The Broken Columns Clan, established around 33 ABY on the planet of Dathomir, was a group of men originating from the Hapan system. This clan was both led by and created by Tasander Dest. Uniquely, the Broken Columns Clan refrained from attacking the Raining Leaves Clan – a group of Dathomiri witches – following the massacre that devastated them. Instead, they initiated a tradition of meeting annually near Redgill Lake, where they would enter into year-long marriages. At the end of each year, male offspring would be given to their fathers, while female offspring remained with the Raining Leaves Clan.
During the annual conclave in 43.5 ABY, Dest and Kaminne Sihn, the chieftain of the Raining Leaves Clan, entered into marriage. Subsequently, the clans united, forming what became known as the Bright Sun Clan.