taryn Zel, and several Hapan commandos, before discovering the Barabel nest and alerting them to Allana's premonition.

As the assault on the Temple progressed, approximately 300 members of the Lost Tribe fled the building, only to be pursued and hunted down by the Jedi throughout Coruscant. The Jedi Council convened, joined by Darklighter, Nek and Eramuth Bwua'tu, Senator Luewet Wuul, and other allies, to deliberate on their next course of action and to receive a report from Jedi Knights Lowbacca and Tekli. These Jedi had uncovered the truth about Abeloth's origins from the Killiks: a staggering 100,000 years prior, Abeloth had served a family of potent Force wielders known as the Ones. By immersing herself in the Pool of Knowledge and consuming from the Font of Power, another Force nexus, she had transformed into a being akin to the Ones, but with destructive intentions. The Ones had imprisoned her, but their deaths during the Clone Wars and the use of the flow-walking technique by Sith Lord Darth Caedus during the Second Galactic Civil War had ultimately freed Abeloth. As the meeting unfolded, Abeloth initiated massive geologic activity on Coruscant, obliterating numerous structures, including the Galactic Justice Center. Subsequently, she departed Coruscant aboard Ship, accompanied by Vestara Khai and Ben Skywalker, hoping to persuade them to join her in forming a new family of the Ones.

The remaining members of the Lost Tribe on Coruscant were relentlessly pursued and defeated, though their actions, along with the aftermath of Abeloth's seismic destruction, inflicted extensive damage on the city-planet, resulting in an estimated death toll in the billions. Jaina Solo and Luke Skywalker swiftly launched in the vessel Rude Awakening in pursuit of Ship, aiming to rescue both Khai and the young Skywalker from Abeloth's influence. Meanwhile, Jagged Fel piloted the yacht Parting Gift to retrieve the Barabel Jedi, their younglings, the Solos, and their escort. The extraction proved successful, and Master Saba Sebatyne, Tahiri Veila, and a unit of Void Jumpers led by Sergeant Major Gef Olazon remained behind on a mission to destroy the manifestation of Abeloth connected to the Temple's core computer. As Ben Skywalker and Vestara Khai resisted Abeloth's attempts to sway them, Jaina Solo and Luke Skywalker pondered whether it was the will of the Force for the young Khai and Skywalker to take the place of the Ones who had previously contained Abeloth.


As Solo engaged Ship in the Maw and initiated a battle with the Meditation Sphere, Luke Skywalker ventured into the realm beyond shadows and located Abeloth, fighting her with the assistance of a Sith stranger from a different faction of Sith. Simultaneously, Ben Skywalker and Vestara Khai dueled Abeloth at the Font of Power. Sebatyne's team inside the Jedi Temple fought through numerous Sith, as well as Sith shadow-ghouls created by Abeloth. Ultimately, they destroyed the computer core, forcing Abeloth's essence out, and Sebatyne eliminated the entity. Concurrently, Abeloth was also vanquished beyond shadows, as well as by Khai and Ben Skywalker on her planet in the Maw. With all of her physical forms simultaneously defeated, she was finally destroyed. Ship, now completely liberated from Abeloth's control, swiftly fled from Solo.


Jaina Solo vs Vestara Khai

Luke Skywalker emerged from his confrontation with Abeloth severely weakened, but he recognized the Lost Tribe stranger as the same figure he had foreseen in his visions before the Second Galactic Civil War—a figure he had previously believed to be the Sith Lord Darth Caedus. While in the Lake of Apparitions, the Grand Master conversed again with both his wife and Caedus, the latter of whom revealed that he had fallen to the dark side and acted as he had during the Second Civil War to prevent his own vision from materializing—one featuring the Lost Tribe stranger on the Throne of Balance with Allana at his side. As the Grand Master remained in a comatose state, Solo piloted the Rude Awakening to retrieve the young Khai and Skywalker. Initially, she only permitted the young Jedi Knight to board, revealing to him Khai's attack on the Solos and betrayal of Allana's identity. Solo and Skywalker then sought to find Khai, but she was retrieved by Ship before they could capture her. Khai believed that she could never return to her Tribe on Kesh, and Ship revealed that there were other Lost Tribe members in the galaxy who needed her assistance and could exploit her knowledge of the Skywalkers to their advantage.

Jagged Fel

Back on Coruscant, the last of the Lost Tribe had been hunted down, and the Galactic Alliance, with a recovered Wynn Dorvan reinstated as Chief of State, deployed a seismic activity team to assess the extensive damage inflicted upon the capital. While volcanic activity and groundquakes had ceased, over 100,000 sites throughout the Coruscant underworld required investigation. Furthermore, there was a significant release of clouds of poisonous gas throughout the city-planet. Public sentiment turned against the Jedi due to the Sith's efforts over the BAMR network to convince the Coruscanti that the conflict stemmed from a war between a supposed Jedi spice cartel and their rivals. Consequently, the Galactic Alliance Senate voted to remove the Jedi from Coruscant, securing enough votes to override a veto from Dorvan. Upon the return of Jaina Solo and the Skywalkers, the Jedi Grand Master agreed that the Order's relocation was in the best interests of all involved, and the Jedi relocated to their secret base on Shedu Maad. Meanwhile, the Solos concluded that since Allana's identity had been exposed to the Sith, there was no longer any point in concealing it. During the wedding of Jagged Fel and Jaina Solo, she was publicly announced as the Chume'da, heir to the Hapes Consortium.

Shortly after the defeat of the Lost Tribe on Coruscant, the Jedi received reports from Jedi Knights Sothais Saar and Avinoam Arelis—who were assisting enslaved populations in the Outer Rim Territories to achieve their freedom—that a tentacle had suddenly emerged from the Force and briefly attacked them. The Jedi realized that it was Abeloth initiating the slow process of reforming her body, and thus decided that they needed to prepare future generations for Abeloth's inevitable return. During Skywalker's training under Yoda on the planet Dagobah, the Jedi Master had recounted a tale of the discovery of the Ones during the Clone Wars—Skywalker's father, Anakin, and the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi had found the world Mortis, where the Ones resided; and during the mission, the Ones had been killed by the use of a Force-empowered dagger. Luke initially dismissed the tale as untrue, but upon the revelations regarding Abeloth, he believed that if the Jedi could locate Mortis, they could find the dagger and use it to permanently eliminate Abeloth upon her return. Consequently, he organized a group of Ten Knights to search for the Mortis monolith, the gateway to Mortis, in order to find the dagger.


Lost Tribe of Sith

The Lost Tribe of Sith were the descendants of the survivors of the 5,000 BBY crash of the starship Omen on the planet Kesh. The incident occurred during the Great Hyperspace War, when the Sith intended to fight for their Empire to seize control of the galaxy. Due to the destruction of their vessel and equipment in the crash, the native Keshiri's lack of advanced technology, and the planet's lack of sufficient resources to make repairs, the survivors were marooned on the remote world with no means of contacting their fellow Sith. As a result, the Tribe clung to a desire to return to the galaxy and conquer it in the name of the Sith, a goal they were eager to pursue upon the arrival of Ship. With Ship providing transport, the Tribe began operating as pirates to amass their navy and secure strategic positions for their fleet, which numbered hundreds of vessels by 44 ABY. By the time of their emergence, the Sith Tribe numbered in the tens of thousands.

The Sith were prepared to go to extreme lengths to achieve their objectives, including temporarily allying with their greatest adversaries, the Skywalkers. Despite internal conflicts among rival members, they were still capable of collaborating towards a common goal in large numbers, and they were trained to respect and obey their superiors. However, many of their members were susceptible to Abeloth's influence, hindering their plans for galactic domination. Furthermore, Abeloth's power was so immense that she murdered the Tribe's Grand Lord and ultimately compelled the other Sith to serve her purposes and aid in her rise to power. Abeloth then assumed the title of Grand Lord for herself, and from that point onward, she used the Tribe to further her will. Abeloth was eventually destroyed, and the Jedi and Galactic Alliance forces defeated the Sith on Coruscant. Nevertheless, the location of their homeworld remained a secret, so the Sith who had remained on Kesh were not immediately eradicated.

New Jedi Order

The New Jedi Order was established by the Jedi Luke Skywalker following Emperor Palpatine's purge of the original Jedi Order. By the time of the emergence, the New Jedi Order comprised approximately 1,000 to 1,500 Jedi in total. During the first two years of the Lost Tribe's activity on Kesh, the Jedi Order remained unaware of the Sith. It was not until the strike team ambushed the Skywalkers at Sinkhole Station that the Jedi learned of the new threat, and even then, they were uncertain of the nature of their assailants. Since Vestara Khai led them back to Dathomir, the Skywalkers even briefly suspected that their attackers were from that world. Furthermore, since the two most recent dominant Sith Order had been dictated by the Rule of Two, the Jedi were surprised by the fact that the Tribe consisted of many more Sith. The Jedi were further hampered in their dealings with the Sith by the fact that Grand Master Skywalker had been put on trial in 43 ABY and exiled from Coruscant for allowing the Jedi Knight Jacen Solo to fall to the dark side and become Darth Caedus during the Second Galactic Civil War. The Grand Master was accompanied on his travels by his son, but he was not permitted any other form of contact with the Jedi Order.

Furthermore, when the Jedi on Coruscant were alerted to the Sith threat, they were unable to mobilize due to their conflict with the administration of Chief of State Natasi Daala. When Jedi had begun to fall prey to Abeloth's psychosis, the government and the Jedi disagreed on who should be allowed to keep the psychotic Knights. Interim Grand Master Kenth Hamner was also very conservative in his leadership; he refused to allow the Jedi to launch their StealthX wing to help the Skywalkers on Pydyr because he feared that Daala would believe the launch was directed at her and would start an open war on the Order. Eventually, Hamner was killed in combat with Jedi Master Saba Sebatyne after he tried to sabotage the launch of the starfighters. Sebatyne was then made interim Grand Master until Skywalker was granted pardon and allowed to return. Skywalker then led the entire Jedi Order off Coruscant for a mission to eliminate Ship and Abeloth, with the purpose of luring the Sith Tribe to Coruscant so that upon their return the Jedi could defeat the Sith in one operation. Though the operation originally went poorly due to Abeloth's foresight, the Jedi eventually succeeded in defeating her and the Tribe. Much of Coruscant was devastated in the process, and public opinion—partially due to the efforts of the Sith infiltrators themselves—was turned sharply against the Jedi. As such, the Order was forced to leave the capital, and they relocated to their secret base on Shedu Maad.


At least 100,000 years before the emergence, Abeloth was a servant to the Ones—the powerful Force-wielding Father, Daughter, and Son. She eventually came to be the Mother of the family, but she bathed in the Pool of Knowledge and drank from the Font of Power, turning her into a powerful dark side entity. She then became a legendary destroyer of civilizations, and the Ones imprisoned her; although she was periodically able to escape and bring chaos to the galaxy, her actions caused the Daughter and Son to work together and trap her. However, during the Clone Wars, the Father, Daughter, and Son were all killed, leaving no one to keep Abeloth in check. Abeloth was imprisoned on a planet in the Maw, where she was kept detained by Sinkhole Station. She was able to extend her reach over Force-sensitive beings who spent time in the Maw, causing them to develop a psychosis and yearn to find her. Those who came to her stayed at Sinkhole Station and become known as Mind Walkers; she routinely fed off of their life energies. Following the destruction of Centerpoint Station in the Second Galactic Civil War, Sinkhole Station began to fall into disrepair, until finally, in 44 ABY, Abeloth was able to destroy Sinkhole. The constant warring between Jedi and Sith—and namely Darth Caedus' use of the flow-walking technique—ultimately caused Abeloth to be freed. Afterward, she was finally able to move offworld, although she was kept on the run by the Jedi and Sith who hunted her, preventing her from achieving her desire to become the "Beloved Queen of the Stars."

Her true nature remained a mystery to the Sith and Jedi for some time, although her actions were often dominated by the presence of the former Jedi Callista Ming, whom she had consumed. Ming, a former lover of Luke Skywalker, at times was able to influence Abeloth's actions and even prevent her from harming Skywalker. On Nam Chorios, the Grand Master finally extracted Ming's presence from Abeloth, allowing the former Jedi to die. Abeloth's hold on her psychotic followers was broken when she was severely weakened after her initial defeat to Skywalker on her prison world, as well as following the removal of Ming's spirit. She finally resolved to have her Sith followers lead the Jedi astray, giving her time to gather her strength and take over the government on Coruscant. She grew in power, taking command of the Sith forces on Coruscant and attaining the title of Grand Lord. She also quickly increased the number of bodily manifestations she wielded, consuming more and more beings—although the bodies of the non-Force-sensitives whom she consumed quickly wore out and required replacement. Finally, Saba Sebatyne, Tahiri Veila, and a group of Void Jumpers succeeded in destroying Abeloth's manifestation in the Jedi Temple's computer core, while Luke Skywalker and Darth Krayt—the Sith whom Skywalker recognized from his visions—killed another manifestation in the Lake of Apparitions beyond shadows, and Vestara Khai and Ben Skywalker killed another at the Font of Power. Before long, however, Abeloth started the slow process of reforming her body.

Galactic Federation of Free Alliances

The Galactic Federation of Free Alliances became the leading galactic government following the collapse of the New Republic during the Yuuzhan Vong War. The Alliance was politically tied to the New Jedi Order; it included a High Council consisting of six Jedi and six members of the Alliance. The Alliance's first Chief of State was Cal Omas, who led the government through the Dark Nest Crisis, the Swarm War, and part of the Second Galactic Civil War, which began with the secession of a Confederation led by the planet Corellia. During the war, Omas was ousted in a coup by Jacen Solo and Admiral Cha Niathal, and the Alliance later came under the sole control of Solo. The Jedi Order, Hapes Consortium, Mandalorians, Maw Irregular Fleet, and the Alliance-in-exile—Galactic Alliance forces no longer loyal to Solo—formed a Coalition to defeat the Alliance. After the war's end, Natasi Daala was elected as the Galactic Alliance's Chief of State.

While the Sith on Kesh prepared for their invasion, Daala began to take measures against the Jedi Order, such as the arrest and exile of Luke Skywalker. As Jedi Knights began to fall prey to Abeloth's psychosis, Daala's policies against the Order grew stricter, resulting in her use of Galactic Alliance Security forces to capture the psychotic Jedi. She went on to hire Mandalorians to try and capture the psychotic Knights; and when the Order refused to cooperate with her, Daala authorized a Mandalorian raid and siege of the Jedi Temple. Eventually, the Jedi ousted Daala and established the first Triumvate of interim Jedi Grand Master Saba Sebatyne, Senator Haydnat Treen, and General Merratt Jaxton in her place. Wynn Dorvan later replaced Jaxton, but when the Jedi Order announced that they were leaving Coruscant, the triumvirate was dissolved and Padnel Ovin was elected Chief of State. However, both the Sith and Abeloth had infiltrated the Galactic Alliance, and Abeloth murdered Ovin and became Chief of State. During the liberation of Coruscant, Club Bwua'tu—a secret organization within the Alliance—Galactic Alliance Marines under the command of Gavin Darklighter, and several other government forces helped the Jedi eradicate the Sith and defeat Abeloth. After the crisis, Wynn Dorvan became the Chief of State.

Hapes Consortium

The Hapes Consortium was a matriarchal, hereditary monarchy based on the capital world Hapes in the Hapes Cluster. Hapes was ruled by a Queen Mother, with an heir to the throne known as the Chume'da. Hapes was founded thousands of years before the Sith Tribe's invasion by the first Queen Mother. In 27 ABY, Tenel Ka Djo, who was training as a Jedi, became the Queen Mother after the death of her mother, the Queen Mother Teneniel Djo. Due to Tenel Ka Djo's ties to the Jedi Order, the Hapes Consortium remained a close ally of the Jedi for years; even after she resigned from the Order in 36 ABY in order to focus more on her reign. When her former lover, Jacen Solo, became the Sith Lord Darth Caedus and took control of the Galactic Alliance, Djo pledged the Hapan forces to a Coalition to defeat him. At the end of the war, after a nanovirus attack on the Hapan royal family, Tenel Ka Djo faked the death of her daughter, Allana Solo, in order to protect her.

The Hapes Consortium did not become actively involved in the war with the Sith until the Tribe discovered that she bore a striking resemblance to the Jedi queen that Sarasu Taalon saw on the Throne of Balance. Nevertheless, the Sith's attempts to assassinate Djo and Allana Solo failed. Later, Tenel Ka Djo led Hapan forces to help the Jedi in their evacuation from the Ossus Jedi academy, transporting them to a secret base on Shedu Maad in the Hapes Cluster itself. Furthermore, the Hapan Taryn Zel, accompanied by several Hapan commandos, assisted in the assault against the Sith in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Following the defeat of the Sith forces, Allana Solo's identity as Chume'da was revealed to the galaxy.

Key Sith figures

Darish Vol

The Human male Darish Vol held the title of Grand Lord of the Lost Tribe of Sith. In that capacity, he was the Tribe's highest authority and most respected member during the time of the emergence. Along with Lady Rhea, he personally selected the first strike team dispatched to retrieve Ship and eliminate Skywalker. Throughout the Sith's engagements with the Jedi, Vol remained on Kesh to oversee the Tribe's activities at home. When Abeloth was brought back to Kesh with the proposition of an alliance, he remained highly suspicious of her; his fears were soon validated when she attacked him and devastated the city. Later, as the Sith prepared to execute their coup of the government, he finally journeyed to Coruscant. However, upon his arrival, Vol sought to assassinate Rokari Kem, a Senator whom High Lord Workan believed possessed knowledge of the Sith plan. Kem was actually Abeloth in disguise, and she killed and beheaded Vol.

Ivaar Workan

Ivaar Workan, a Human male, had ascended to the rank of Lord by 41 ABY. He was among the Sith chosen to participate in the Tribe's first offworld mission, under the command of High Lord Sarasu Taalon. Later during the emergence, he remained on Kesh, becoming one of the few individuals whom Darish Vol trusted not to betray him; and by 44 ABY, he had attained the rank of High Lord. Towards the final stages of the Sith's plans, Workan traveled to Coruscant, where he infiltrated the Senate disguised as "Kameron Suldar" from the planet B'nish. During his time on Coruscant, he uncovered a conspiracy plotting to seize control of the Galactic Alliance and helped to eliminate it, as it conflicted with the Tribe's objectives. He worked to pave the way for the Sith invasion, although his encounter with Rokari Kem made him uneasy. Indeed, his fears were confirmed when she killed Vol, and he learned she was actually Abeloth in disguise. Workan was then compelled to assist her in her rise to the position of Chief of State. Soon afterward, when the Jedi launched their mission to liberate Coruscant, Workan was a target assigned to Vestara Khai, Ben Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, and Jedi Knights Doran Sarkin-Tainer and Seha Dorvald. The five engaged in combat with Workan and three Sith guards in his Senate office, and Ben killed the High Lord with a blaster shot in the face.

Sarasu Taalon

Sarasu Taalon, a male Keshiri, achieved the esteemed title of High Lord and played a significant role during the Tribe's rise to prominence. He spearheaded the Sith's inaugural off-world expedition utilizing Ship. By 44 ABY, he had risen to command a substantial fleet of eleven ChaseMaster frigates within the Sith's naval forces. He successfully persuaded the Skywalkers to forge an alliance with the Sith and subsequently led the Sith contingent in their collaborative mission to confront Abeloth. Following the failure of this endeavor, he chose to remain on Kesh to delve deeper into the mysteries surrounding Abeloth. It was during the confrontation at the Pool of Knowledge that he discovered the existence of a Jedi queen capable of thwarting the Sith's ascent to power. Moreover, he immersed himself in the Pool, initiating a transformation into a being akin to Abeloth. Subsequently, upon learning of Abeloth's presence on Pydyr, he led Sith forces there, once again compelling the Skywalkers to aid him in locating Abeloth. However, upon encountering Abeloth, he displayed a profound curiosity about his own transformation rather than a fervent desire to eliminate her. Vestara Khai capitalized on a Jedi-created diversion to eliminate Taalon, driven by her belief that she could not permit the emergence of another being like Abeloth.

Gavar Khai

Gavar Khai, a Human male Sith Saber within the Tribe, attained a noteworthy position within the Sith military during their period of emergence. His initial assignment was under the command of Sarasu Taalon during the joint mission with the Jedi to face Abeloth. Khai observed his daughter's growing affection for the younger Skywalker and, instead of discouraging it, encouraged her to exploit it in an attempt to sway him to the dark side. During the Sith's betrayal of the Jedi, Gavar Khai directed his assault towards Luke Skywalker, only to be intercepted and held at bay by the younger Skywalker. Later, upon discovering that Abeloth had survived, Saber Khai frequently accused the Jedi of deceit. He suffered the loss of his forearm in the conflict at the Pool of Knowledge, but later received a prosthetic.

Khai once more accompanied Taalon on the Sith's mission to Pydyr, where he was the first Sith to receive news of his daughter's assassination of Taalon. He harbored lingering doubts about his daughter's allegiance following the incident, despite her communication informing him of Abeloth's location on Nam Chorios. Saber Khai personally spearheaded the Jedi Queen project and commanded Operation Shieldfall to Nam Chorios—both of which ultimately failed. Following Abeloth's devastation of Tahv, her influence over Khai finally prevailed, leading him to defect from the Tribe. She dispatched him and several other Sith to mislead the Jedi, and he was subsequently killed in a duel with his daughter.

Vestara Khai

Vestara Khai, a Human female, held the rank of Sith Tyro and was the initial Kesh resident contacted by Ship, owing to her ambition and potential. Consequently, she was honored by the Tribe and appointed as the apprentice of Lady Olaris Rhea. She gained permission to accompany Ship on the Sith's inaugural mission during their emergence and dedicated the subsequent two years to the expanding Sith armada. She was selected for the strike team's mission to retrieve Ship and eliminate the Skywalkers; the young Khai was the only Sith to witness Abeloth's authentic form and the sole survivor of the clash with the Jedi. Subsequently, the Sith apprentice employed her skills and cunning to evade capture by the Jedi, finding refuge with the Witches of Dathomir. However, with the alliance between the Jedi and the Sith, she was confined aboard the Jade Shadow for the mission, and gradually developed a connection with Ben Skywalker. Her ensuing assignment to spy on the Jedi following the duel at the Pool of Knowledge led to further travels with the Skywalkers. After she killed Taalon, she was compelled to flee with the Jedi, knowing that her Sith comrades would not afford her the opportunity to justify her actions. Despite Vestara Khai's continued efforts to aid her Tribe in achieving its ultimate objective, she increasingly found herself in situations where she was compelled to assist the Skywalkers.

Ultimately, after Khai was forced to kill her father in combat and upon hearing of the demise of her mother, she formally renounced her Sith allegiance and aligned herself with the Jedi. Nevertheless, following a mission where she chose to kill another Jedi to safeguard Ben Skywalker, she concluded that she could never genuinely become a Jedi. Consequently, Vestara Khai resolved to assist the Jedi against her Tribe, aiming to ensure the deaths of all the High Lords—who were obligated to kill her for assassinating Taalon—before relinquishing the Order's protection. She participated in the liberation of Coruscant and aided the Jedi in eliminating High Lord Ivaar Workan. She later disclosed the identity of the Jedi queen to her Tribe to prevent them from harming her, placing herself in a position where she was forced to betray and attack the Solos. Soon after, Abeloth offered Khai the title of "Daughter of the Night," a member of the Ones, possessing irresistible power. However, she ultimately declined and assisted Ben Skywalker in killing Abeloth. Acknowledging that he would not forgive her for betraying the Solos, she escaped in Ship. The Meditation Sphere elevated her to Sith Lord and informed her of an alternative Sith faction she could join.

Key Jedi figures

Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker, a Human male, fought alongside the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic against the Galactic Empire. He spearheaded the rebuilding of the Jedi Order and guided it through numerous critical events, including the Yuuzhan Vong War and the Second Galactic Civil War. However, in 43.5 ABY, he was banished from Coruscant for his failure to prevent Jacen Solo's descent to the dark side during the latter conflict. Accompanied by his son, Ben, the exiled Grand Master embarked on a journey to ascertain the reasons behind Jacen Solo's fall to darkness. During their travels, the Skywalkers first encountered the Sith Tribe; initially uncertain of the darksiders' identities, they quickly determined that they were indeed Sith. When Taalon proposed an alliance, Skywalker realized he had no choice but to reluctantly accept, fully aware that the Sith's betrayal was inevitable.

The confrontations with Abeloth became deeply personal for the elder Skywalker when he learned that she had consumed his former lover, Callista Ming, although he ultimately liberated Ming's spirit from Abeloth on Nam Chorios. The Grand Master sustained numerous severe injuries during his battles with Abeloth and the Sith, but he refused to allow himself significant recovery time, fearing that it would provide his enemies with an opportunity to recuperate. Finally, following Daala's removal from office, Skywalker's exile was lifted, and he was permitted to return to Coruscant and reassume command of the Jedi. He orchestrated a gathering of the Sith on Coruscant by feigning the relocation of the entire Order to another location. However, the Jedi's subsequent mission to eliminate Ship and Abeloth proved unsuccessful; and while they were absent from Coruscant, Abeloth ascended to the position of Chief of State.

Subsequently, the Grand Master spearheaded the Jedi's mission to liberate Coruscant. After Abeloth kidnapped his son, he and Jaina Solo journeyed to the Maw to confront the entity. The elder Skywalker resolved to venture beyond shadows to accomplish this, receiving assistance from a Sith stranger—one he had previously encountered in visions, although he had initially believed that the Sith in his visions was Caedus. He and the Sith succeeded in destroying Abeloth, and although Skywalker was severely injured and willing to accept his death, an apparition of his wife persuaded him to live. The Grand Master also achieved his original mission's objective by discovering the reason for Caedus' fall to the dark side—he had seen the same Sith stranger on the Throne of Balance, alongside Allana Solo, Caedus' daughter with Tenel Ka Djo. Subsequently, Luke Skywalker led the Jedi away from Coruscant to their new headquarters on Shedu Maad.

Ben Skywalker

Ben Skywalker, the son of Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker, was born during the Yuuzhan Vong War and was present at Shelter, where Abeloth established her influence over numerous future Jedi Knights who later succumbed to her psychosis. However, he withdrew from the Force during his time there, preventing Abeloth from controlling him. Ben Skywalker later participated in the Second Galactic Civil War, during which his Master, Jacen Solo, turned to the dark side, becoming Darth Caedus and killing the young Skywalker's mother. Ben Skywalker aided the Jedi Coalition in winning the war, and when his father was put on trial and exiled, the young Jedi Knight insisted on accompanying the Grand Master on his travels. The younger Skywalker proved to be a valuable asset to his father on numerous occasions, assisting the elder Skywalker in defeating approximately fifteen Sith on Sinkhole Station. After locating Vestara Khai on Dathomir but being unable to apprehend her, the young Skywalker developed an attraction to her, which she reciprocated. Throughout his travels with his father, Ben Skywalker's skills became increasingly prominent, to the point where he was able to single-handedly duel and defeat three Sith Sabers.

During the allied mission with the Sith to confront Abeloth in the Maw, his relationship with the young Khai deepened, and despite her numerous attempts to undermine the Jedi, Ben Skywalker became increasingly convinced that he could sway her to the light side. Throughout his travels with the Sith apprentice, the young Skywalker served as the primary advocate for his father to trust her to do the right thing. Finally, after she was forced to kill her own father in combat, Ben Skywalker comforted the young Khai and pledged to assist her in becoming a Jedi. The young Jedi Knight, along with Vestara Khai, participated in the liberation of Coruscant; Ben Skywalker himself killed High Lord Ivaar Workan early in the campaign. However, he was eventually captured by Abeloth, who attempted to persuade him and Khai to join her as members of the Ones, offering to make Skywalker the "Prince of Light." Ben Skywalker refused and, with Khai's assistance, defeated her. Upon learning soon afterward of Khai's earlier betrayal of the Solos, the young Jedi was deeply distressed; he and Jaina Solo attempted to capture her, but she escaped in Ship.

Jaina Solo

Jaina Solo, the daughter of Leia Organa Solo and Captain Han Solo, attained the rank of Jedi Knight during the Yuuzhan Vong War, when her uncle Luke Skywalker also proclaimed her to be the Sword of the Jedi. During the Second Galactic Civil War, she was compelled to kill her brother, Jacen Solo, after he turned to the dark side and became Darth Caedus. During the time of the emergence, she found herself in a complex relationship with Imperial Remnant Head of State Jagged Fel, complicated by their conflicting responsibilities. After temporarily ending their engagement, Jaina Solo departed from the political tensions on Coruscant between Daala and the Jedi Order to assist the Skywalkers in their dealings with the Sith. She tracked them to Klatooine, where she encountered Lando Calrissian and eventually joined the allied Sith and Jedi fleet. While the Skywalkers and the Sith battled Abeloth, Solo piloted her StealthX in combat with Ship.

She later fended off an ambush by Sith pirates and returned to Coruscant to inform the Order of the true extent of the Sith threat. Later, when the Tribe initiated Operation Shieldfall, Jaina Solo led Gray Squadron in ambushing the Sith forces. After Vestara Khai and the Skywalkers escaped from the Sith on the surface, Luke Skywalker joined Solo in Gray Squadron in pursuit of Ship and Abeloth. Although Ship sustained damage, the Meditation Sphere managed to escape with Abeloth intact. Solo proceeded to join the Skywalkers and Khai aboard the Jade Shadow in their subsequent search for Ship on various Sith worlds. Solo later participated in the Jedi strike team sent to liberate Coruscant, and during the assault on the Jedi Temple—when Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Master Corran Horn believed they would almost certainly die—the Grand Master promoted Solo to the rank of Jedi Master. Upon learning of Ben Skywalker's kidnapping, she and Luke Skywalker immediately pursued him, and she battled Ship once more in the Maw. Afterward, Solo married Jagged Fel, who had relinquished his bid for election as Head of State of the Empire to ensure Daala's defeat in the same election.

Saba Sebatyne

Saba Sebatyne, a Barabel Jedi, ascended to a prominent position within the Jedi Order during the Yuuzhan Vong War; she established and led the all-Force-sensitive Wild Knights squadron and, at the war's conclusion, was appointed a Jedi Master and granted a seat on the Jedi Council. In this capacity, she assisted in guiding the Jedi through the Dark Nest Crisis and the Swarm War—during which she trained Leia Organa Solo to Knighthood—as well as the Second Galactic Civil War. While the Sith on Kesh prepared for their invasion of the galaxy and Grand Master Luke Skywalker was exiled from Coruscant, Sebatyne and the other Masters who remained on the world confronted the increasingly anti-Jedi policies of the Natasi Daala administration and the issue of Jedi succumbing to Abeloth's Force psychosis. Interim Grand Master Kenth Hamner adopted a non-confrontational stance, attempting to avoid conflict with the Galactic Alliance, but his policies proved ineffective, and Sebatyne began to advocate for a stronger stance against Daala.

Furthermore, when the Order became aware of the Sith threat, the Masters orchestrated the deployment of a fighter wing to aid the Skywalkers. Hamner attempted to prevent the launch and attacked Sebatyne, resulting in his death during the ensuing skirmish. The Masters then insisted that Sebatyne assume the role of interim Grand Master, which she reluctantly accepted. She subsequently led the Order in removing the Daala administration and establishing a triumvirate in its place. With the anti-Jedi government gone, Skywalker's exile was terminated, and Sebatyne gladly relinquished her position as Grand Master. Sebatyne served on the Triumvirate until the Jedi departed Coruscant for their mission to Upekzar. During the liberation of Coruscant, Sebatyne led a group of several Knights in hunting down the Sith who did not retreat into the Jedi Temple. She later led Tahiri Veila and a unit of Void Jumpers in defeating Abeloth's manifestation within the Temple's computer core; after they forced Abeloth from the core, Sebatyne killed the entity.

Allana Solo

Allana Solo was the daughter of Hapan Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo and Jedi Knight Jacen Solo. As the Chume'da—the heir to the Hapan throne—she was targeted on numerous occasions. The Second Galactic Civil War was a period of upheaval for the young Solo; her father succumbed to the dark side of the Force while attempting to prevent a vision he had seen of his daughter and a Sith Lord together on the Throne of Balance. During the war, Jacen Solo—now Darth Caedus—kidnapped her and revealed his paternity; later, when the young Solo was rescued, Han and Leia Solo discovered their relationship to the girl. Near the end of the war, the Council of Moffs targeted the Hapan royal family with a nanovirus, prompting Djo to stage her daughter's death and send her to live with Han and Leia Solo as a war orphan named "Amelia." While the Lost Tribe gained power, Allana Solo accompanied her grandparents on a mission to the planet Kessel, during which she sensed Abeloth reaching out to her. She later adopted a pet nexu cub, Anji, with whom she developed a close bond.

Meanwhile, Sarasu Taalon envisioned the young Solo ruling over the galaxy on the Throne of Balance; he demanded to know the identity of the Jedi queen, causing a rift in the Tribe's tenuous alliance with the Skywalkers. Gavar Khai then initiated the Jedi Queen project to eliminate the Jedi queen. The Sith discovered that Djo closely resembled the queen, and Querdan Dei succeeded in locating Djo and deducing Solo's identity, but he was unable to kill either of them. Allana Solo was later present for the evacuation of Ossus, during which she had a vision of a secret Barabel nest in the Jedi Temple being attacked. She convinced her parents to return to Coruscant, where they met with Bazel Warv and planned to rescue the Barabels. However, the Sith ambushed them, and Warv was killed protecting the young Solo. Nevertheless, the young Solo succeeded in helping to save the Barabels and their younglings. Later, during the marriage of Jaina Solo and Jagged Fel, Allana Solo's true identity as Chume'da was revealed to the galaxy.

Other key figures


Ship was a Sith Meditation Sphere—a Sith warship utilized by the Sith Empire to train apprentices in combat—that was programmed with a male personality. Ben Skywalker unearthed the vessel during the Second Galactic Civil War on the planet Ziost; Skywalker piloted Ship to his then-Master, Jacen Solo, who presented it to his secret Sith Master, Lumiya. Ship intervened on behalf of Lumiya's Sith on numerous occasions throughout the war, and after Lumiya's death, the Dark Jedi Alema Rar controlled the vessel. When Rar was killed, Ship fled in search of a more suitable master. Dician, a member of the One Sith, attempted to recruit Ship, but the Meditation Sphere refused and instead located the Lost Tribe of Sith on Kesh. Ship initially contacted Vestara Khai, drawn by her ambition. The vessel then began to assist the Tribe in capturing vessels to form a new armada and plan their invasion. However, Abeloth's will overcame Ship's, causing the vessel to abruptly depart Kesh for Abeloth's world. The Tribe's strike team dispatched to retrieve Ship and eliminate the Skywalkers ultimately failed on both counts.

Later, when the Sith allied with the Jedi to confront Abeloth, Ship engaged the Jedi Jaina Solo in orbit above Abeloth's world. With the entity's defeat, Ship was freed from her control. The Sphere fled, but Abeloth's will soon reasserted itself over Ship, and she utilized the vessel to incite conflict between the Jedi and Sith. After Abeloth fled Pydyr in Ship, the Sphere attempted to assault Khai and the Skywalkers on Nam Chorios, but failed to kill them. When Abeloth was forced to flee Nam Chorios in Ship, she transported the vessel to Kesh, feigning an alliance with the Sith. Upon her betrayal of the Sith, she once again fled in the Sphere. After ascending to power on Coruscant, Abeloth brought Khai and Ben Skywalker with her in Ship to her planet in an attempt to persuade them to join her. Solo, meanwhile, confronted Ship in the Maw, but Abeloth was destroyed, and Ship fled the battle. The Meditation Sphere returned to Vestara Khai and rescued her from the Jedi, promising to transport her to another faction of Sith.

Darth Krayt

The individual who eventually became the Sith Lord Darth Krayt was born A'Sharad Hett, the son of a Jedi named Sharad Hett. A'Sharad Hett served the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars, attaining the rank of Jedi Master by the conflict's end. Hett survived Order 66, which initiated the purge of the Jedi Order, and returned to his homeworld, Tatooine, where he began to amass an army of Tusken Raiders. However, Hett came into conflict with the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, who compelled him to leave the planet. Hett then discovered the holocron of the Sith Lord XoXaan, who instructed him in the ways of the dark side. He was captured by the Yuuzhan Vong shortly before their invasion of the galaxy, and while in their custody, he encountered the Jedi-turned-Sith Vergere, who further assisted him in his dark side training. Hett ultimately escaped the Yuuzhan Vong and journeyed to the planet Korriban, where he adopted the name Darth Krayt. There, Krayt established the Rule of One, a Sith doctrine permitting a full Sith Order, in contrast to the previously dominant Order's Rule of Two, which allowed for only two Sith at any given time.

Krayt became the ruler of the One Sith, who remained hidden with him on Korriban, growing in strength while the Jedi remained unaware of their existence. Prior to the Second Galactic Civil War, Jacen Solo saw his daughter standing alongside Krayt on the Throne of Balance; Solo's attempt to prevent that future ultimately led to his fall to the dark side of the Force. During the Civil War, Luke Skywalker also experienced visions of Krayt; however, at the time, he assumed that the individual he saw was his nephew, Jacen Solo. Later, as Abeloth rose to power in 44 ABY, Krayt became aware of the entity and recognized the need to stop her. He was also cognizant that the rest of the Ones were deceased and that the only means of defeating the deity was through the combined power of Sith and Jedi. Consequently, he traveled to Coruscant, where he observed Abeloth, the Sith, and the Jedi engaged in combat at the Jedi Temple. He then ventured beyond shadows, where he encountered Luke Skywalker. Krayt attempted to imply that he was a member of the Sith Tribe, but Skywalker recognized that he was not, indicating the existence of another Sith faction in the galaxy. Nevertheless, they agreed to collaborate and successfully destroyed Abeloth beyond shadows. Krayt then returned to the One Sith and ultimately led them to invade the galaxy in 127 ABY; and by 130 ABY they had achieved galactic dominance in the form of a new Empire.

Jagged Fel

Jagged Fel, the son of Soontir and Syal Antilles Fel, was raised among the Chiss of the Empire of the Hand in the Unknown Regions. He aided the New Republic in their struggle against the Yuuzhan Vong, during which he initiated a relationship with the Jedi Jaina Solo. Following the war, Fel returned to the Chiss and eventually led them into the Swarm War against the Killiks. At the war's conclusion, he was shot down and stranded for two years on the planet Tenupe, and subsequently exiled by the Chiss for releasing the Jedi Lowbacca against their will during the Dark Nest Crisis. Fel assisted the Jedi during the Second Galactic Civil War—he defeated Alema Rar, and after the war concluded, Fel became the Imperial Head of State. In 43 ABY, Fel arrived on Coruscant for the Unification Summit to discuss uniting Hapes, the Galactic Alliance, and the Imperial Remnant.

There, he became engaged to Jaina Solo and assisted the Jedi in their struggles against the Daala administration. Fel first became aware of the Lost Tribe when Solo revealed that the Skywalkers had encountered a Sith threat, although he initially could do nothing to help the Jedi without risking war with the Galactic Alliance. When he next met with Solo, she detailed the events of the Sith's emergence to him. Fel later returned to Imperial Space, where he employed Tahiri Veila as an Imperial Hand and battled the forces of Daala, who had been ousted from the Galactic Alliance. Abeloth, in the guise of Lieutenant Pagorski, ultimately convinced Daala to call for an election instead. Fel tasked Veila with hunting down Abeloth, and he ultimately withdrew from the election to ensure the victory of Admiral Vitor Reige over Daala. Reige gifted Fel the Parting Gift, which Fel then piloted on Coruscant for the assault on the Sith and Abeloth in the Jedi Temple. Afterward, Fel married Jaina Solo.

Tahiri Veila

Tahiri Veila, a Jedi Knight, dedicated herself to the New Jedi Order even before the Yuuzhan Vong War commenced. During that conflict, the Yuuzhan Vong captured her and subjected her to experiments, manipulating her mind to believe she was "Riina Kwaad," one of their own. Anakin Solo, a friend and the youngest brother of Jacen and Jaina Solo, rescued her. However, he perished during the war, and her sorrow triggered the return of her Riina Kwaad persona. Ultimately, she achieved mental integration with the Kwaad personality, regaining control of herself. Despite this, her grief over Anakin Solo's death persisted, leading her to embrace the dark side and become Darth Caedus's apprentice during the Second Galactic Civil War. Although Caedus met his end at the war's conclusion, Ben Skywalker engaged Veila in a duel and successfully redeemed her.

Subsequently, Veila pursued a career as a bounty hunter, but in 43 ABY, she faced trial and arrest for the murder of Admiral Gilad Pellaeon during her time as a Sith. The court sentenced Veila to death. Soon after, Daala was overthrown and imprisoned alongside Veila. When Daala orchestrated her escape, Veila seized the opportunity to flee with her. Veila initially sought out Han and Leia Solo, who directed her to Jagged Fel. Fel initially employed her as a personal bodyguard, later assigning her a more active role as an Imperial Hand. She aided Fel in his confrontation with Daala's forces, but Abeloth's arrival abruptly ended the battle. Fel then tasked Veila with hunting down the entity. Veila located Boba Fett at the Moon Maiden mine on Hagamoor 3, where they discovered Abeloth had established her base within Imperial Lieutenant Lydea Pagorski's body. As Pagorski's body rapidly deteriorated, Abeloth attempted to consume Veila, but Veila and Fett successfully destroyed Abeloth's physical form. Later, Veila accompanied Fel to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where he released her from her duties and encouraged her to rejoin the Jedi Order. She then collaborated with Master Sebatyne and a group of Void Jumpers on a mission to eliminate Abeloth's consciousness within the Temple's computer core, achieving their objective.

Boba Fett

Boba Fett was created as a clone from the genetic material of the famed bounty hunter Jango Fett. Raised by Jango Fett until the bounty hunter's demise at the onset of the Clone Wars, Boba Fett emulated his father's profession and became a bounty hunter. Because a Jedi, Mace Windu, had killed his father, Fett harbored a lifelong resentment toward the Jedi Order. Throughout his career, Fett accepted bounties from criminal organizations, the Galactic Empire, and various other clients. At one point, he pursued Fenn Shysa, the leader of the Mandalorians, who, in his final moments, requested that Fett succeed him as Mandalore. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Fett and the Mandalorians played a crucial role in the fight against the invaders. Later, during the Second Galactic Civil War, Fett received a diagnosis of a terminal illness. After his daughter was killed by Caedus, Fett ultimately offered his assistance to the Coalition against the Galactic Alliance, even agreeing to provide Jedi Jaina Solo with training to prepare her for her confrontation with her brother. Although Fett eventually recovered from his illness, the Imperial Remnant, under Caedus's orders, launched a nanovirus targeting the Fett gene onto the Mandalorian home planet, effectively barring Fett from ever returning.

Fett's involvement in the emergence was delayed until late in the conflict. Following Daala's removal from power and her imprisonment in the Armand Isard Correctional Facility on Coruscant, Fett assisted in her escape from the prison. Tahiri Veila, another inmate, also escaped with them. Subsequently, Fett tracked down the scientists responsible for creating and deploying the nanovirus on the Mandalorian homeworld. His investigation led him to the Moon Maiden mine on Hagamoor 3, where Veila, who was hunting Abeloth, encountered him. The dark side entity had established a base in the mine, prompting Fett and Veila to collaborate in order to complete their respective missions. Fett obtained the information he sought regarding the nanovirus, and he and Veila successfully destroyed one of Abeloth's physical forms.

Behind the scenes

The Sith's Lost Tribe and their scheme to take over the galaxy were initially introduced in Fate of the Jedi: Omen by Christie Golden, which is the second novel in the nine-part Fate of the Jedi series, co-authored by Aaron Allston and Troy Denning. The Tribe and its invasion were then featured in all subsequent novels in the series, as well as in "First Blood," a short story by Golden that takes place during the events of Omen. The background of the Lost Tribe was further explored in John Jackson Miller's Lost Tribe of the Sith eBook series, as well as briefly in Crosscurrent by Paul S. Kemp. The emergence was also mentioned in Golden's short story Getaway, which takes place after the events of Fate of the Jedi.

Although the Tribe's forces on Coruscant were shown to have been defeated in Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse by Denning, the final book in the Fate of the Jedi series, there was no confirmation about the number of Sith remaining on Kesh or whether they still had functional ships that would allow them to travel off-world. Therefore, it is currently canonically unclear whether the emergence ended after Coruscant was freed or whether the Tribe was capable of continuing their emergence. Therefore, this article presents the results of the war based on the events that occurred up to that point.

