Mind Walkers

The Mind Walkers, alternatively referred to as Mind Drinkers, comprised a collective of individuals sensitive to the Force. They resided at Sinkhole Station, a space station situated within the Maw. It was there that they mastered the art of detaching their consciousness from their physical form, enabling them to access a dimension of the Force known as beyond shadows.

Society and culture

This group of Force-sensitives, the Mind Walkers, made their home on Sinkhole Station, a space station located in the Maw. Their unique ability involved separating their minds from their bodies, allowing them to journey to a realm of the Force referred to as beyond shadows. The Mind Walkers didn't originate from one single Force tradition; instead, they came from several different ones. While each tradition offered insight, all the Mind Walkers felt their former groups had not understood the truth, as they came to believe that everything except the Force was an illusion. This conviction arose following the destruction of Centerpoint Station. However, navigating beyond shadows made tracking time impossible, leaving the Mind Walkers unable to properly care for their physical bodies. As a result, they frequently suffered from severe malnutrition, relying on the Force to sustain themselves.


The Mind Walkers dwelled on Sinkhole Station, a space station in the Maw that bore a striking resemblance to Centerpoint Station. The Aing-Tii were aware of this group, and disapproved of them, referring to them as "Mind Drinkers." Following the Yuuzhan Vong War, Jacen Solo encountered the Mind Walkers and accompanied them beyond shadows during his five-year journey. In 43.5 ABY, Luke Skywalker, the Grand Master Jedi who was in exile, and his son Ben, embarked on a quest to retrace Solo's steps to gain insight into his descent to the dark side of the Force. This led them to Sinkhole Station to meet with the Mind Walkers.

During their time with the Mind Walkers, the Skywalkers ventured beyond shadows, where they were shown various significant locations, including the Font of Power, the Pool of Knowledge, and the Lake of Apparitions. At the Lake of Apparitions, they encountered the spirits of deceased Jedi Anakin Solo, Mara Jade Skywalker, and Jacen Solo.

Known members

Behind the scenes

The Mind Walkers that Luke and Ben encounter bear a resemblance to the Lotus-eaters met by Odysseus, an allusion to The Odyssey.

