This landing meadow existed on the planet Dathomir, situated right outside the forest's edge. A group of Sith from the Lost Tribe of Sith dispatched a team in 43.5 ABY to Dathomir with the mission of retrieving their Sith apprentice, Vestara Khai, along with a number of Nightsisters whom they planned to transform into Sith. Upon reaching the landing meadow, they captured the Nightsisters. Subsequently, the team transported the Nightsisters to the main fleet positioned in orbit. Viun Gaalan, the team's commander, remained in the meadow with three Sith Sabers to await Khai's return, as she was in the process of rescuing one last Nightsister. However, Luke Skywalker, alongside his son, Ben Skywalker, and Force-sensitive Dyon Stadd, appeared and launched an assault on the Sith. They were victorious in a duel, compelling Gaalan to escape just as Khai arrived. Following this, the Jedi took Khai as their prisoner.