The Parting Gift was a Sandalso LuxiCruiser yacht used in 44 ABY, a compact and heavily armored vessel designed to carry twelve passengers. In that year, Vitor Reige, the newly appointed Head of State of the Imperial Remnant, presented it as a farewell present to his predecessor, Jagged Fel. When Captain Han Solo needed to be picked up, Fel flew the Parting Gift. The passengers included Solo's wife, Leia, their granddaughter, Allana, and their protectors: Jedi Knight Zekk, the Hapan Taryn Zel, and several Hapan commandos. They were all being retrieved from the New Jedi Temple after the Solos and their team had undertaken a rescue mission to save the nest and younglings of Barabel Jedi Knights Tesar Sebatyne, Dordi, Wilyem, and Zal. The extraction was a success, even though some Hapans and younglings were killed while fighting the Sith forces occupying the Temple. Furthermore, the Parting Gift served as transport for Jedi Master Saba Sebatyne and former Jedi Tahiri Veila, along with Void Jumper Master Sergeant Gef Olazon and his unit of Void Jumper marines, who were deployed to the Temple. During the escape, Master Sebatyne, Veila, Olazon, and the Void Jumpers went into the Temple to find Abeloth, a dark side entity who had infiltrated the Temple's computer core.