The Hapan Royal House was made up of the current Queen Mother and her immediate family within the Hapes Consortium.
The Hapan people were governed by the Queen Mother, who presided over the court at the Fountain Palace while on Hapes, or on the royal vessel Star Home during travels. The Queen Mother title was passed down through the female line, from mother to daughter. If the Queen Mother had no daughters, the wife of her eldest son would become the new Queen Mother. However, being in line to the throne meant both the Queen Mother and her successors faced constant assassination attempts from envious family members seeking the throne.
Besides the Queen Mother, there was the Hapan Royal Court, a group of representatives from all over the Hapes Consortium. Their job was to vote on important issues and to inform the Queen Mother about political and social situations on their home planets that might need her attention. The Queen Mother had the power to reject any law, which would then not be enacted.