Assault on the New Jedi Temple

The attack targeting the New Jedi Temple represents a military endeavor conducted by the combined forces of the New Jedi Order and Galactic Alliance marines during the year 44 ABY. This operation involved the Jedi Order, under the guidance of Grand Master Luke Skywalker, and a contingent of Alliance marines loyal to Admiral Nek Bwua'tu. They strategically infiltrated the Jedi Temple situated on Coruscant, aiming to neutralize the Lost Tribe of Sith who had sought refuge within its walls following the Order's successful elimination of nearly one thousand Sith operatives on Coruscant.


As a direct result of the recent Jedi's successful elimination of over a thousand disguised members belonging to the Lost Tribe, the Sith, acting under the orders of Abeloth, strategically withdrew all their available forces back into the confines of the Temple. This decision was influenced by the counsel of the captive Wynn Dorvan, who sought to mitigate the potential collateral damage of the impending conflict and provide the Jedi with a tactical advantage.

The Offensive

Grand Master Skywalker led the Jedi invasion force

The initial phase of the offensive involved a meticulously planned infiltration of the Temple through concealed passageways by specialized Jedi units. Their primary mission was to gain control over the Temple's central computer systems and disable the shield generators, thereby enabling Admiral Nek Bwua'tu's Void Jumpers to effectively breach the Temple's defenses and expel the Sith forces with the assistance of the Jedi.

Over the course of the subsequent week, the Jedi strike team encountered significant challenges in reaching their designated objectives and fulfilling their mission. Eventually, after enduring days of evading Sith ambushes, Grand Master Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master Corran Horn, and Jedi Knight Jaina Solo successfully managed to destroy a crucial shield generator. All three Jedi were visibly exhausted and relied heavily on the Force to sustain their efforts; Jaina was even experiencing Force euphoria. As the most severely wounded, Solo bravely volunteered to serve as a human shield for her companions during their retreat. Luke Skywalker acknowledged this selfless act of sacrifice as indicative of Jedi Master potential and promptly promoted her on the spot. They successfully evacuated the Temple and immediately received necessary medical attention.

Clash in the loading bay

During the conflict, Captain Han Solo, accompanied by his wife, Leia Organa Solo, their granddaughter, Allana Solo, and the Jedi Knight Bazel Warv, attempted to alert a group of Barabel Knights residing within the Temple to a vision Allana had experienced, foretelling an imminent attack on their nest. However, they were intercepted by a contingent of Sith warriors led by High Lord [Sashal], who had been pursuing Vestara Khai. The Sith launched an assault on the Solos and the Millennium Falcon, as Khai had just revealed that Allana Solo was, in fact, the prophesied Jedi queen for whom the Sith had been searching. Despite the Sith's defeat, Warv tragically lost his life, while the Solos successfully conveyed Allana's vision to the Barabels, averting a potential catastrophe.

The Pursuit of Abeloth

While initial attempts to weaken the Temple's defenses, to facilitate the entry of the marines, proved unsuccessful, the Jedi eventually succeeded in disabling the Temple's shield generators.

Jedi Masters Corran Horn and Jaina Solo were prematurely extracted from their bacta tanks to attend a meeting of the Jedi High Council (New Jedi Order). It is worth noting that Grand Master Luke Skywalker also excused himself early from his healing process.

It was during this critical period that Abeloth abducted Ben Skywalker and Vestara Khai, transporting them back to her planet with the intention of recreating The Ones. In response, Grand Master Luke Skywalker and his niece, Jedi Master Jaina Solo, embarked on a mission to pursue them.

En route to Abeloth's planet, their vessel was ambushed by the Ship Sith Meditation Sphere. Luke bravely returned, secured himself, and ventured Beyond shadows, where he joined forces with Darth Krayt to destroy Abeloth's Force body, while Ben and Vestara eliminated the physical form of Lady Korelei.

Jedi Master Saba Sebatyne, accompanied by Jedi Knight Tahiri Veila and a squad of the elite marines unit known as the Void Jumpers, landed in the Temple loading bay and continued into the Temple, while the Solos and the Barabel hatchlings they had rescued were evacuated aboard the former Imperial Head of State Jagged Fel's shuttle the Parting Gift. By this time, the Jedi had learned from Wynn Dorvan that Abeloth had transferred a portion of her consciousness from her avatar Rokari Kem to the Temple's computer core, employing a technique she had acquired when the entity absorbed the former Jedi Knight Callista Ming. Jedi Master Saba Sebatyne eliminated her final avatar within the confines of the Jedi Temple.

After the Battle

The Battle of Coruscant would persist for several weeks following the conclusion of the assault, as efforts were made to locate and apprehend the remaining Sith who had fled the Temple. Three months after the assault and the demise of Abeloth, Grand Master Skywalker emerged from the healing trance he had been in since the duel with Abeloth. Where he learned that Abeloth had created lava flows killing billions, possibly trillions. Due to his decision, the Jedi Order would once again depart from Coruscant, as many held the Jedi accountable for the recent devastation, and to mitigate the risk of future attacks on the capital. They would seek refuge on the planet Shedu Maad within the Hapes Consortium, which had served as a Jedi base since the Second Galactic Civil War.

Jagged Fel and Jedi Master Jaina Solo would also formalize their union shortly thereafter aboard the Dragon Queen II, the flagship commanded by Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo. Tenel Ka and the Solos jointly decided that Allana Solo was prepared to be revealed as the Chume'da, and she attended the ceremony under her true name.

