Force phantoms, alternatively known as Sith illusions, were the result of a sophisticated Sith ritual. This ritual enabled a darksider to fashion remarkably realistic apparitions by drawing Force energy from another being, regardless of their level of sentience. These apparitions could then be projected across vast distances of the cosmos. This ability, demanding significant mental strength and willpower, allowed Force phantoms to materialize in the physical world, fulfilling the desires of their creator. Their deceptive nature became apparent only upon their destruction, at which time the being or creature to which the phantom was connected would also perished. This technique was pioneered and perfected by the Dark Lord Darth Vectivus. By 40 ABY, it was widely believed that the technique had been lost to modern Sith. However, the rituals for creating Force phantoms were rediscovered and mastered by the Sith Lady Lumiya, and later by the Twi'lek Dark Jedi Alema Rar, both of whom utilized them extensively during the Second Galactic Civil War. The secret of their creation was highly sought after during this period, particularly by members of the enigmatic One Sith Order. Rather than allow this power to fall into the hands of the Jedi Knights, they destroyed the former asteroid home of Darth Vectivus, which also served as the source from which the last known practitioners drew upon the dark side to create Force phantoms. A Force phantom bore similarities to the advanced Jedi technique known as Dopplegänger, as both involved the astral projection of a being through the Force.

The generation of Force phantoms stemmed from an intricate Sith ritual. This ritual hinged on the availability of a subject, whether sentient or not, possessing the necessary mental capacity and vitality to withstand the influence of the one performing the ritual. Utilizing the Force, the darksider would seek out the consciousness of an unsuspecting individual to serve as an anchor in reality. Prior knowledge of the target's location expedited this process, but was not essential. The target's aura was perceived in a specific color, distinct from that of the originator, whose own influence enveloped the victim in brilliant bursts of Force energy. Once securely linked to the initial subject, the creator would withdraw their influence and search for another receptive mind capable of enduring their prolonged assertion. The range of possibilities manifested in a spectrum of hues, and only through careful examination of each could an optimal host be identified. Species, gender, physical condition, and current mental state were all discernible through this inspection, each contributing to the final selection. The creator would then attach themselves to this mind, draining life energy in a manner akin to a spectral parasite. The extracted essence was subsequently given physical form and shaped into the desired likeness by the creator, allowing it to travel anywhere in the galaxy the conjurer chose. Force-sensitives who were focused would witness a phantom's arrival filling their vision, while those who were unaware of its impending presence would be startled by its sudden appearance. Individuals not attuned to the Force would observe a shimmering form materializing before their eyes.
Although a potent and useful ability, the mere preparation of Force phantoms through ritual was an immensely draining undertaking. The harvested life essence did not replenish the darksider's reserves, leading to fatigue without adequate rest. Increased distance further intensified the strain, and prolonged long-range projection caused tremors throughout the body as the creator struggled to maintain focus. Due to the depleting nature of this technique, substantial reserves of Force energy were essential, typically found in reservoirs of dark side power. Inexperienced practitioners were often compelled to sleep for days at a time to develop the necessary tolerance. If interrupted, the projection would waver, like fabric in the wind. Complete loss of focus, or overexertion by the creator, would cause the illusion to vanish. Phantoms were limited to the gravitational conditions of the world where the host was located and were unable to utilize ranged weapons, being confined to the capabilities of their physical extensions.
Various sensor technologies could reveal a Force phantom's true nature. Initial scans would show the apparitions radiating a significantly greater degree of haziness compared to real flesh and [blood](/article/blood-legends]. Infrared analysis would reveal a uniformly consistent hue, unlike the diverse spectrum of colors emitted by living beings. Both radar and sonar would fail to detect them, as Force phantoms lacked the physical mass needed to reflect signals. Force-trained individuals could perceive not only the projected image, but also the life form to which the phantom was connected.
Force phantoms offered a practical means to various ends, ranging from espionage to enemy harassment and even simple communication. Conjurers often appeared as themselves, retaining full access to their range of Force abilities and lightsaber skill, and capable of inflicting harm. They typically materialized in their true form, sometimes physically enhanced or not in their specific likeness at all. Darksiders frequently attacked their enemies by projecting multiple phantoms simultaneously, such as swarms of creatures like mynocks, forcing their targets to divide their attention while defending themselves. Followers of the Jedi path unfamiliar with this phenomenon often mistook phantoms for Force ghosts. When their true nature was revealed, Jedi were particularly troubled, given the potential innocence of the beings to whom each apparition was linked; damage inflicted upon the phantom would then be transferred to the life form it was anchored to. Manifestations of loved ones were also used to confuse the creator's adversaries and challenge the sanity of non-Force-sensitives, who interpreted these occurrences as ghost sightings or encounters with "phantoms of the mind."

The Force phantom technique was conceived by Darth Vectivus, a Sith Master whose base of operations was a lavish asteroid abode situated above a nexus of dark side energy. Vectivus perfected this technique and retained the ability even after his death. However, succeeding Sith believed that widespread knowledge of the ritual had been lost over the centuries. By 40 ABY, Lumiya, the current Dark Lady of the Sith, had taken up residence in Vectivus' former habitat. She encountered the spirit of the deceased Sith Lord and learned his ancient power. Using it, she relentlessly tormented Admiral Matric Klauskin of the Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet by appearing as his deceased wife, Edela. Lacking Force sensitivity or the technological means to discern the truth, Klauskin was driven to madness. As the galaxy descended into chaos, Lumiya utilized her ability to distress her long-time enemies, Jedi Masters Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker, with simultaneous apparitions of their nephew and son, who also battled phantoms of their uncle and mother, respectively. Shortly thereafter, young Skywalker and Jedi Knight Nelani Dinn were besieged by numerous mynock phantoms within the depths of the asteroid, all conjured by Lumiya. A separate phantom of Darth Vectivus himself then appeared solely to Dinn, delivering ominous warnings. Meanwhile, Lumiya created a Force phantom of Darth Caedus, the Sith Lord that Jacen Solo would become, as she attempted to lure him to the dark side. The Dark Lady later appeared to Solo on the planet Coruscant, after sustaining severe injuries in combat with Grand Master Skywalker. Her injuries caused visible strain, but Lumiya's immense willpower enabled her to successfully perform the ritual. Solo recognized and admired the practicality of this ability, desiring to learn it himself. As the Second Galactic Civil War progressed, Lumiya continued her phantasmal manipulation of Admiral Klauskin, who eventually retired from active military service.
Following Lumiya's death on the Hapan world of Terephon, her asteroid home was seized by the Dark Jedi Alema Rar. Through extensive practice and study of notes left behind by the Dark Lady, Rar became a highly skilled user of the Force phantom ability. Rar considered herself a goddess as she occupied the highest chamber of the habitat, imbuing herself with enough of the asteroid's concentrated darkness to create an infinite number and variety of Force phantoms. The deranged Twi'lek preferred to project a revitalized body, one she deemed beautiful and eternal, conspicuously lacking the collection of deformities that had become her most recognizable feature. Her projections also included swarms of giant mynocks, which she used to relentlessly harass various members of the Solo family. The One Sith Order, secluded on the planet Korriban, had believed that Vectivus' technique was lost to history. They became remarkably interested in its reappearance. Upon learning that Rar was the current master of this ability, one of their members, the Sith Lord Dician, was ordered to secure the asteroid habitat and take the Twi'lek into custody. The Korriban Sith intended to extract the secrets of Force phantom creation from her. However, Dician informed her superiors of the Jedi's interest in Rar, as well as their imminent arrival at the asteroid. The mission was then changed from capture to destruction. From her flagship, the Poison Moon, Dician obliterated the asteroid with fission bombs, shortly after the departure of a Jedi strike team that had infiltrated the asteroid and assassinated Rar. With the Dark Jedi's death and the asteroid's destruction, the secrets of Force phantom creation were effectively eliminated.
Force phantoms made their debut in Legacy of the Force: Betrayal, the first novel in the nine-part Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series. They continued to be featured as the primary means of Force-based harassment employed by the series' main dark side antagonists in Legacy of the Force: Exile and Legacy of the Force: Fury. The ability was vaguely mentioned in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia's entry on Darth Vectivus and received a specific reference in Fate of the Jedi: Omen, the second book in the nine-part Fate of the Jedi series, which followed Legacy of the Force.