Bright Sun Hill

Bright Sun Hill, initially called the Jedi Hill Camp, was situated on Dathomir close to Redgill Lake. In the year 43.5 ABY, the conclave consisting of the Raining Leaves Clan and the Broken Columns Clan was relocated to this hill due to Nightsister attacks targeting the conclave's previous location.

According to Dathomiri customs, the limited space of the new camp required it to be claimed and marked with a faction's banner. Clan leaders Kaminne Sihn and Tasander Dest concurred with the advice of Grand Master in exile Luke Skywalker: to avoid conflicts between their clans, the hill should be declared Jedi territory. Jedi ally Dyon Stadd promptly designed a standard resembling the Alliance Starbird, but with two Jedi lightsabers crossing it. Furthermore, a witness from each clan was required—Ben Skywalker chose Halliava Vurse and Drola Kinn of the Raining Leaves and Broken Columns, respectively. This group then accompanied Luke Skywalker and Dyon Stadd to the hill.

During the hill's claiming, Luke Skywalker recalled that a Galactic Alliance edict prevented him from stepping foot on Jedi land. He then requested Ben to claim the hilltop in his stead, while he would remain at the hill's midpoint. However, Dathomiri tradition also stipulated that only the faction with the strongest claim could raise their standard. Consequently, Ben sought advice from Stadd, a former Jedi candidate, as a consultant of the Order for a fee of five credits. Together, they raised the standard and claimed the hill, with Ben Skywalker proclaiming it "Camp Jedi." Ben Skywalker, who initially claimed the hill for the Jedi

Shortly after the Dathomiri established their camp, Nightsisters attacked the hill, deploying several rancors to charge uphill. Despite each wave of attacks being repelled with heavy losses for the defenders, they adapted their tactics, mirroring those of naval warfare, to better coordinate members of both clans. This strategic shift turned the battle's tide against the Nightsisters. Near the hill's base, bordering a forest where the Nightsisters were concealed, Luke Skywalker was nearly overwhelmed. However, Vestara Khai, a member of the Sith Tribe and also affiliated with the Raining Leaves, rescued him. Following the successful deployment of the new strategy, the defenders' morale improved, and Stadd jokingly remarked that their "Star Destroyer," Hilltop, had performed admirably. Subsequently, the two clans united to form the Bright Sun Clan, replacing the Jedi standard with their own and renaming the hill Bright Sun Hill.

The surviving Nightsisters retreated and, according to a plan between Khai and Halliava Vurse—who opposed the clans' union and was secretly a Nightsister—gathered with their remaining forces at a nearby landing meadow, under Dresdema's command. They intended to collaborate with the arriving Sith Tribe, but instead were assailed by the Sith. The Sith slaughtered all their rancors and took the remaining sisters prisoners before departing, as the Nightsisters were no match for the approaching Jedi. The Bright Sun Clan arrived afterward, learning of Khai and Halliava Vurse's betrayal but grateful for the Jedi's role in deterring the Sith. Kaminne Sihn presented Ben Skywalker with the deed to Bright Sun Hill, intending it for the Jedi Order, expressing her wish for them to establish a new school within their territory.

