Toydarian double-reverse spinner

The Toydarian double-reverse spinner is a strategic maneuver where an individual or group acts under the assumption that their adversaries are privy to their intentions. Subsequently, the party in question undertakes actions designed to mislead the opposing side into thinking they have successfully deciphered the scheme, inducing a state of complacency and excessive self-assurance.

In the year 43.5 ABY, Captain Han Solo employed this strategy against Chief of State [Natasi Daala]. Solo, accompanied by Allana Solo and Barabel Jedi Knights Zal, Wilyem, and Dordi, orchestrated a diversion to divert the attention of the Galactic Alliance from Leia Organa Solo. Leia was secretly smuggling four maddened Jedi inmates from Coruscant aboard the Gizer Gut. Solo piloted the Millennium Falcon and deliberately violated all standard protocols for planetary departure, thereby drawing the attention of Galactic Alliance forces stationed in orbit. Solo's reckless departure reinforced Daala's perception that the Jedi were aware she knew of their plan to smuggle the prisoners, and were attempting to escape. By convincing the Galactic Alliance forces that the prisoners were on the Falcon, Solo initiated a futile pursuit, allowing his wife, aboard the ship that truly carried the prisoners, to discreetly leave the planet.

