
Terephon, a planet situated within the Hapes Cluster, resided in the region known as the Transitory Mists. These Mists, acting as a barrier to both long-range communications and holocomm transmissions, played a key role in isolating Terephon, contributing to its reputation as a remote and less significant world within the Consortium. Despite this isolation, Hapan cities and mountain ranges punctuated the marshy plains of Terephon, transforming it into a popular destination for hunting, with wealthy nobles frequently establishing secluded estates there.

Aside from providing some of the amazon guards responsible for the protection of the Hapan Royal Family, the planet offered little else of value to the Hapes Cluster. However, with the establishment of interactions between Hapes and the New Republic, Terephon occasionally became a stage for galactic intrigue. Like many Hapan worlds, it was governed by a Ducha. Although generally unremarkable on a galactic scale, Terephon became involved in the galaxy-spanning conflict that reached Hapes during the Second Galactic Civil War in 40 ABY. Later that year, the planet served as the setting for a climactic duel where Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker killed Lumiya, the Dark Lady of the Sith.


Terephon presented a study in contrasts. Certain areas of the planet were characterized by extensive stretches of bogs and marshlands, covering hundreds, if not thousands, of kilometers. In contrast, other regions consisted of vast, undulating moors dotted with low hills. Much of these areas were inaccessible by land, resulting in the later use of starships for traversing the moors. These moorlands served as favored retreats for politicians and affluent individuals, and murgs, reptilian creatures indigenous to Terephon that lived underground, were often domesticated and employed in hunting, a popular pastime among the wealthy. Cliffs rose in some areas, featuring cave systems, and the moorlands gradually transitioned into mountains and mesas. Luxurious Hapan cities were erected in the drier parts of the planet, adorned with verdant gardens amidst their towering spires.


Hapan backwater

Terephon gained recognition as the homeworld of numerous amazon guards who comprised the Queen Mother's royal protectors, with Astarta, a close confidante and personal bodyguard of Prince Isolder, being one of the most notable. A Ducha governed the planet, overseeing Terephon as a personal domain. However, its location within the Transitory Mists led to Terephon's isolation from the rest of the Hapes Consortium, rendering it a secluded world due to the inability of long-range and holocomm transmissions to reach it. These Mists also provided refuge for pirates and bandits, making flight in the vicinity of Terephon a perilous undertaking.

Yuuzhan Vong War

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Terephon, represented by Lol Miilarta within the Hapes Consortium, pledged its support to the New Republic following Ambassador Leia Organa Solo's arrival to request assistance in the struggle against the formidable invaders.

Second Galactic Civil War

In 40 ABY, Terephon remained a relatively unimportant world within the Hapes Cluster, with the planetary militia still utilizing obsolete Z-95 Headhunters. Nevertheless, the rapidly escalating conflict between Corellia and the Galactic Alliance extended to Hapes, drawing Terephon into its schemes. Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo had committed her support, along with three battle fleets, to the Galactic Alliance. United by their deep-seated animosity towards the Jedi and the perceived erosion of Hapan independence, many Hapan nobles formed the Heritage Council, which included Ducha Galney of Terephon, regarded as one of Tenel Ka's most loyal adherents. Consequently, when Jedi Knights Jaina Solo and Zekk arrived on Terephon and discovered that the Ducha was assembling her fleet well in advance of any knowledge of the plot to assassinate the Queen, Galney dispatched a squadron of Miy'tils to bomb her own hunting retreat, Villa Solis, in an attempt to eliminate the Jedi. This attempt failed, and Galney was subsequently defeated. Weeks later, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker navigated the Transitory Mists above Terephon, responding to a call from the Force indicating that Lumiya, the woman he was pursuing, could be found there. They engaged in aerial combat over Terephon's surface before the Dark Lord of the Sith was forced to land on a mesa overlooking a Terephonian city. It was there that Skywalker vanquished and killed Lumiya in a duel.


The Hapans who resided on the planet were known as Terephonians, with the majority inhabiting the planet's classic Hapan cities. Hapans differed from baseline Human stock in several aspects, most notably their poor night vision and their reputation for possessing a higher degree of physical attractiveness compared to the typical Human standard of beauty. Those who lived on Terephon, particularly in the moors, were largely unaware of events in the galaxy or the Consortium's affairs, often viewing their world as a remote backwater.

Notable locations

Villa Solis

Villa Solis, a remote estate situated in the Terephonian moorlands, served as a residence for Ducha Galney of Terephon. Constructed as her private hunting retreat, it was accessible only by air. The architecture was simple, consisting of several squat, domed round buildings constructed from white gratenite. It featured relatively high security, including a secret hangar built into the gratenite cliffs at the Villa's rear. In 40 ABY, the Ducha destroyed her villa in an attempt to eliminate Jedi Knights Jaina Solo and Zekk, who had uncovered evidence of Galney's treason.

Behind the scenes

Prior to Tempest, Terephon was a generic, unseen Hapan planet within the Consortium, primarily known as the homeworld of the amazon guards. It received further mention in James Luceno's The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse as one of the worlds that favored providing aid to the New Republic. It was later visited by the protagonists of Tempest, the novel in which it was first seen and described. Subsequently, it served as the location for the duel between Luke Skywalker and Lumiya in Sacrifice, where it was occasionally misspelled as 'Tepheron'.

