Galney, a Hapan female noble, held the title of Ducha of Terephon. She aligned herself with the Heritage Council, a faction seeking to depose the Hapan Queen Mother, Tenel Ka Djo. Unwittingly, Galney's younger sister, Lady Galney, a devoted attendant to Tenel Ka, indirectly aided the Heritage Council. Lady Galney unknowingly shared confidential details with one of her consorts, who was secretly a member of the Heritage Council. In 40 ABY, the Heritage Council initiated their scheme. Galney attempted to kill Jaina Solo and Zekk, two Jedi Knights dispatched by Tenel Ka to prevent them from reporting the Ducha's betrayal. After her initial attempt failed, Galney rushed to Hapes, intending to launch a surprise attack on Tenel Ka. She arrived amidst the Battle of Hapes and engaged the Hapans and their Galactic Alliance allies in combat. Ultimately, Galney was defeated and captured, thwarting the Heritage Council's plans.
As a member of the noble Galney family, the Ducha Galney was born and resided on the Hapan moon of Terephon. The Hapan Queen Mother, formerly a Jedi Knight Tenel Ka Djo, placed great trust in the Ducha. Consequently, Tenel Ka remained unaware that the Ducha was a member of the Heritage Council, a group of Hapan nobles plotting to overthrow Tenel Ka and install Ducha AlGray as the new Queen Mother. Galney's younger sister, Lady Galney, an aide to Tenel Ka, inadvertently supported the Council's schemes by revealing sensitive information to a consort of hers, who also served as a secret agent of the Council.
Following an assassination attempt on Tenel Ka Djo in 40 ABY, the Queen Mother dispatched two fellow Jedi Knights, Zekk and Jaina Solo, to Terephon to request that Galney mobilize her fleet. Despite their reservations about Ducha Galney's fleet being readily available, suggesting that Galney might have been aware of the coup attempt before Zekk and Solo departed Hapes for Terephon, the two Knights proceeded nonetheless. The Jedi Knights arrived at Ducha Galney's estate, the Villa Solis, aboard their StealthX starfighters. However, upon reaching the Villa's entrance, they were informed that the Ducha was not present at her residence, despite the Royal Intelligence Service's report indicating otherwise.
As the two Knights departed the Villa, their mission seemingly unsuccessful, they encountered the Ducha's assistant, Entora Zar. Zar claimed that the Ducha had indeed observed the Jedi's arrival in their StealthXs, but their piloting was "an affront to the Ducha's sensibilities." However, Solo's enhanced Force-awareness detected the Ducha in hiding. As the Jedi advanced toward the Ducha's location, Zar protested, and the two were attacked by the Ducha's hunting murgs. After the Jedi defended themselves against the beasts, Zar revealed that upon the Jedi's arrival, the Ducha announced that she and the entire household would be leaving, leaving Zar behind to care for the murgs.
Zar also noted that it was unusual for the Ducha to evacuate the entire household when departing the Villa Solis, as there were typically twenty individuals present to maintain the estate. Solo deduced that the Ducha's fleet, positioned in orbit above Terephon, intended to bomb the Villa Solis with the Ducha safely away, and Zar was merely a decoy. As the two Knights attempted to return to their starfighters, they were confronted by YVH droids left behind by the Ducha to eliminate them. The Ducha plotted to kill the Knights sent by Tenel Ka in order to prevent them from informing the Queen Mother of the Ducha's treachery. Zar perished in the ensuing firefight, and the Jedi ultimately defeated the YVHs. Suddenly, a squadron of Miy'til starfighters appeared overhead and bombed the Villa, destroying it. Nevertheless, the two Jedi managed to escape.
Amidst the Battle of Hapes, the Ducha's fleet executed a hyperspace jump to Hapes. Galney, trusted by Queen Mother Tenel Ka, aimed to exploit that trust to launch a surprise attack on the Queen Mother. However, Jedi Knight Ben Skywalker forewarned the Hapan Royal Navy of the Ducha's betrayal before she could implement her plans. Galney's forces encountered the Hapans and the Galactic Alliance Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Anakin Solo in the skies above Hapes as the Hapans scrambled to protect their leader. Ultimately, Galney was defeated and captured by Jacen Solo, the commander of the Anakin Solo.
Ducha Galney was a cunning woman who engaged in an attempted coup against Queen Mother Tenel Ka, who wrongly believed that Galney was a trustworthy and loyal noble. As a member of the Heritage Council, she conspired to overthrow Queen Mother Tenel Ka, deceptively turning the trust that Tenel Ka had placed in her against the Queen Mother. Galney was an athletic woman, and she enjoyed hunting and riding at the Villa Solis, employing Entora Zar to care for her hunting murgs, whom the Ducha Galney cherished greatly. Although Entora Zar was one of the Ducha's favorite riding partners, the Ducha nevertheless considered her expendable, using her as a decoy when the two Jedi Knights, Jaina Solo and Zekk, arrived.
Troy Denning created the character of Ducha Galney for his novel Legacy of the Force: Tempest, which is the third installment in the nine-book series Star Wars: Legacy of the Force.