A combat encounter, specifically a duel, transpired within the office of "Kameron Suldar"—a Senator who was, in reality, the Sith High Lord Ivaar Workan in disguise—situated in the Senate Building on the planet Coruscant, taking place in 44 ABY. This duel formed a part of the New Jedi Order's broader campaign to liberate Coruscant from the Lost Tribe of Sith, who had secretly infiltrated the world. The Jedi's strategy involved launching synchronized assaults on Sith across the planet, with Jedi Knight Ben Skywalker and his apprentice Vestara Khai assigned the mission of posing as Senate pages to create a diversion for Workan, which would buy time for the arrival of Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker alongside Jedi Knights Doran Sarkin-Tainer and Seha Dorvald.
However, the Lord's security detail initially refused entry to Workan's office, prompting Khai to discreetly reveal her true identity to gain access. Although they were eventually permitted to enter, Workan's three Sith guards swiftly apprehended them. Despite their captivity, Khai and Skywalker managed to prolong their conversation with Workan until the arrival of the other three Jedi. Khai and Ben Skywalker swiftly eliminated the three guards, while Workan engaged in a duel with Luke Skywalker. While the Jedi aimed to capture Workan alive, Khai's desire to kill all remaining Tribe High Lords—who were sworn to kill her for her murder of High Lord Sarasu Taalon—led her to intervene. She falsely claimed that Workan was attempting to reach his desk to trigger a detonator, prompting Dorvald and Skywalker to seek cover. Simultaneously, Khai, Skywalker, and Tainer opened fire on Workan with blasters, ultimately resulting in Ben Skywalker fatally shooting Workan in the head after six shots.