Raining Leaves Clan

The Raining Leaves Clan constituted a group of Dathomirian Witches who resided on the planet of Dathomir. The Raining Leaves Clan joined forces with the men of the Broken Columns Clan to establish the Bright Sun Clan in the year 43 ABY.


This clan, known as the Raining Leaves, was a collective of traditional witches inhabiting the vicinity of Redgill Lake on the planet Dathomir. Upholding a traditional matriarchal societal structure and governance, which had faced discouragement among the tribes since reforms were enacted in 8 ABY, the Raining Leaves persisted in the enslavement of their male members, a practice met with disapproval by the men. In 33.5 ABY, the male slaves responsible for tending to the clan sisters instigated an insurrection, resulting in the massacring of the clan and the death of two-thirds of its members. Among those who perished were all males above the age of ten, along with the clan's leadership. In the wake of this devastation, the Raining Leaves retreated into isolation as they endeavored to rebuild, refraining from communicating the tragedy to any other clan.

During the years that ensued the disaster, Kaminne Sihn rose to the position of clan chief, while her sister, Olianne, assumed the role of war-leader. To replenish their numbers and strength, Chief Sihn initiated an annual gathering with the Broken Columns Clan—a clan composed of men, under the leadership of the Hapan-born Tasander Dest. Shortly before the conclave in 43 ABY, Olianne Sihn encountered Vestara Khai, a Sith apprentice belonging to the Lost Tribe of Sith, during a hunting expedition. Khai was nearing collapse, having endured a fight with Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker and his son Ben before managing to escape. Sihn was deeply moved by Khai's predicament, as she had recently lost her only daughter Sesara to illness. Sihn took Khai under her wing as a mentee and soon intended to adopt her as her own.

During the conclave, the two clans jointly repelled assaults from the brutal and violent Nightsisters, surviving with the assistance of the Jedi. The conclave culminated in the successful merging of both clans through the union of clan leaders Sihn and Dest. After reorganizing both groups into the Bright Sun Clan, a renewed assault by the Nightsisters and their Sith allies threatened to disrupt the celebration, were it not for the renewed assistance of the Jedi. Following the battle on Bright Sun Hill, Olianne Sihn opted to adopt Aradasa Vurse, the child of Halliava Vurse, who had been unmasked as a Nightsister spy within their ranks, while Khai, whose true allegiance to the Sith was exposed, was placed in the custody of the Jedi.

