Control web

Control web, also referred to as Crawler's Perch or Guiding Net by the Witches of Dathomir, was a Force power practiced by the Nightsisters residing on Dathomir. This ability needed multiple Nightsisters working together to begin the process of dominating the thoughts of entities situated underneath it.


Back in 43.5 ABY, several Nightsisters put this power into action when the Raining Leaves Clan and the Broken Columns Clan assembled in an effort to merge the Clans. The Nightsisters did not want the all-male Broken Columns Clan to join with the Dathomiri Witches of the Raining Leaves Clan, thus they deployed the control web to incite sparkflies to assault the gathered Clans. Subsequently, they utilized a control web on 30 rancors and commanded them to attack; however, Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker, who was present at the conclave, could follow the trails of the web back to specific Nightsisters, whom he then proceeded to eliminate. Certain Nightsisters were taken prisoner by the Lost Tribe of Sith and were compelled to instruct them in the ways of this technique. Subsequently, it was used by them during the battle with Abeloth. Luke remarked that while it was more crude compared to the Nightsisters' method, the sheer quantity of Sith made it effective in weakening Abeloth.

