Dician, a Human female, held the title of Sith Lord and belonged to the One Sith, serving during the Second Galactic Civil War era. Back in 40 ABY, a significant period before the One Sith revealed their existence to the galaxy, Dician functioned as an operative stationed far from the Sith planet of Korriban. In this role, she adopted multiple false identities to conceal her true allegiance from those outside the Order.
Following the death of Lumiya, the Dark Lady of the Sith, when Alema Rar, a Twi'lek Jedi who had [fallen](/article/dark_jedi/legends] to the dark side, reached out to the One Sith seeking support for the new Sith Lord, Darth Caedus, Dician was assigned to investigate Rar's location and the potential danger she represented to the Sith. Operating in secret, Dician infiltrated the New Jedi Order by posing as an intelligence operative from the Confederation, successfully gathering substantial information on Rar from the Jedi Order's own investigation into the Twi'lek. After presenting her discoveries to a Sith council on Korriban, Dician successfully persuaded them to dedicate resources to finding Rar and destroying the asteroid residence of Darth Vectivus, which had been occupied by both Lumiya and Rar. The council then entrusted Dician with the task of either capturing or eliminating Alema Rar.
Dician, utilizing the heavily armed frigate named Poison Moon, arrived at the asteroid's coordinates and engaged the famous Millennium Falcon, which was also present. Simultaneously, she deployed shuttles to plant explosive devices on the asteroid. During the confrontation, an ancient Sith Meditation Sphere, known as Ship, emerged from the asteroid. Upon learning that the meditation sphere was en route to Ziost, the original homeworld of the Sith, Dician ordered the destruction of the asteroid base before the Poison Moon pursued Ship. Upon reaching Ziost, Dician contacted Ship, requesting its allegiance; however, the meditation sphere refused. Angered by the rejection, Dician commanded the Poison Moon to retrieve the shuttle crews left behind at the asteroid base before returning to Korriban.
As a Human female, Dician was a Sith Lord and an affiliate of the One Sith during the Second Galactic Civil War era. In 40 ABY, well before the One Sith made their presence known to the galaxy, Dician functioned as an agent, operating away from the Sith planet of Korriban, the Order's hidden base. She operated covertly, employing various false identities to conceal her true loyalties from outsiders as she worked to advance the Order's objectives.

Following the death of Lumiya, the Dark Lady of the Sith, Alema Rar, a Twi'lek Jedi who had fallen to the dark side, believed it was her duty to enable Jacen Solo, Lumiya's apprentice and Sith Lord, to establish his reign over the galaxy. Rar used information stored on a datachip located in Lumiya's asteroid base, known as the Home, to pinpoint the One Sith Order's location on Korriban, which Lumiya had mentioned previously, in order to secure support for Solo. Upon arriving on Korriban, Rar approached the One Sith seeking assistance in helping Solo bring order to the galaxy as a Sith Lord. Lumiya had previously contacted the One Sith to consider an alliance, however Lumiya had disagreed with the One Sith's plan to wait and grow strong, believing that by the time One Sith were ready to act, the Jedi would be too strong to defeat. The One Sith were suspicious of Rar's motives and presented her with an ersatz holocron of Darth Vectivus as a gesture of their mocking appreciation for Solo's status as a Sith. However, the holocron contained a tracking device to allow the Order to monitor Rar's movements. After Rar departed from Korriban, Dician was assigned to gather information on the Twi'lek.
As part of her assignment, Dician operated undercover, impersonating an intelligence operative from the Confederation, and successfully convinced the New Jedi Order that she was a legitimate intel officer. Despite having no intention of aiding the Jedi, Dician offered her assistance in the Jedi Order's own search for Rar, who was the prime suspect in the murder of Jedi Master Mara Jade Skywalker, to make them perceive her as an ally. The Jedi provided Dician with extensive information regarding their investigation, including details and speculations about the Twi'lek. After the tracking device within the Sith holocron traced Rar's location back to the Home, and once she had gathered information on the former Jedi, Dician convened with a gathering of Sith Lords back on Korriban to persuade them to commit resources to pursuing Rar. In her report to the Sith conclave, Dician detailed her collaboration with the Jedi during the mission.
Upon hearing about Dician's actions, many of the other Sith in the conclave strongly disagreed with her decision, objecting to the notion that she might have assisted the Jedi. Dician defended her actions by arguing that the information she had obtained was worth the risk, as she had learned that Rar had inherited the lost technique of Darth Vectivus from Lumiya; the ability to project phantoms across space. Some of the Sith dismissed this information, believing that Darth Vectivus was a fraud, while others suggested that the ability could be beneficial to them all. The One Sith raised the possibility that Rar's actions could be turned to benefit their own purposes. However, this was quickly dismissed as Rar was believed to be insane.
A white-eyed man who seemed to lead the conclave declared that they must capture Rar to extract the secret of the technique from her, as well as secure Darth Vectivus's asteroid, which served as the power source for the technique. Dician regretfully informed the white-eyed man that the Jedi were closing in on Rar and that once they discovered the location of the asteroid base, preserving the secret of the phantom technique would be impossible. The white-eyed man concurred and placed her in command of the heavily armed frigate Poison Moon for a mission to capture or kill Alema Rar, with instructions to locate and destroy Darth Vectivus's asteroid base, the Home, and to retrieve any Sith artifacts she found.
Dician, taking the Poison Moon to the asteroid base's location, allowed her chief pilot, Wayniss, an aging pirate and smuggler, to navigate through the asteroid field. Wayniss was ignorant of the Force and would not have been concerned by the news that Dician was a member of the Sith Order. Dician approved of him as he gave good value for his pay and remained loyal so long as the credits kept coming, making him reliable and predictable. They traced the source of the tracking device they had placed in the holocron given to Rar and identified their target. Dician ordered Wayniss to make a stealthy approach and keep asteroids between them and the base for as long as possible. Her sensor officer, a Hapan woman named Ithila, announced that she had picked up readings of two other ships in the vicinity. Dician ordered them to continue their approach as ordered, but to prepare their weapons and be ready to make a fast run from the final asteroid to their target.
As they navigated through the asteroids, Ithila informed Dician that one of the detected ships was a Corellian light freighter with a distinctive disk shape. Dician immediately requested that the ship's markings and modifications be compared with known records of the Millennium Falcon, believing that it was likely to be the ship that would show up wherever trouble was brewing. Ithila confirmed it was a match, leading Dician to contemplate the bragging rights she could boast by capturing or destroying the freighter, and ridding the galaxy of the infamous Han Solo, its owner. She also considered the possibility that Jedi Knight Leia Organa Solo, who Dician deemed a traitor to the noble Sith name of Skywalker, was onboard, which would double her pleasure at destroying the Falcon. Dician told her crew to make no mistakes, telling them that although they had superior firepower and the element of surprise, none of that meant anything if they made a mistake. Dician ordered them to continue their approach, make a run on the Falcon, and destroy the asteroid base.
As they approached the Falcon's position, Dician noticed an odd occurrence as something brushed against her in the Force and then seemed to settle all over the Poison Moon. Less than a minute later, the crew noticed a second odd occurrence; their sensors showed that the Falcon was making evasive maneuvers as if it were engaged in a dogfight, despite there being no opponent on the sensor board. Dician ordered her crew to wait until the Falcon was oriented away from them before beginning their run; once she determined that the Falcon had detected them she would order all weapons to open fire on the freighter and all of the Poison Moon's shuttles to launch in order to place their explosive charges on the asteroid.

Dician's crew commenced their attack on the Millennium Falcon and the asteroid base but had no luck in destroying the Falcon due to Han Solo's piloting skills. Their sensors picked up a starfighter-sized craft launching from the asteroid base, and Ithila reported that the vessel was empty. Dician recognized it as the ancient Sith Meditation Sphere Ship, which Rar had brought to Korriban previously when first contacting the One Sith, and realized that if it was empty, then Rar was still on the asteroid. Dician concluded that destroying the Falcon would only have earned her considerable personal prestige, but the meditation sphere was an important and tangible prize, and so ordered her crew to follow the sphere.
Confirming that the Poison Moon's shuttles had planted their charges on the asteroid, she told her shuttles to congregate on the largest asteroid in the area so that they could be retrieved later. Dician reached out to the meditation sphere telepathically and asked it where it was going, without expecting an answer. However, Ship informed her it was heading to the original Sith homeworld of Ziost. Dician ordered Wayniss to lay in a course for Ziost and head there with all speed, so that they might beat the sphere there and apprehend it on its arrival. Just before entering hyperspace, Dician ordered the detonation of the charges to ensure the destruction of the asteroid base and Alema Rar, congratulating her crew on what she considered the perfect resolution to a perfect mission.
Arriving at Ziost, Dician could sense the former homeworld of the Sith before she could see it. Suppressing her excitement to avoid it interfering with her mission to capture the meditation sphere, Dician ordered Wayniss to take the Poison Moon into orbit around the planet. Having reached the planet ahead of the meditation sphere, Dician and her crew did not have to wait long before Ship arrived in the system. She contacted the meditation sphere through the Force, offering it the chance to come with her to Korriban and serve the One Sith. Realizing that Ship had been designed to protect and educate Sith apprentices, Dician told Ship that it would serve her and fulfill its intended purpose by teaching the Sith younglings on Korriban. After scrutinizing the Sith Lord, Ship refused, stating that with the Jedi growing strong and numerous, it was not time to hide as the One Sith were. Ship would not serve Dician and left to find a better purpose. Angry at her dismissal by Ship, Dician ordered her crew to return to the location of the Home to pick up the shuttle crews they had left behind before heading back to Korriban.
Dician possessed a melodious voice, often misleading others into underestimating her true danger. She also sported faint geometric tattoos on her cheeks that sharply contrasted her dark complexion, aligning with the One Sith's later practice of adorning all members with Sith tattoos. Dician was courageous, standing her ground before the Sith conclave on Korriban despite the negative reactions to her potential assistance to the Jedi. She demanded perfection from herself and her subordinates, regularly reminding them of this during their mission to track down Alema Rar. Dician believed that only perfection could fully serve the dark side of the Force.
As a member of the One Sith, Dician prioritized the Order's interests above her personal desires. While awaiting Ship in orbit around Ziost, Dician longed to land the Poison Moon and explore the forests of Ziost as Sith had done in the past. However, she resisted the urge to fulfill her mission for the Order. After Ship rejected her, Dician realized that by pursuing the meditation sphere instead of destroying the Millennium Falcon, she had committed the very mistake she had warned her crew against.
As a member of the One Sith, Dician was Force-sensitive and capable of sensing beings through the Force. She also possessed the ability to communicate telepathically with the Sith Meditation Sphere.
Serving as an undercover agent for the One Sith, Dician was proficient in espionage and deception. While investigating Alema Rar, Dician successfully convinced the Jedi Order that she was a legitimate Confederation intelligence agent without revealing her true identity.
Dician was conceived by author Aaron Allston during the writing of the 2007 Star Wars: Legacy of the Force novel Legacy of the Force: Fury, as a member of the secretive Sith Order encountered by Alema Rar on Korriban. This Sith Order was later confirmed to be the same order depicted in the Star Wars: Legacy comics. The 2008 reference book The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia revealed Dician to be a Sith Lord in the entry for the Sith Meditation Sphere Ship. Dician later appeared in Fate of the Jedi: Omen, the second novel in the Fate of the Jedi series, penned by Christie Golden and released in June 2009.