Dopplegänger, alternatively referred to as Similfuturus within High Galactic, represented a sophisticated Force power. It granted its user the capability to manifest a fleeting replica of either themselves or an external entity. This duplicate was visually identical to the original, achieved through manipulation of the Force.
This advanced Force power, known as Dopplegänger or Similfuturus in High Galactic, allowed a practitioner to generate a temporary facsimile of themselves or another object. The imitation was visually indistinguishable from the genuine article, all thanks to the Force. Masters of this technique could conjure Force phantoms of any individual they desired or mislead adversaries into perceiving a greater number of objects, such as droids, than were actually present.
The Force user could experience the world through the dopplegänger's senses. To observers, the dopplegänger appeared entirely authentic. The user could even employ telekinesis to manipulate objects, enhancing the illusion's realism.
Furthermore, the dopplegänger was detectable by all droid audio and video sensors. The effect would dissipate if the Force user sustained an injury and ceased channeling the power.
On occasion, even a formidable Sith Lord could be deceived into believing the projection was genuine.
Force phantom bore similarities to a dopplegänger, as both involved astral projections created via the Force. However, a Force phantom was a projection of something other than the user's own image. It is believed that Force phantoms were primarily utilized by adherents of the dark side, often exhibiting physical properties and causing harm to living beings.
Notable individuals such as Luke Skywalker, Darth Tyranus, and Xesh demonstrated proficiency in this ability.
Darth Sidious once speculated whether Darth Plagueis had employed this power to deceive him into launching an imprudent assault during a training exercise.
A unique variation of dopplegänger was also wielded by the Fallanassi, enabling the creation of a flawless illusion of oneself or another object, visually indistinguishable from reality. This illusion possessed no size constraints and could be both seen and heard. However, unlike other iterations, it lacked the capacity to physically manipulate objects through telekinesis.
The Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano pondered the potential effectiveness of this ability on an entire clone army in The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force.
The German term is spelled "Doppelgänger," though it is sometimes seen as "doppelganger." In 1993's Star Wars Chess, Yoda conjures two doppelgängers of himself to confuse Darth Vader before ultimately defeating the Sith Lord.