A perplexing dimension of the Force known as Beyond shadows served as a destination for Force-sensitives who detached their consciousness from their physical forms. Each location within beyond shadows corresponded to an actual place within the physical galaxy. This separation technique was a specialty of the Mind Walkers, who resided at Sinkhole Station, a space station situated in the Maw. The process of entering beyond shadows involved entering a meditative state, followed by visualizing numbers sequentially, starting with one and ending with seven. Picturing the number seven triggered the complete severance of the individual's mind from their body. Force-sensitives experienced a sensation of timelessness within beyond shadows; time appeared to cease to exist. Force users in this realm were not constrained by time, with each moment stretching into what felt like an eternity. Consequently, tracking real-world time became impossible while in beyond shadows. This made the practice perilous. Although the Force could sustain the body for a limited duration, the body's need for sustenance remained. Without it, the individual could suddenly die while still in beyond shadows. However, the Mind Walkers disregarded this risk, as they believed that only the Force was real, and everything else was an illusion. Following the Yuuzhan Vong War, Jedi Knight Jacen Solo embarked on a five-year journey to deepen his understanding of the Force. This quest led him to Sinkhole Station, where he journeyed into beyond shadows with the Mind Walkers. Later, in 43.5 ABY, Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker and his son, Jedi Knight Ben Skywalker, set out to uncover the reasons behind Solo's descent to the dark side of the Force. Their investigation brought them to Sinkhole Station, where they encountered the Mind Walkers. While there, Luke, guided by Mind Walkers Seek Ryontarr and Feryl, ventured into beyond shadows and was shown the Font of Power and the Pool of Knowledge. Subsequently, Ben and another Mind Walker, Rhondi Tremaine, joined him, and they journeyed to the Lake of Apparitions. In that location, they witnessed a mysterious being who seemed to desire communication with Luke. After consulting with Solo's spirit in the Lake, the Skywalkers understood the necessity of returning to their physical bodies and departed the realm. Later, on Abeloth's planet, the Skywalkers engaged in Mind Walking with Sith High Lord Sarasu Taalon, Sith Saber Gavar Khai, and Captain Leeha Faal. Luke Skywalker returned once more following the Liberation of Coruscant, where his son and the Sith Vestara Khai had been captured by Abeloth, along with Darth Krayt and Jaina Solo, to confront Abeloth. They ultimately defeated her with the aid of the spirit of Skywalker's deceased wife, Mara Jade Skywalker, while Solo rescued his son and Khai.