Sharmok 718

A transport of Hapan origin, the Sharmok 718, was put to use by the New Jedi Order during the evacuation of the Jedi Academy located on the planet Ossus. Conversely, the Lost Tribe of Sith's armada dispatched a squadron of outdated Skipray twelve-jays to assault the Jedi academy, while four wings of Hapan Miy'til starfighters provided cover for the Jedi's evacuation efforts.

During the conflict, the Sharmok 718 became separated from the other transports, allowing the Sith to board it and plant baradium explosives. The transport then simulated communication problems as it steered toward the Hapan flagship, intending to assassinate Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo, whom they believed would give birth to a Jedi queen who could prevent their rule of the galaxy. However, the Jedi and Hapans noticed the Sharmok's suspicious behavior, leading Djo to order the Hapan Volgh Squadron to fire upon and disable the vessel. Adrift and with the Hapans preparing to board, the Sharmok 718 detonated, obliterating Volgh Squadron and killing the hundreds of individuals still onboard.

Following the explosion, the Hapans initiated a search for any potential survivors, though Han Solo expressed doubt that any would be found, as he suspected the Sith had already murdered the evacuees—including more than two dozen Jedi—during the boarding, and that those killed in the explosion were members of the Sith boarding party.

