Dordi was a Jedi Knight within the New Jedi Order, identified as a female Barabel. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, she fought as part of the Wild Knights starfighter squadron under the command of Jedi Master Saba Sebatyne. In 43.5 ABY, Dordi, alongside fellow Jedi Knights Zal and Wilyem, took on the role of gunners aboard the Millennium Falcon, piloted by the former smuggler Han Solo. Their mission was to create a distraction for Galactic Alliance forces, allowing Jedi Knight Leia Organa Solo to secretly transport four Jedi suffering from a psychotic illness offworld aboard the Gizer Gut, preventing their capture and carbonite encasement by Galactic Alliance Security. Later, Dordi, along with Wilyem and Zal, established a nest in the underlevels of the Jedi Temple with Sebatyne's son, Tesar. Shortly after, the Jedi departed from the planet Coruscant in an attempt to draw the Lost Tribe of Sith into a trap, but the four Barabels remained. Some time later, the Solos' granddaughter, Allana—who, with Jedi Knight Bazel Warv, had previously discovered the nest and vowed to keep it secret—returned with Han and Leia, as well as Jedi Knight Zekk and the Hapan Taryn Zel, to warn the Barabels about a vision she experienced regarding the murder of their younglings. Dordi, the other Barabels, and twenty of their younglings were extracted from the Jedi Temple.

Dordi, a Barabel and female, demonstrated a connection to the Force, making her Force-sensitive. She underwent training in the ways of the light side of the Force under the guidance of the New Jedi Order. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, she served under the leadership of Jedi Master Saba Sebatyne within the Wild Knights, an all-Jedi starfighter squadron. By 43 ABY, Dordi had successfully completed her training and achieved the rank of Jedi Knight. Around this period, Dordi and another Barabel Jedi Knight, Zal, began contemplating the establishment of a nest with Tesar Sebatyne, Saba's son. In 43.5 ABY, a mysterious illness began to affect young Jedi Knights, leading them to believe that everyone around them had been replaced by impostors. The Galactic Federation of Free Alliances decided to address this issue by encasing the affected Jedi in carbonite. The Jedi Order, however, opposed this decision and secretly attempted to hide as many of the afflicted Knights as possible within the New Jedi Temple on the capital planet Coruscant for study, rather than allowing them to fall into the hands of the Galactic Alliance.
To prevent the discovery and capture of these Jedi by Galactic Alliance Security forces, Han Solo, a former smuggler, and his wife, Leia Organa Solo, decided to attempt to transport the Jedi offworld. Dordi, along with fellow Barabel Jedi Knights Zal and Wilyem, served as gunners aboard the Millennium Falcon under Han and his granddaughter, Amelia, in order to distract Galactic Alliance forces in orbit above Coruscant. The Falcon violated every protocol for planetary departure, and Bolt Squadron, a Galactic Alliance squadron of XJ5 X-wing starfighters, along with the Fast Death, a Nargi-class pursuit frigate, began pursuit of the Falcon. However, after maneuvering around PharmCom Orbital Processing Plant One—a pharmaceutical production facility in orbit—the Fast Death remained behind, and was replaced by another pursuit frigate, the Quick End. Han then ordered Amelia to alert Master Sebatyne, and proceeded to tell Dordi and Zal to ready their guns and targeting computers as a bluff. Sebatyne soon arrived on the scene with a squadron of StealthXs and quickly broke up Bolt Squadron. Wilyem then fired a proton torpedo, which detonated a few kilometers off their stern. Solo pretended to corkscrew out of control toward the pursuit frigate, and revealed to the Quick End command that he had Amelia—disguised as his adopted daughter—on board. The frigate maneuvered out of his way, and Amelia reached out in the Force to Organa Solo, who quickly escaped offworld with the four psychotic Jedi in the Gizer Gut. The Galactic Alliance forces broke off their pursuit, and, their objective complete, the group made the jump into hyperspace to meet up with the Jedi at their destination.
Subsequently, in 44 ABY, Dordi, along with Wilyem and Zal, initiated a nest with Tesar Sebatyne within the underlevels of the Jedi Temple. Amelia, accompanied by her friend, Jedi Knight Bazel Warv—one of the Jedi that Dordi had helped to sneak offworld, and who had since recovered from the psychosis—stumbled upon them. Initially, the Barabels forbade Amelia and Warv from leaving until their eggs hatched two months later, but Amelia proposed an exchange of secrets to equalize their situation. She revealed her true identity as Allana Solo, the daughter of the Jedi Jacen Solo and Tenel Ka Djo, and the heir to the Hapan throne. Dordi and the other Barabels accepted the trade of secrets and allowed the two to depart.
Later, the Jedi abandoned Coruscant in an effort to lure the newly-risen Lost Tribe of Sith onto the world, but Dordi and the three other Barabels stayed with their nest. When the Jedi returned and began eliminating the Sith, the Sith withdrew into the Jedi Temple. Meanwhile, Allana Solo had a vision of the Barabels' younglings being murdered, and she and her grandparents traveled to Coruscant to warn the Barabels. Dordi and the tree other Barabels killed several Sith who attacked their nest before they were met by the Solos—who were accompanied by Jedi Knight Zekk, the Hapan Taryn Zel, and a contingent of Hapan commandos. Dordi and the others were shocked that Allana had led them there, but Allana told the Barabels of her vision, and that they had originally intended to send just Warv into the Temple, but they had been ambushed by Sith and he had been killed protecting Allana.

Dordi and the other Barabels quickly returned to their nest to retrieve their younglings. With the help of the Solos, Zekk, Zel, and the Hapan escort, they fought their way through the Temple. The commandos suffered numerous casualties, and a few of the younglings were also killed, although twenty survived. They called for an extraction, and were met by former Imperial Remnant Head of State Jagged Fel, who was piloting the Parting Gift. The Parting Gift dropped off Master Saba Sebatyne, former Jedi Tahiri Veila, and Void Jumper Sergeant Major Gef Olazon to assist in getting Dordi and the Barabels to safety. The extraction was successful, and the Barabels' younglings were saved.
As a Barabel, Dordi possessed a sense of humor characteristic of her species, often misunderstood by other beings. Much of what was exchanged between Dordi and the others on the Millennium Falcon was perceived as a joke among the Barabel Jedi Knights. Dordi maintained her high spirits even in seemingly troublesome situations. She was also highly protective of her nest, and along with Sebatyne, Wilyem, and Zal, was willing to force Allana Solo and Warv to stay with them until their eggs hatched. When Allana offered an exchange of secrets and revealed that if the Barabels betrayed her, she would likely be dead within a year, Dordi agreed that the secret was big enough. Dordi was shocked and immediately defensive of her nest when Allana returned with her family, but she accepted the girl's vision as a serious warning.
Dordi received training in the ways of the Force as a Jedi and also possessed skills as a pilot, demonstrated by her service as a member of Master Sebatyne's Wild Knights during the Yuuzhan Vong War. Dordi was also an accomplished gunner, although she was forbidden to open fire on Galactic Alliance ships during her mission with Solo.
Dordi's first appearance was in Troy Denning's 2009 novel, Fate of the Jedi: Abyss, the first installment written by Denning and the third book in the nine-part Fate of the Jedi series overall. She was also featured in Denning's Fate of the Jedi: Vortex, the sixth book in the series, released on November 30, 2010, as well as Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse, Denning's third installment and the ninth book overall, released on March 13, 2012.