Font of Power

The Font of Power existed as a point of convergence, a nexus, for the dark side of the Force. This nexus was situated on Abeloth's planet, specifically within Abeloth's cave. Furthermore, this Font could be located in beyond shadows, a domain within the Force. Force-sensitives known as Mind Walkers frequently accessed beyond shadows by detaching their consciousness from their physical forms. The Font of Power manifested as a fountain situated within an overgrown courtyard setting.

The Mind Walkers described it as corrupted by the dark side, promising boundless power encompassing all of the past and the future to anyone who consumed its waters. Luke Skywalker and Jacen Solo were both presented with the chance to drink from the Font of Power, but both refused the offer. Abeloth brought Ben Skywalker and Vestara Khai to the Font of Power with the intention of them drinking from it and transforming into the new Son and Daughter. Her goal was to recreate the family of Ones, who would then reshape the galaxy according to their own desires. Vestara felt the allure to drink, hoping that these new forms would allow them to defeat Abeloth, but Ben dissuaded her. As Abeloth's patience waned, Ben embraced the Force, protecting himself from the Font's influence, and instead, channeling the combined power of all those he cared for throughout the galaxy, he launched an attack on Abeloth. In the end, he and Vestara successfully destroyed the Korelei-avatar.

