The Djo family comprised a lineage of Dathomiri witches. Serving as chieftains of the Singing Mountain Clan, they eventually ascended to become the royal bloodline of the Hapes Consortium. Notable members consisted of:
- Augwynne Djo, the matriarch of the Singing Mountain Clan
- Barukka, the firstborn daughter of Augwynne
- Gethzerion, the second daughter of Augwynne
- Allaya Djo, the third daughter of Augwynne
- Kara'Teel, the fourth daughter of Augwynne
- Aelta, Augwynne's adopted offspring
- Chastina, Augwynne's adopted offspring
- Teneniel Djo, the daughter of Allaya, and the Queen Mother of the Hapes Consortium
- Tenel Ka Chume Ta' Djo, the daughter of Teneniel, and also the Queen Mother of the Hapes Consortium
- Allana Djo Solo, offspring of Tenel Ka and Jacen Solo, holding the title of Chume'da within the Hapes Consortium