The Treaty of Vontor represents an agreement formalized between representatives from the Hutt species and the three distinct races inhabiting the Si'Klaata Cluster: the Klatooinians, led by Barada M'Beg; the Nikto, under the leadership of D'we'mouk; and the Vodran species, represented by Kl'ieutu Mutela. Prior to this treaty, these very races, along with Weequay warriors, were the primary fighting force that Kossak the Hutt assembled to triumph over Xim the Despot in the Third Battle of Vontor during the historical period known as the Xim Wars. Following the Hutt's success, the Si'Klaata Cluster became integrated into Hutt Space, and the Treaty of Vontor effectively subjected its three indigenous populations to perpetual servitude under the Hutt regime.
Decades later, specifically in the year 44 ABY, the Klatooinians formally announced the Treaty of Vontor as invalid, thereby terminating a state of enslavement that had persisted for more than twenty-five thousand years. This declaration was prompted by the Sith of the Lost Tribe's act of desecration against the Fountain of Ancients situated on Klatooine, a sacred site the Hutts had pledged to safeguard.